Challenge 18: Random Drabble

Mar 11, 2020 18:30

Time for some silliness. :D It's been adapted from a womenverse challenge.


- Comment on the "gimme words" thread and I will give you 10 random nouns from this randomizer.

- Write one fanfic (not an original story) using all 10 words. The catch is that your story has to be shorter than 150 words. There's no minimum word count. I'm aiming for crack here - with more words it would be easier to include the words in a way that makes sense. :D (It's obviously totally okay if your story is serious and the use of words does make sense, as long as you don't go over the word limit.)

- All nouns you get will be singular, but you can make them plural.

- You can use your 10 words in any order, as long as in the end you use all of them.

- Bold or underline the 10 words in your text.

- Any rating or subject matter is allowed, just include an appropriate rating and warnings.

- Use the following header for your fic:
Warnings (if any):
Word count:

- Post your entry as a new comment to this post or as a separate post elsewhere (such as keepers_log or your own lj). Then link your entry in your team thread.

- Please keep in mind that if you comment too close to the deadline I might not be able to randomize words for you. To be safe try to ask 2 or 3 days before the deadline at the latest.


30 points for your one story

Due Date: Monday, April 6th Wednesday, April 8th, 19:00 BST (Countdown clock here New countdown clock here; Time converter here)

guest host, cycle 03, writing, challenge 18, challenge, user: dance_the_dance

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