the otp.
the greatest otp ever. john crichton and aeryn sun. this is the otp done right, every single step of their journey is perfect. i've never watched a show where the main otp was done so well
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all great otps have the scene. below is john&aeryn's, it's my favourite scene of those two. completely heartbreaking, beautifully acted and written.
slightly edited to avoid a couple of really big spoilers! which you'll hear if you watch the scene below, but if you're spoiler-free, please stay that way. please?
john: "i'm coming with you."
aeryn: "no. i'm sorry."
john: "well, you're not leaving without me."
aeryn: "what do you want?"
john: "you."
aeryn: "i have to go."
john: "then say goodbye."
aeryn: "we don't say goodbyes."
john: "we do this time. you see, you leave and then you come back and i-i can't...handle the inbetween, aeryn. say goodbye."
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john: "do you love john crichton?!"
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john: "and i can't let the one thing i love fly away in a crappy little ship!"
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aeryn: "you once said it was as if the fates meant for us to be together."
john: "and i believe that."
aeryn: "well, then, if it's true, we will be together again."
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aeryn: "just make a frelling wormhole, and go home."
john: "there is no home! there is no wormhole! there's only y- aeryn...anywhere in the universe, you pick the planet."
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aeryn: "do you love aeryn sun?"
john: "beyond hope."
aeryn: "we're in the hands of fate now. we have to trust in that. fly safe. goodbye, john crichton."
it's not the whole scene, sadly, it doesn't have the coin toss itself, which i love for one reason: john never takes his eyes off her.
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part 1: john, harvey, crack part 2: aliens, coats, cliff-hangers part 3: multi-parters, continuity, laughs part 4: otp part 5: mini-series, rewatch, picspams