Title: Evening Sweet Fandom: Gundam Wing Pairing: 1x5 Rating: PG Warning: Introspective at first, becomes a bit warm and fuzzy, then turns just a bit wicked. Written for gw500 Challenge #224: kid. A/N: I am so very distracted. :)
Haha, I'd be a poor sport if I got your hopes up. For me, though, the way my fics flow, it's like they all fit together. More because of the way I see the 1x5 relationship, I think.
LOL What are the chances of Maldoror taking up a sequel, eh? That would be heaven. *_*
lol, well it's not a bad thing to have them actually work well together in a relationship, I mean just cause it's not The Arrangement-style doesn't mean it couldn't be possible and realistic. It's possible for wuffie to be a little less obstinate and emotionally retarded than that, I think, lol..
But yeah, the chances of her writing a sequel currently, with her being out of the fandom... >_< Not high. But anyone is welcome to try. :)
Comments 13
LOL What are the chances of Maldoror taking up a sequel, eh? That would be heaven. *_*
But yeah, the chances of her writing a sequel currently, with her being out of the fandom... >_< Not high. But anyone is welcome to try. :)
ahaha the thought of those two emotionally-stunted goofs trying to raise a kid makes me laugh myself sick XDDDDDDDD <3
LOL I know what you mean. There are just TOO many ways for it to go wrong. On another note, I challenge you write that fic? XD
....DAMN, now I'm actually sitting here fiddling with the idea DX
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