So I've been keeping a list of the PWP fic that have hit the comm recently (so-called "Porntoberfest" as
jantalaimon has termed it.) There's quite a bit of it! But, of course, I believe the list should be readily available to all. So, now that Porntoberfest has officially finished, here it is…
Suggestion (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
In the Detail (Slash, Sam/Oswald, Red Cortina, lots of squicky crack)
Order of Business (Slash, Sam/Gene, Blue Cortina)
Samberwick Green - (fanart, NSFW, Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
fawsley Battle Lines (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
More Than Words (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Never Tasted Before (Slash, Sam/Gene, Blue Cortina)
Without Ruining Your Appetite (Slash, Sam/Gene, Blue Cortina, sequel to
Never Tasted Before)
Melts In Your Mouth (Not In Your Hand) (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, sequel to
Never Tasted Before and
Without Ruining Your Appetite)
Give (Slash/Het, Sam/Gene/Annie, Brown Cortina)
Take (Slash/Het, Sam/Gene/Annie, Brown Cortina, sequel to
Dinner and Dance (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, sequel to
The Dancer)
Transcript of the Incredibly Porny Sam/Dildo Conversation. (Um, uncategorisable. Possibly. Warning for crack, apparently.)
Five Things Gene and Sam Have No Name For (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Best Friends (Slash, Gene/Ray, Brown Cortina)
Manhunt (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Who's The Boss? (Slash, Sam/Gene/Surprise, Red Cortina, BDSM)
Porny Porny Princess (Slash, Sam/Gene/Ray, Brown Cortina)
Un Monde Parfait (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
With All The Trimmings (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Pole Position (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, sequel to
With All The Trimmings)
Home Remedy (Slash, Sam/Gene, Blue Cortina)
m31andy and
Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Aggressive Male Affection (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Just Your Average Day in CID Slash, (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Shape of Things to Come (Het, Sam/Annie, Brown Cortina)
Insane, But Simple (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
What They Need (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, desk!sex sequel to
Insane, But Simple)
Foreplay (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Power is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac (Slash, Gene/Litton, Brown Cortina)
Attraction and Repulsion (Slash/Het, Sam/Ray, Ray/Wilma, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, some plot)
Of Bats and Men (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Kiss Me Quick,
Part One,
Part Two (Slash, Sam/Gene, Sam/Ray, Brown Cortina)
Beg. Burrow and Feel. (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
Green Eyed (Slash, Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina)
hey, baby, I'm your telephone man (Sam/Gene, Brown Cortina, phone!sex)
When You Dream Them Up (Het/Slash, Annie fantasises about pretty much every man in her life, Brown Cortina)
Because I Want You (Sam/Gene, Red Cortina, spanking)
Restrained (Slash, Sam/Gene, Red Cortina, handcuff!sex)
Currently we stand at 38 fic.
This is also a plea to let me know if I've missed any out. (Because I'm all for more hot porn, obviously) and, of course, we've now got Pervember to look forward to. ;-)