
Aug 25, 2013 21:10

Saw this movie on DVD. Stunning cast, all having fun. Plot - what there is of it - makes no sense. clichés all over the place and fails the Bechdel test big time -- and also includes one woman giving another the shovel speech, which I thought was something that only happened in fan fiction. Left me without any desire to read the graphic novel ( Read more... )

movies, film, dvd

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Comments 11

purplecthulhu August 25 2013, 20:24:04 UTC
It does pass the Bechdel test, A insists, in at least the explanation of what wet work is.

[She made me write this]


lil_shepherd August 25 2013, 20:32:24 UTC
Blimey! Must have missed that in all the interrogations about sexual relations!


shiv5468 August 25 2013, 20:30:47 UTC
I enjoyed it hugely. Hee


lil_shepherd August 25 2013, 20:33:12 UTC
Our DVD (bought for a few quid) is going directly on the 'pack it off to the charity shop' pile.


catsittingstill August 26 2013, 00:10:48 UTC
The shovel speech? One woman threatened to bury another if she hurt a third party?


lil_shepherd August 26 2013, 04:10:25 UTC
It doesn't have to be a woman - just one person telling another "hurt my friend/relative and I'll make you pay," though you have the derivation right, I think. Though familiar with the trope, I hadn't heard the actual term myself until a few months ago. However, it's not something people do in real life - or not if they want to keep their friend/relative.


andrewducker August 26 2013, 07:44:06 UTC
The graphic novel is almost completely different.

And is more of a novelette than a novel - in order to release it in a TPB they had to combine it with Tokyo Storm Warning (a mecha vs monsters graphic novelette that Ellis wrote around the same time).


lil_shepherd August 26 2013, 08:18:11 UTC
You do realise that "mecha vs monster" is not something that sells to me...


andrewducker August 26 2013, 09:48:30 UTC
I wasn't trying to sell it to you - just give you more information :->

(The original comic of Red is a rather violent piece of work, without much of a sense of humour. A couple of interesting ideas, but nothing special.)


lil_shepherd August 26 2013, 10:03:39 UTC
In other words, very Ellis. (Though he can write humour, which he seems to save for work for hire super-hero stuff.)


birdsedge August 27 2013, 00:04:20 UTC
I thought Red was fun and would have gone to see Red2, but our local cinema never screened it on a Wednesday afternoon, which is my cinewatching time. H can't make evening shows. Going to see The Heat tomorrow.


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