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prunesquallormd October 23 2011, 19:15:30 UTC
Heeey :)

So, I was looking back through your journal trying to find this so I could finally leave a comment, and god, I can't believe you posted it in May. Sheesh, time goes so fast. But that never changes, I guess. And I'm always late. That never changes either XD

This is so completely unlike I've ever read of yours that I was rather taken aback at first, but in a good way. It's sooooo sad, and my heart just broke for Will, so many times. So desperate to be included, and to find that really special, intense friendship, and then he gets so much more, only to have it all snatched away, through no fault of his own.
I've had brushes with people who have the sort of intense relationship that Georgie and Skandar have here and one thing I've learned it that, if you get emotionally involved in any way, you just end up getting completely crushed.
So the ending, while tragic and heart-breaking, rang completely true to me, and I'm glad that you didn't succumb to the temptation to make it a happy one (well, part of me wanted happy endings and fluffy bunnies all round, but the way it is here just worked so much better with the story and the personalities involved.

Ben was wonderful, too, trying so hard to look out for them all, and rather out of his depth, but trying all the harder for it.

I think my favourite passage in the whole story is the one that goes:-
"Will's heart sinks, but, sitting on the sofa between the two of them watching a movie, having popcorn and red wine for breakfast, he finds that he can wait. They are warm and soft and sleepy like cats, curled against him at either side, and he is wired, awake with want, but willing to simply hold them close for now."

It's his last perfect moment, and it's all the more poignant because it all falls apart so quickly, and so soon after. It's a little while since I read this now but I went straight back to that, it just sums it all up somehow.

I like to think that there'll be a reunion sometime and Skandar and Georgie will get over themselves enough to realise what they've done and how unjustly they've acted. It might take a while though!

As ever, you write beautifully and I'm so glad that I finally found the time to read this :)

How are you? It's been a while, I hope everything's going well :)
♥ ♥ ♥


likecharity October 31 2011, 11:55:24 UTC
Omg, even I can't believe I posted it in May - it definitely doesn't seem like that long ago. Don't worry about being late though, I always see late comments as like, late birthday/Christmas presents. It's always nice to get an unexpected extra thing later on. And it's usually quite interesting because I've got some more distance from the story.

Anyway! Thank you for all of this, I'm really glad you liked it. ♥ I'm surprised that you said it was so different to everything else I've written, but it has been a while now and maybe I've forgotten whether or not it felt different to write it. XD I'm really glad you felt the ending was appropriate. I did just want everyone to be happy, but it didn't seem realistic and it didn't seem to fit, so. I think we should totally pretend that when they meet up for promotion, Skandar and Georgie realise the mistake they made and everyone makes up. And thank you for picking a favourite bit, I always like it when people do that! ♥

I'm doing okay! Having a bit of trouble sleeping lately and I seem to be constantly hungry, but I've started taking some new medication so I like to blame everything on side-effects and that makes me feel better. XD How are you?


prunesquallormd November 4 2011, 17:10:30 UTC
Gah, behind on my comments again! Sorry about that :/

(You've been so prolific recently too, and I haven't managed to comment on anything :( . I will though. Sooooon :)).

I'm ok thanks. I've had the week off and have been tryingtryingtrying to actually get some writing done. I've written every day for the last 4 days (unheard of for me), and while it only amounts to about 2500 words it's way better than I usually manage. I'm at a key bit now though and I'm really struggling. Hey ho.

I'm sorry your having trouble sleeping. Insomnia sucks, and it can't help but have an affect on every part of your life, if it's bad. I hope it passes soon.
(Have you asked your doctor or pharmacist about side-effects? They might be able to suggest something.
Erm, IDK. I'm probably being a mother hen (I often am XD). Sorry :/)



likecharity November 9 2011, 19:06:13 UTC
Don't worry about it! ♥

Oh yay! Well done. :D I hope you can get past the difficult bit. It's weird, isn't it, how you can go for ages without writing a word and then churn out way more than usual in a short space of time.

I've resorted to sleeping pills for the time being! The side effects are mostly coming from the contraceptive pill, and supposedly they will wear off quite soon, but it is a bit of a pain. I'll mention it all to my doctor next time I see him.


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