[fic] Five Alternate Uses Annie Had For Her Stinger

Jul 03, 2007 12:18

TITLE: Five Alternate Uses Annie had for her Stinger
AUTHORS: Andromeda and Janni
SPOILERS/WARNINGS: Spoilers through S2.01. Warnings for Evil!Annie and insanity.
AUTHORS' NOTES: By now, you're probably well aware that great and terrible things happen when we challenge each other. XD


1. She privately thought it a great joke, when she hid it in the long grass, half-way along the cross-country route. Yeah, she was going against charity and goodness and kindness, but it all seemed worth it to see the pain and agony on Sam's face when he put all his weight down through one foot, skewering that foot on the spike with an audible crunch.

2. Although she didn't like to make a big show of it, Annie did like to be generous when she could. Of course, on a WDC's salary, there was only so much she could afford to give, monetarily speaking.

That was when she came up with a brilliant plan. Well---that and when she'd invented that "stinger" thing Sam had seemed (momentarily, at least) so mad for.

A short while later, area hospitals experienced a spike in the number of patients who were quite attractive men in their twenties and thirties who had become, through whatever means, indigent. Another alarming commonality amongst these patients, were anyone to look closely, was the fact they were all being treated for strange puncture wounds about their torsos, and if someone had absolutely scrutinised these records and viewed the accompanying photographs of the wounds in question, they would have seen shockingly similar patterns.

Of course, none of these patients was willing to say from where, exactly, these wounds had come.

Annie smiled to herself at random, occasionally. She liked to give back to her community, and she also had a great appreciation for history. As a result, she was doing all she could to bring Victorian
flophouses into the modern age.

3. As a young girl, Annie developed an unhealthy fascination with highwaymen of the 17th and 18th century. Oh, to have been swept off her feet by Dick Turpin or Swift Nick. But by far, her hero(ine) was
Lady Katherine Ferrers: Lady Highwayman and once-terror of the English countryside.

After seeing exactly what a stinger could do, therefore, Annie could see a glorious future ahead of her, bringing Lady Katherine back to life. She posed in the mirror, brandishing a gun she had purloined from work. "Stand and Deliver," she purred. "Your money or your life?"

4. Prior to her promotion, Annie had considered taking up a second job to help make life a little more comfortable. Nothing too taxing, just something to generate a little more income than she made as a WPC.

As a WDC, of course, there was a bit more money to be had. Not much, but enough to make her reconsider, for a moment.

Only for a moment, though. She did eventually go through with patenting her slight variation on the genius invention of the barbed-wire fence, and she even sold one to her very first "security system" customer: Phyllis Dobbs. She had need of some "security" on a private bit of property she'd acquired for herself on the outskirts of town.

"I've got some private business I like to keep private, if you know what I mean. Your product will certainly do the trick," Phyllis gave as her explanation, ending with a rather nasty little wink.

5. After a few more years as WDC, Annie finally resigned her post. She'd had enough of the killing, and the running, and she wanted to do something a little more... fun. Her ex-work colleagues would've
probably raised an eyebrow (or two) at her definition of fun, but she supposed it was just down to years of inspiration from the boys (and occasionally the criminals they associated with).

Whatever the excuse it was certainly agreed, in certain circles, that Annie's Bondage Emporium was the finest in the city. All Annie knew was that her number one seller was a certain multi-purpose item, much reduced in weight from the original, but still with all of its stopping power.

rating: brown cortina, fic type: gen, genre: crack, fic, genre: humour, character: annie, genre: darkfic

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