FIC: Going Dutch (SGA Gen)

May 27, 2010 21:41

I had a zine fic expire and since I had a nice clean pdf copy that was sent to me for final proofing before the zine went to press, I thought I'd try to post it using Google Docs.  Let me know if this works.  If it doesn't, I'll try to find the latest Word version I had and post it the old fashioned way.

Title: Going Dutch
Genre: Gen h/c
Characters: ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, john sheppard, fan fiction, rodney mckay, team

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Comments 14

jane_connor May 28 2010, 05:32:11 UTC
Going off to read! Thank you!


liketheriverrun May 28 2010, 13:54:55 UTC


bbuttercup May 28 2010, 05:33:23 UTC
Works fantastically :o)


liketheriverrun May 28 2010, 13:55:42 UTC
Good to hear! Evidently a few people had problems though. Hmmmm.


brasslizard May 28 2010, 06:50:51 UTC
I'm not a huge fan of first person pov but you do such a good job of it that I barely even notice. I love the way you show the strong friendships here without beating the reader over the head with it. I also like the way you tied the whole story together around food. And a good Rodney wump is always makes for a fun read. Thank you for sharing this - I found it very enjoyable.


liketheriverrun May 28 2010, 13:56:54 UTC
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. And it's Rodney, of course the story is tied together around food. *G*


alipeeps May 28 2010, 08:27:29 UTC
Not working properly for me. :(

It's loading fine but beyond about page 3 each page is cut off before it gets to the bottom and I'm missing whole chunks of text. :(


liketheriverrun May 28 2010, 13:58:55 UTC
It seems to work well for others, but I was afraid some people might have problems. Thanks for letting me know! I just finished posting it as an .rtf file like I normally do behind LJ cuts if you'd like to give that a try.


tridget May 28 2010, 13:35:52 UTC
Thank you for posting now that it has expired.

First of all, the readability was wonderful. I have been having some vision problems which will eventually clear up. But right now reading online is a strain even with enlarged pages. That usually involves a lot of scrolling involved, too, or I have to cut and paste into word, etc. etc. This was such a pleasure to read it so easily.

I am just as enthusiastic about the story itself. The nature of the cube and it's interaction with the disease was a cool plot. The Shep whump was great and Rodney's heroism was so touching.


liketheriverrun May 28 2010, 14:00:34 UTC
I'm so glad the pdf worked well for you. Some people had some problems, but it really is nice and clean to read/print in the pdf format if Google Docs cooperates. *G* And I'm also happy the fic worked for you, too. Thanks so very much!


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