Fic: Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty

Sep 30, 2007 14:04

TITLE: Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty
AUTHOR: Janni and Andy
FANDOM: Life on Mars
SUMMARY: Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty
RATING: Brown Cortina, (Slash, Sam/Gene)
WORD COUNT: 1,125 words
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Especially for wiccagal_1996, who requested this in response to our last challenge, Five Alternate Uses Annie had for her Stinger. Um, I would say warnings for crack, but this is probably the least cracky piece we've ever written together! (which, admittedly, isn't saying very much…) With much love to darthfi for the amazing beta and suggestions for tying together the snippets together.
DISCLAIMER: Life on Mars is copyright Kudos and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty

1.) CID was almost empty at this time of night. It would've been completely empty if Annie hadn't realised she'd left her purse in her desk. Not a brilliant place to leave something, even in the heart of a police station.

But CID wasn't completely empty and Annie could hear faint noises coming from the direction of the Guv's office.

She nearly didn't go and check, after all, the Guv's domain was sacrosanct. But she was a detective now, and she should go and detect. Which is why she was suddenly confronted with the most disturbing image she had ever seen in her life as she pushed open the door, about to demand what the hell was going on.

Instead she fled, the mental image of the Guv and Sam doing, well, what they were doing, guaranteed to stay with her for a very long time.

The thing that bothered Annie most, she decided in the end, was that she had been so sure that the Guv would never take it up the arse.

2.) It was a very odd thing to see Gene Hunt leaving his packet of fags anywhere. Unless it was in a bin, because it was empty. Some might consider him a slob, but he didn't believe in littering.

Annie, being rather observant, noticed he'd left them on his desk straight off. She also was fairly certain he'd only just left for the day a few minutes ago, and thought she might possibly be able to catch him if she hurried.

Racing out to the Cortina she noticed some scuffling coming from the inside of the car, and that the car itself was almost rocking.

Instantly, she tightened her grip on her handbag. It was fairly heavy, and she was pretty sure that if she caught whoever it was by surprise, she could knock him out cold with one good swing, applied correctly.

As she got closer, she squinted through the fog that had built on the windows. And then, suddenly, her eyes went very wide, and she sucked in a hurried gasp of air through her mouth so hard her cheeks and mouth pursed up, then blew it all out again just as hurriedly so that she looked quite a bit like a puffer fish.

"Give over, Gladys, that's not any way to use a gear shift! Let a pro show you how it's done!" was the last thing Annie heard as her fingers went numb, her handbag dropped from her hands, and she fled in embarassment.

It was lucky she'd left the strap looped around her wrist, or else she might have had some explaining to do.

3.) The club was boiling hot inside. Three hundred sweaty bodies gyrating to Bowie and T-Rex. Almost the most fun you could have with your clothes on.

Or not, as the case may be, thought Annie as she stepped into the alleyway at the back of the club, relishing the cooler breeze after the hot humidity inside. Two men, one on his knees in front of the other, were obviously having the time of their lives.

She stepped closer, involuntarily, the pair were breaking the law, after all, but decided against it. She was off-duty and it wasn't as if they were harming anyone, else, was it?

But as she turned away, she noticed a familiar glint of light on metal. Her eyes widened. It was Sam, back against the wall, head thrown back, his medallion glinting in the faint light of the street lamp at the front of the alleyway.

Annie made to hurry away - it wasn't any of her business to know exactly who had his mouth wrapped around Sam's cock this time, however curious she might be. But, even as she did so, Sam's voice reached her, moaning low and throatily:


4.) No matter what she did, Annie couldn't quite shake the sense that something was definitely amiss as she approached the door to Sam's flat.

"Are you a friend of his?" a little girl in red asked, almost plaintively. She held a stuffed toy clown very tightly under one arm, almost as though she was afraid Annie might take it away.

"I guess you could say that, yeah," Annie smiled. "And what's your name?"

"Good God, Gene, not like THAT!!!" came a strangled roar of pain from behind the door to Sam's flat.

"I...I...I think now's not such a good time after all. Nice meeting you!" Annie flushed pink - with embarrassment and sudden arousal and her feet turned of their own accord and began to carry her back down the stairs she'd only recently come up. She prayed the little girl wouldn’t ask what Sam and Gene were doing in his flat.

The little girl smiled and sat facing the wall next to Sam's door, already pulling a piece of chalk out of a pocket on her dress for a nice game of noughts and crosses.

5.) Annie knew she shouldn't be doing this, but there was some perverse pleasure to be had in stumbling across one of Sam and the Guv's dangerous liaisons. However, she wasn't going to analyse that and whenever she caught herself at it, she would sternly tell herself off and watch herself to ensure she didn't do anything like that again.

But it was a late night (again) and Annie had left her umbrella in her desk drawer (again) and, although it wasn't actually raining, it was bound to start before she got home. Absolutely bound to. So here she was, in the darkened CID offices, rooting in her drawer for her brolly.

A single light shone from the Guv's office, and a curious set of sounds issued from behind the closed door. A faint slapping, low voices murmuring, the occasional groan. Annie smiled to herself. She ought to check and make sure the Guv wasn't beating Sam up again. Well, that was what she told herself as she tiptoed over to the office and gently pushed open the door. An increasingly familiar sight greeted her - the normal contents of the desktop were strewn across the office floor. They had been replaced by Sam, mostly clothed, trousers around his ankles, bent over and clasping the desk with white-knuckled hands while the Guv, also still mostly clothed, buggered him senseless from behind.

Annie smiled. Well, it looked like the Guv wasn't beating Sam to a pulp. Therefore all was well and it was high time she got off home. She started to step back, eyes still on the scene in front of her when a voice cracked out suddenly, startling her into immobility.

"Either get in or get out, Cartwright. But close the ruddy door. There's a bloody draught right up me jacksie."

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