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Comments 27

yellowteddysuit May 25 2011, 19:38:57 UTC
it’s been years since i watched the dreamers and i forgot about how sad it ultimately was. i also, in the course of reading this fic, managed to forget the fact that this was based on the dreamers. so the ending kind of doubly surprised me with its utter heartbreak. poor will p. but this was filled with skandar as a bit of a jackass, which i think is my favorite kind of skandar.

i recently stumbled across your william/harry fic (and promptly fainted with excitement because as much as much as i wanted it i was still convinced that it wouldn’t actually exist) and then connected you to some narnia rpf i had read a few months ago. so i read this, and reread a few other things (“correspondence” is really really awesome) and now i’m going to friend you because it’s a lot easier than stalking your journal for new fic and whatnot. and because you like the kills.


likecharity May 27 2011, 11:12:29 UTC
I'm glad you liked this. :) I kind of like Skandar being a bit of a jackass too? Like a few people have said he was the furthest from his real self in this, but this is very close to how I see him. I think I just write him as less temperamental the rest of the time. XD

Ooh, I'm glad you like some of my other fic too. And The Kills! I definitely need more Kills fans in my life. :)


cybeleadam June 3 2011, 23:59:17 UTC
I've finally managed to find time to finish reading this, and I love every part of it (also, it was nice to recognize the scenes that were inspired by the book - or by the movie, but I haven't seen it yet so I can't tell if some things were inspired by it instead of the book). It's amazing how well it works, and as usual I admire your writing so much! ♥ As I told you in my first comment, I had been looking forward to reading this fic since the first time you mentioned the idea, and now I can tell you that it totally lived up to my expectations. :)


likecharity June 5 2011, 21:18:23 UTC
Yay, thank you so much! I'm so glad. ♥

And also, *nudges* you should watch the movie soon. ;)


101adela July 18 2011, 14:32:51 UTC
I came across this fic completely by chance and ended up reading it until 3 in the morning x3 I'm not usually big on RPF but I was genuinely shocked at how accurate you've made the characters (especially in the first two chapters). I could honestly see them sneaking out to the ship just like they did xD

I think, though, what I really love about this fic is that it has a realistic ending; so many of them have the predictable, sappy, together-forever stuff whereas this is how it would actually turn out after what happened.

Your writing style is refreshingly mature and now I'm going to go read some of your other fics x3 Amazing work :)


likecharity July 18 2011, 19:16:47 UTC
Wow, thank you! It means a lot that you invested the time in reading this even though you just came across it by chance. And I'm SO glad that you thought everyone seemed in character. It was difficult in some places, given the circumstances, but it was so important to me that they seem like themselves.

The book and movie - The Dreamers - both have realistic, unhappy endings, so I wanted to stick with that - it was tempting to make it sappy but it just wouldn't have worked!

I'm glad you liked this, thanks again for your comment. I hope you enjoy my other fic as well! :)


(The comment has been removed)

likecharity July 18 2011, 19:26:11 UTC
Auuuuugh you are so lovely, thank you. ♥ When I saw you mention it on Tumblr I was like "!!" because for some reason this is one of those stories that I convinced myself NO ONE WOULD EVER READ, and so when I get a comment on it I just want to shower the person with love and appreciation ( ... )


prunesquallormd October 23 2011, 19:15:30 UTC
Heeey ( ... )


likecharity October 31 2011, 11:55:24 UTC
Omg, even I can't believe I posted it in May - it definitely doesn't seem like that long ago. Don't worry about being late though, I always see late comments as like, late birthday/Christmas presents. It's always nice to get an unexpected extra thing later on. And it's usually quite interesting because I've got some more distance from the story ( ... )


prunesquallormd November 4 2011, 17:10:30 UTC
Gah, behind on my comments again! Sorry about that :/

(You've been so prolific recently too, and I haven't managed to comment on anything :( . I will though. Sooooon :)).

I'm ok thanks. I've had the week off and have been tryingtryingtrying to actually get some writing done. I've written every day for the last 4 days (unheard of for me), and while it only amounts to about 2500 words it's way better than I usually manage. I'm at a key bit now though and I'm really struggling. Hey ho.

I'm sorry your having trouble sleeping. Insomnia sucks, and it can't help but have an affect on every part of your life, if it's bad. I hope it passes soon.
(Have you asked your doctor or pharmacist about side-effects? They might be able to suggest something.
Erm, IDK. I'm probably being a mother hen (I often am XD). Sorry :/)



likecharity November 9 2011, 19:06:13 UTC
Don't worry about it! ♥

Oh yay! Well done. :D I hope you can get past the difficult bit. It's weird, isn't it, how you can go for ages without writing a word and then churn out way more than usual in a short space of time.

I've resorted to sleeping pills for the time being! The side effects are mostly coming from the contraceptive pill, and supposedly they will wear off quite soon, but it is a bit of a pain. I'll mention it all to my doctor next time I see him.


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