Lily/James Fic Recommendations

Mar 16, 2022 18:48

After long years not reading any Harry Potter fanfics, I was hooked into L/J pairing and started to look for good fics of this certain pairing. So I hereby list the fics I found in, Mugglenet and Unknowable Room. However, UR is currently down, and I'm missing a good chunk of my favorites in Mugglenet, I'll most likely update the list, not to mention if good LJ stories make an appeareance in HP archives.

Last updated on 3/31/13. Back into digging for L/J fics.

The Reality of Card Games by Kablamo
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : The most recommended LJ fic in Unknowable Room. Compared to most LJ, the story was rather dark and bleary, having opened with a death in the first chapter. The characterisation of James is the most interesting, he is not exactly good or bad, certainly not an angel, not exactly easy to like, incredibly flawed but he has a quality that makes other do like and respect him.

These Words by WeasleyWannabee
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : Latest fic from WeasleyWannabee, a fic entirely made up from notes between James and Lily (and of course, inevitably, the Marauders). The brilliance of this story is how with mere words the characters' feelings can be conveyed while staying in character .

Hesitation by A Wanderer in the Snow
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : Sequel to Conviction, Lily's perception of James and the Marauders is slowly changing, and when just there's finally a chance for James and Lily to get together, the world seems don't want them to be, outside forces in form of reputation and friends and secrets and circumstances keep them apart, making readers wonder and keep hoping for the inevitable.

Convictions by A Wanderer in the Snow
Status      : Complete
Comment  : Prequel to Hesitation, in this the Marauders' reputation as pranksters are more of a facade or a smokescreen to hide their secret which mainly revolves on Remus' secret, so when James want to give up the facade to be close with Lily, Remus reacts strongly, bringing tension between the Marauders, which only breaks when James pays the price for Sirius' mistake which involve Snape. In this story, James is shown as not only as the leader but also the life that keep the Marauders together.

Into the Light by SunshineDaisiesWindmills
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : A promising new LJ story in, the prologue manages to catch the readers with its vague description of everything that has happened and will happen, it also manages to draw the parallels between the two who are after Lily's heart. The interesting part is that Lily makes overture of friendship towards James without prompting, giving an impression that Lily might decide to befriend James as an act of spite to Snape.

Judas by RavenSoulSister
Status      : Two-shot
Comment  : The darkest and most twisted characterization of James, and yet, we cannot help but entranced by him, which was pretty much the same for Lily.

A Wizard Walks Into A Bar by GhostOfBambi
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : As the summary suggested, it's Lily who made the first move and of course, it completely takes James by surprise, but how it finally leads to Lily to make the move... Well, I'll just suggest to go read the fic. It is nothing fluffy or romantic, at times, even awkward, seeing how Lily is in the position to make the initiative instead the other way around, but because of that, we can easily put ourselves in their shoes and it only endears the couple more to us.

Brothers By Choice by Ravyn
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : An AU fic where the Marauders relied on themselves more instead of Dumbledore. Right now it's more gen than L/J fic, but fic with great balance between the bonds between the Marauders and Lily and James, and eventually Lily and the Marauders is rare by itself and that makes this fic is such a treat, especially with a promise of better future for Lily and the Marauders. Not to mention that this fic flaunts the brilliance of the Marauders. What not to love?

A Ray of Light by KeioGirl
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : An AU fic where the setting is olden England with both James and Lily are aristrocrats forced into an arranged marriage with the same threat of Voldemort and Death Eaters, giving this story an unique flavor compared to other LJ fics.

The Life and Times by Jewels5
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : The most recommended L/J fic, and for good reason. The development between Lily and James is done beautifully, the style of writing is incredibly unique and the characters, both canon and original characters, are so well-made that we can sympathise down to the least likable person. The fic includes everything from the problems with teenagers living in close quarters to each other and the brewing darkness outside the walls of Hogwarts, and yet remain background to the growing relationship between Lily and James.

Love and Other Tragedies by Fancyeyes
Status      : Ongoing
Comment  : The greatest twist in this story and AU to canon in this fic is shown in the opening chapter, which Lily and Sirius are together and James is the most distant Marauder to Lily. Yet, one outburst from James Potter sends Lily into turmoil, leading Lily through various events to a journey of self-discovery that forces her to reevaluate herself, her friends, and her ideals. Like TLAT, the characterizations are strong for both canon and original characters, despite the unusual take of James and Lily's relationship. Since the story is completely in Lily's point of view, James is rather difficult to read compared to the usual characterization. Regardless the twists, this fic can be easily considered canon especially with so much attention given to the smallest details the author put into the fic, which are listed in the Author's page.

Engulfed In Pride by incandescent dreams
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Another take of James and Lily's relationship throughout the years with pride as the main theme. James is much cockier than Lily, but the first to overcome his pride regarding his feelings towards Lily. While for Lily needs longer to overcome hers since it's not as evident as James'. This is the first fic I read where James and Lily (and the Marauders) are recruited before graduation and has even been considered in Sixth year. But I can see where it's coming and it can be a justification why Voldemort chose the Potters over the Longbottoms.

Because the Sky is Blue by astral symphony
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : The fic starts with a timeskip of Lily and James and Abbey Road playing in the background and continues to the beginning of their seventh year when everything started. James and Sirius manage to remain true to their laid-back and joking self while maturing at the same time. Meanwhile, Lily seems stubborningly unchanged while remains painfully naive of the world that is out to get her and her kind.

The Last Enemy That Shall Be Defeated Is Death by simply_enamored
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : An AU where it's James sacrifice which saves his family, leaving Lily, Sirius and Remus through the hardest days of their lives. Despite having no (living) James, the emotional turmoil throughout the story shows the depth of Lily and James' love and the relationship between Lily and the remaining Marauders (except the traitor, Peter) as they help each other through the loss of their precious friend.

Through A Glass Darkly by EHWIES
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : In this fic, Lily is an outsider to her fellow Gryffindors and only starts to reach to them after her friendship with Snape crumbles. The story alternately switches from one character's point of view to another to provide unique view of the change within the Gryffindors, revealing each secret they hide from the others. Despite the number of  characters included, no character is left unexplored. James and Lily's relationship is also developing nicely throughout the story. The best surprise is when all the Gryffindors gather and start the group which would be the beginning of the Order.

A Lark by zia_montrose
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James and Lily slip away from school to spend time together. For once, both is in established relationship and is comfortable enough with each other to think of the future as they spent time in their future home in Godric's Hollow, making it easy to think how they spend their lives as husband and wife. When they return to Hogwarts, they are faced with a decision that will change their lives and in testament of their feelings to each other, they decide to do it together.

Vicis Obduco by acomplexgirlwithsimpletastes
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : The fic ingeniously starts with James' wedding, but not to Lily, who comes discretely and whose presence only noticed by the groom and with that beginning, the story traces back to the wedding, which becomes the stage of the reunion between two Hogwarts sweethearts, James Potter and Lily Evans. The latter of which suddenly disappears without a trace before graduation and unknowingly join a secret organization against Voldemort, while the first continues on his life and becomes a prominent Auror.

The Lions of Gryffindor by Equinox Chick
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : The story starts in the summer before the Sixth Year, which is after the incident by the lake. Lily and James are still getting to know each other more, trying to see beneath their first impression. James has interesting background in this story, having a family and neighbor of historians in Godric's Hollow.

The Price of Freedom by doraeazure
Status      : Complete
Comment  : A series of one shots that starts from Lily's choice to get James leave her alone and the unexpected consequences she isn't quite prepared to experience. The first arc of a series of oneshots from DoraeAzure.

Quiet Summer by Wilhelmina Willoughby
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : Before the seventh year, finally something breaks between James and Lily, or to be precise, James finally gets through Lily. Every chapter is taken in Lily's point of view of the changing view of James, the changing of their relationship and the changing of the world around her as it takes a darker turn.

Hijacking by B.C Daily
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A hilarious and steamy take of the two Heads abuse of their position.

Six Steps Towards Something by liebedance
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Being the Lily's first and best friend, it's inevitable for Lily to compare James to Severus, but the moment Lily does stop, it becomes the start of their relationship.

Shades and Hues by FieryBrunette
Status      : (can be considered) Complete
Comment  : A montage of emotions and moments with Lily and James, each one represented by a different color. The shots of various scenes in Lily's point of view of James and the colors he brings into her life, which not all of them are nice or pleasant, but everything that makes life worthwhile.

Trudging On by museme87
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A wonderful and bittersweet AU that makes use wonder whether Lily and James died in that October night together is more of a blessing for them and that it would be harder for Lily if she is the one to survive and has to be reminded of her loss everyday by their son.

Realising by B.C Daily
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : This fic includes a contemplative James, as he muses about his relationship with Lily and him being chosen as the Head Boy to Lily's Head Girl but unaware of the change that already happens between him and Lily, that her view of him has already changed, which shows how she advocates for him being Head Boy and thinks that their meeting is actually a date, when for once, the thought doesn't occur to James. The change of role is rather hillarious, though not as hillarious as A Wizard Walks Into A Bar.

Resolution by WeasleyWannabee
Status      : Complete
Comment  : One of personal favorites, maybe because this is the only multichaptered LJ fic that is actually completed. That is one of the reasons, but not the main reason. This fic covers everything in the important missing years of Lily and James' interaction from the incident near the Lake in Fifth Year to the start of Lily and James in Seventh Year. It's hillarious (and frustrating too, which signs a job well done by the author) to see how difficult it is for Lily to be friends with James and James with her, as though they are never meant to be just friends. While James is trying so hard to remain friends and manage to do it so well that when Lily finally comes to term to her feelings, she thinks she loses her chance.

please just take this cold of coffee from my hands by starry_laa
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : The change of Lily's feelings towards James through wizards' coffee. This story is interesting for using coffee to show the changing feeling of Lily towards James, from the comfort being around James, to the loneliness not being around James, and back to the comfort of being around James. It wraps up nicely, though a continuation will be nice.

Chances by jamespotterthefirst
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily finds herself in a predicament as her previous reactions towards James is thrown back to her face when she returns his feelings in their last year, but good thing that Lily takes her chances.

wishful thinking by RavenSoulSister
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : This one-shot manages to cover all the last three years and characters' relationships that has become a familiar style used in LJ or Marauders fics. Somehow the fic manages to include every important milestone of Lily and James, despite the unique time skipping style of narration and reaches its climax at their last and ends it nicely in their first year. The moment of truth is so James and Lily that no LJ lover could resist the charm of their confession in the middle of Great Hall.

That Elusive Aha Moment by Wilhelmina Willoughby
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : The Aha moments that come to various characters regarding the relationship between Lily and James, and what they are meant to be. From Dumbledore, their friends, their elders, to finally, themselves.

Different in the Morning by Gmariam
Status      : Two-shot
Comment  : Taking place in the Seventh Year, near to the end of the term, Lily finds the Head Boy in the kitchen drinking Firewhiskey, revealing a side she isn't aware of, making her rethink everything she knows of James Potter. Interesting take how James refuses to grow up due to his knowledge of the real world, instead of mere ignorance.

Pregnant by Molly Raesly
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : The third and last of the Boyfriend series, which is easily summed up by the title. It doesn't fail to start with waking up, however this time, it's a nice awakening, unlike previous two as Lily and James are now already married and accomplished Aurors and active members of the Order. Petunia doesn't fail to make an appearance, though this time, Lily has no need to compete against her sister. The moment when Lily shares the news is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, knowing that they won't spend as much time as they like with their child in the future. A perfect ending of the trilogy.

Fiancée by Molly Raesly
Status      : Complete
Comment  : The second of the Boyfriend installment. The story kicks off with the signature opening with waking up and interestingly, Petunia. The love-hate relationship between the Evans sisters once again pushes James and Lily's relationship to the next step, this time into fake engagement. However, unlike before, the one who initiates the lie is James, not Lily. With a perfect balance between humor, romance and angst, this story leads to the satisfying conclusion that the two never need to fake anything, simply needing the push in the right direction.

Boyfriend by Molly Raesly
Status      : Complete
Comment  : The fic that starts the hillarious series of Molly Raesly, the first of the Boyfriend installment. The signature opening starts with waking up and interestingly, Petunia, because that's how Lily finds herself stuck in a fake relationship with James Potter who happens to appear in front of her doorstep during the summer. This is the first LJ fic which takes place mainly during the summer holiday instead the usual Hogwarts background. James in this fic is nothing like an arrogant, bullying toerag, but more the boy of every girl's dreams, 'nuff said. Lily's thoughts are hillarious, providing ample laughs throughout the story. The ending again, starts with waking up and... Petunia, which makes this series the best in showing the sisterly relationship between Lily and Petunia. This series is also the first where both James and Lily have met and grown close to each other's family.

Accidental Witnesses by Jedicren
Status      : (can be considered) Complete
Comment  : As the title suggests, the fic tells certain parts of Lily and James' relationship of which people happen to stumble upon. The first one shows the first kiss Lily and James share, with the rest of Marauders as the accidental witnesses, while the second one shows the Animagus revelation and the heartfelt confession, with Snape as the accidental witness. No signs of another shot though, otherwise, this fic can be considered complete.

You Picked Me by jamespotterthefirst
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily comes to an epiphany when it comes to James due to unexpected person.

The Cure for Insomnia by okieeiffel
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily has a bout of insomnia and goes to her fellow Head for help, which of course, doesn't provide the kind of help she has in mind, as he is too sleepy to help her or even to entertain her. So he ends up pulling her down to bed as he goes back to sleep and Lily finds her cure as she sleeps by James's side. Sleepy James is so cute, tired, but not annoyed enough to snap at Lily.

Subtle Perspectives by amethysth
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Scenes from the first time James sees Lily to the time Lily finally sees James. The scenes also shows the subtle perspectives one sees which might be seen differently by the other, until they finally sees each other at the same time, which leads to James and Lily as we know it.

Disillusionment by Ravyn
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : The start of changing view or disillusionment of Lily of James, sort of, because James still can't take things seriously and Lily is way too serious for her own good. That'll take a while for them to meet in the middle.

The Girl in the Looking Glass by GhostOfBambi
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : An Edwardian AU of Lily and James, where both first meet in a party of Lily's intended. As women in that age, Lily couldn't acknowledge her magic and go to Hogwarts where James and the Marauders went. As the usual case of James and Lily, their pride and prejudice come between them. Unfortunately, there's no sign of this fic getting continued.

Incandescence by SuperSpy
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily loses her smile and James tasks himself to get her to smile again. The lengths of which James goes to make Lily smile are incredibly kind and thoughtful and sweet. When she finally smiles again, it ends up in quite interesting circumstances.

Perfection by purple pear 87
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : At first for James, Lily is utter perfection but as he slowly knows her through their time as Heads and sees the imperfections that lay beneath, she stops being perfect Lily and starts being his Lily.

Seventh Time's a Charm by WeasleyWannabee
Status      : Complete
Comment  : The fic takes place in the Seventh Year, when James and Lily are appointed Head Boy and Head Girl. In the beginning of their year, the two are off a rocky start, mostly due to Lily who has difficulty of letting go her impression of James, in turn they give each other cold shoulders and silent treatment. However, as they get to learn one another and become friends, Lily starts to feel differently towards James. The story is told alternately between Lily and James while using first person to show their thoughts, which can be pretty tricky at times. This is the first fic where Lily is shown to have dreams of the future and Peter is hinted as Death Eater. There's also a sequel to this. And other fics by WeasleyWannabee is recommended for LJ lovers.

beautiful contradictions by drowning goldfish
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : One of the best multichaptered LJ stories out there. As stated in the summary, this story delivers its promise to give the best to its readers. Unfortunately, there's no sign of this story being continued, being the last update on 2010. It goes to show the development of James and Lily's relationship, and even when they get together, it's not all bed of roses, but it is life at its finest, James and Lily are no exception to this rule.

Playing Healer by xxpeninhand08xx
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James returns to his room after a full moon outing with the Marauders, and Lily is there to play healer. I'm of the opinion that regardless being an Animagi, they cannot be uninjured whenever they take a stroll along with a werewolf, considering how Lupin always need at least an overnight stay in the Hospital Wing after his transformation.

Penmanship Smitten by HeyLookTheSnitch
Status      : Complete
Comment  : In this fic, the Marauders are known as the Marauders, instead they are separate, unknown group pranksters in Hogwarts with their signature symbol at every end of their pranks. Everything starts when Lily is contacted by Prongs through owl post, which leads to a series of correspondence between Lily, and unknown to Lily, James. At the same time, James and Lily grow closer, until to a point that Lily wishes that Prongs and James are the same.

6 Simple Steps by Franklet
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Six simple steps for Lily to slowly fall in love with James.

Walk Away by EHWIES
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily is an ice queen. She tries so hard to be cold and unfeeling. Others try and fail after many attempts to get through it, but James, the one who Lily never even considers as a friend or a acquaintance manages to do the impossible. The fic is short, but because of this, the brief moment when James finally gets through Lily leaves such an impression that might not be achieved in longer fic.

Hush by Beautifully Ugly
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A beautiful one-shot of how James and Lily slowly shift from enemies, distant acquaintances, friends... and finally lovers.

The Life and Times of James Potter by An-Jelly-Ca
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Twenty five facts about James Potter. Another James-centric fic, but of course, everything about James won't be complete without Lily and the Marauders.

Beautiful Boy by K. East
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A beautiful piece that rings true to all of us, of how we fall in love with the least likely person, which is nothing like the one we dream of falling, but at the same time better than anything we can dream of.

Let Go by Hollow Nightmare
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : James is attacked with a dark curse at the station right before returning from Hogwarts and Lily offers to look after James in the absence of his parents during the summer. However, this arrangement doesn't make either of them happy as they have been estranged. The reason for this estrangement is still unclear as the fic shows no sign of being continued, unfortunately.

24 Hours by Shichan Goddess
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : James and Lily never get together during school years and remain at odds with each other. When the two Aurors are captured by Death Eaters they are forced to confront their feelings and... their own mortality. The story was cut off at the worst cliff hanger of LJ history and there's no sign of being picked up again. [insert curse words here]

Thrice by lyin
Status      : Complete
Comment  : The three times James and Lily defy Voldemort together. In those three times, despite the gravity of the situation, there are sweet moments between them. The first (resist) shows the blossoming love between them, ended with them going against the Death Eaters for the first time. The second (elude) shows the progression of their relationship that Lily already meets James' parents before they turn down the offer to join Death Eaters, while making a mention of the relationship between James and Sirius, Sirius and Regulus. At the same time, the offer to join the Order also comes. The last (dare) is the most bittersweet as Snape reaches out, trying to save Lily in his own way, uncomprehending that Lily doesn't want to be saved, not the way he tries to. And it ends perfectly by showing all the reasons James is right for Lily.

Enough by Zayz
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A sweet piece how James and Lily get together right at their last day in Hogwarts.

Right Kind of Wrong by Wilhelmina Willoughby
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James and Lily share a moment in the common room. The detailed narration gives life to this short piece.

Braces by Amaranth O'Riley
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James comforts Lily as she feel insecure due to her braces. James is incredibly sweet in this fic, completely accepting Lily with her flaws.

Breakthrough by lannah
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James and Lily share a conversation in the library... regarding Snape. James sees the similarity between the two of them and acknowledges it in unconscious display of maturity.

The Truth by corny sloth
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Lily makes her feelings clear to Snape.

Marry Me by xxanglophilexx
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : This one shot manages to give much suprise despite its length. First, the proposal comes from Lily and second, it comes when Lily and James aren't even together. When the real proposal comes, the roles are reversed, or done correctly by James who manages to incorporate the original proposal by Lily. It's short but sweet and we can really see it happening with Lily and James.

Red by rockinfaerie
Status      : Incomplete
Comment  : This hidden gem can be found in both Mugglenet and This fic is more James-centric, but Lily often makes an appearance almost to show that Lily is a part of James as he sees the world even as it changes abruptly around him. James is into a rough awakening after the death of his father who is a prominent figure against Voldemort in the Ministry, while his own uncle, Lucius Malfoy (which is quite a surprise, but a brilliant twist) tries to pull him to the other side. Unfortunately there's no sign of this fic to be continued, it has yet to show James' resulting change in character after the events he experiences in the wake of his father's death.

Here With Me by Lexie-H
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : James is missing, not even the Marauders know where he is and where to look for him, except Lily. Lily finds him and shares a sweet, intimate moment with James.

No Angel by Maria Theresa
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : After she's forced to kill someone during an Order mission, Lily isn't sure who she is anymore and James helps her remember. Among the few LJ stories that show what they must have go through the hardest times of their lives when they are barely adults as husband and wife.

I'll Take it Shaken, Not Stirred by Jewels5
Status      : Complete
Comment  : Another brilliant multichaptered fic from the same author who makes the Life and Times. James and Lily are forced together due to the experience they share together. The characterization are strong for both canon and original characters and the plot is intense. We cannot help but follow James and Lily as they try to uncover the mystery together, which easily reminds us of their son's adventures. They doesn't come out unscathed, but manage to survive through their experience against all odds, a trait that they seem to inherit to Harry.

Nice Day for a White Wedding by peverell
Status      : Two-shot
Comment  : This story revolves around a White Wedding, but not of Lily and James, but at the same time, gives an opportunity between the Heads to interact outside Hogwarts, and for Lily to know more about James. The details in regards of the wedding and its rituals, the silence and the interaction between the two, and their surroundings give an unique feel to this story, unlike no other. It's easy to imagine everything from their expressions to the chill and darkness of the cold winter, a testament of brilliant writing. It's interesting to see how all Lily's impression of one James Potter easily crumbles just from one single event and one forced interaction and how much a gentleman that James actually is with unquestionable strength of character.

He had changed by drowning goldfish
Status      : Complete
Comment  : James has changed and Lily doesn't fail to notice. He stops trying right when Lily wants him to, and it's time for Lily to make the move instead.

James' worst fear by Procrastinator-starting2moro
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : Many LJ fics use Patronus to show how deep James' feelings towards Lily. This fic is unique in its usage of boggart to achieve the same thing and it succeeds, while the ending intertwines James and Harry, showing something else Harry inherits from his father.

The Dance by Almi Melwen
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : This fic is beautiful in its simplicity, as it revolves around a moment between the two. This also foreshadows the one picture that Harry has of his parents.

Redundancy by charmingly-holly
Status      : One-shot
Comment  : A story in which only consisted of dialogues between Lily and James, starting from Lily mutilating a roll during breakfast which revolves into a hilarious banter with Lily scathing remarks and James flippant replies until James lets it slip that he loves her. Lily corners him while James manages to evade her questioning only to take Lily completely off guard. This fic is certainly recommended for a good hearty laughs of our beloved couple.

Crossroads by Emmyjean
Status      : Complete
Comment  : In this fic, Lily is going through the worst days of her life and unexpectedly finds strength in the unlikely places. James starts and remains mostly throughout the last three years of their time in Hogwarts as a rather cruel and heartless jerk towards Lily, which is quite a turnaround considering the role is taken by Lily, and much worse than Lily can. This also makes their relationship filled with utter contempt and loathing to the point that they have true difficulty in working together. However, when tragedy strucks home for Lily, James becomes the person she can rely on and with this, the start of the relationship into something more. The dark undertone of the story at times veers towards depressing, but it makes the happy moments shines brilliantly, especially when James and Lily find each other.

In Theory by drowning goldfish
Status      : Complete
Comment  : James blackmails Lily into spending time with him using her NEWTs books in his possession, which reveals the other side of James to Lily.

james potter, lily/james, fic, l/j, recommendation, lj, lily evans

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