Lighthouse Challenge 26: Ghost Stories

Oct 15, 2019 04:40

Since Halloween is right around the corner, this activity is for telling ghost stories! Or about Autumn!

+Write 3 100-word drabbles
+Relate them to Halloween or Autumn in some way

Requirements: Post drabbles as a new comment and then link them under your team's submit form.

+50 points per drabble
+1 for sigtag
Total: 50- ( Read more... )

guest host, challenge, challenge 26, user: dragongirl3745, cycle 01

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Comments 29

dragongirl3745 October 15 2019, 09:43:06 UTC

... )


blue_sunflowers October 16 2019, 06:13:12 UTC
Do they have to be 100 words exactly?


dragongirl3745 October 16 2019, 09:12:53 UTC
No, they can be over.


blue_sunflowers October 17 2019, 04:32:20 UTC
Do we have to post them all at once or can we make 3 separate new comments?


dragongirl3745 October 15 2019, 09:43:39 UTC

... )


dragongirl3745 October 15 2019, 09:44:23 UTC

... )


dragongirl3745 October 18 2019, 18:36:26 UTC
Drabble 1:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt. 1
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Detective Kenneth Hutchinson watched in amusement as his partner Detective David Starsky pulled out Halloween-inspired buckets. He started laughing as Starsky pulled open a cabinet door and pulled out bag after bag of Halloween candy. Sometimes he wasn't sure who got more excited about Halloween: his partner or the neighborhood kids.

"Stop laughin' at me Hutch and get your butt over here. I'm gonna need your help. I got the good candy for the kids. "

Hutch just laughed some more but obeyed his partner. He came up behind Starsky and wrapped his arms around Starsky's waist, completely content to watch.

Drabble 2:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt 2
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None ( ... )


blue_sunflowers October 21 2019, 04:53:23 UTC
Drabble 1:
Warnings: Terrible imagery

I looked on in horror as the closet door slowly creaked opened. The party girl stood there - surrounded not by clothes, but by a wall of flames. Her golden hair flowed weightlessly as she floated in the fire, a silent scream frozen on her terrified face. The intensity of the heat did nothing to her dress, but the skin on the man laughing next to her melted on his frame; the threads on the suit covering him stretched desperately towards the fire, as if it were a better option than staying on the man.The man turned to stare at me, and I glanced away. When I turned back, he and my friend were gone. The closet was a regular closet once more.

I never celebrated my birthday again after that.


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