Lighthouse Challenge 26: Ghost Stories

Oct 15, 2019 04:40

Since Halloween is right around the corner, this activity is for telling ghost stories! Or about Autumn!

+Write 3 100-word drabbles
+Relate them to Halloween or Autumn in some way

Requirements: Post drabbles as a new comment and then link them under your team's submit form.

+50 points per drabble
+1 for sigtag
Total: 50- ( Read more... )

guest host, challenge, challenge 26, user: dragongirl3745, cycle 01

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dragongirl3745 October 18 2019, 18:36:26 UTC
Drabble 1:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt. 1
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Detective Kenneth Hutchinson watched in amusement as his partner Detective David Starsky pulled out Halloween-inspired buckets. He started laughing as Starsky pulled open a cabinet door and pulled out bag after bag of Halloween candy. Sometimes he wasn't sure who got more excited about Halloween: his partner or the neighborhood kids.

"Stop laughin' at me Hutch and get your butt over here. I'm gonna need your help. I got the good candy for the kids. "

Hutch just laughed some more but obeyed his partner. He came up behind Starsky and wrapped his arms around Starsky's waist, completely content to watch.

Drabble 2:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt 2
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None ( ... )


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