Challenge 18: Random Drabble

Mar 11, 2020 18:30

Time for some silliness. :D It's been adapted from a womenverse challenge.


- Comment on the "gimme words" thread and I will give you 10 random nouns from this randomizer.

- Write one fanfic (not an original story) using all 10 words. The catch is that your story has to be shorter than 150 words. There's no minimum word count. I'm aiming for ( Read more... )

guest host, cycle 03, writing, challenge 18, challenge, user: dance_the_dance

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Comments 55

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS dance_the_dance March 11 2020, 17:31:56 UTC

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RE: QUESTIONS/COMMENTS sgafirenity March 27 2020, 14:41:44 UTC
Can I just say that is the best questions image I have ever seen.


RE: QUESTIONS/COMMENTS emmatheslayer April 7 2020, 07:34:02 UTC
i didn't see the reminder poop this looked fun maybe next time very cool idea


RE: QUESTIONS/COMMENTS dance_the_dance April 7 2020, 08:05:23 UTC
I saw your previous comment too - yes, you can have an extension! :D The challenge is now due Wednesday, April 8th, 19:00 BST. Feel free to ask for words! :)


GIMME WORDS dance_the_dance March 11 2020, 17:32:54 UTC

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RE: GIMME WORDS jacquelee March 11 2020, 18:05:14 UTC
Me me me me memememe! :D


RE: GIMME WORDS dance_the_dance March 11 2020, 18:05:55 UTC


RE: GIMME WORDS seraphina_snape March 11 2020, 18:41:40 UTC
me please


CREW LAND - SUBMIT HERE dance_the_dance March 11 2020, 17:33:19 UTC

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RE: CREW LAND - SUBMIT HERE neaptidea March 12 2020, 16:47:22 UTC
Fandom: Victoria
Rating: -
Warnings (if any): -
Word count: 140

The declaration of Queen Victoria as the new monarch had garnered a splendid reception from the common people. With Lord Melbourne's advice and impeccable perspective on the dealings of the government, Victoria felt ready to conquer the world.

How fortunate it was to have him as the head of the administration! Victoria's cheeks blushed at the mere thought of him.

"Miss Skerrett," she said, nibbling on a selection of chocolate truffles. "I need a new hair style today. It has to hold well under hot studio lights. I am to be photographed for a new portrait for the promotion of my charity work. "

"Yes, Your Majesty. I could add volume to it by combing it high up and securing it with a diamond tiara."

"Wonderful. Where did you get that idea?"

"YouTube videos, Ma'am. It's the new craze."

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RE: CREW LAND - SUBMIT HERE jacquelee March 13 2020, 18:49:43 UTC
Amazing! :D


RE: CREW LAND - SUBMIT HERE neaptidea March 13 2020, 18:58:42 UTC
Thank you!


CREW SEA - SUBMIT HERE dance_the_dance March 11 2020, 17:33:34 UTC

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RE: CREW SEA - SUBMIT HERE sidhe_faerie March 14 2020, 18:00:19 UTC
Title: Tech
Fandom: Arrow
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word count: 138
Prompts: highway, negotiation, version, heart, chapter, performance, computer, nation, ad, sir

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RE: CREW SEA - SUBMIT HERE neaptidea March 15 2020, 10:33:08 UTC
I don't know that fandom, but the last line was amusing :).


RE: CREW SEA - SUBMIT HERE seraphina_snape March 28 2020, 14:31:46 UTC
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Rating: G
Warnings (if any): none
Word count: 147

[A Meal of Cultural Significance]Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "So this meal of cultural significance is held in a special location every year?"

Jack shrugged. "My house, but same difference."

"We did not have this meal last year."

"Last year we were in a cell on P4X-whateveritwas."

Teal'c nodded. "And what is… pot luck?"

"It just means everyone brings a dish so there's a selection of things for dinner. Don't worry if you can't cook - or if housing on base makes it difficult finding a kitchen to use - you can totally bring pre-made stuff, at least to my place. It's casual."

Teal'c inclined his head. "I shall endeavor to bring a meal of some quality to this gathering. Tell me, O'Neill, is there a machine known as a microwave available at your house? I will not be able to provide my meal at an adequate temperature without one."

"Yeah, sure, you betcha."

... )


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