Ficathon 2013: Zombies Marching Through The Mist Makes Me Think Of Being Kissed, for lacidiana

Oct 30, 2013 19:07

Title: Zombies Marching Through The Mist Makes Me Think Of Being Kissed (it will make sense, eventually). This is Part One because I couldn't finish the piece in time. It became a bit of a monster in itself...
Word Count: 12,241
Rating: Blue Cortina (it will rise)
Notes: For lacidiana's prompts 'Gene wakes up different, inhuman, hiding in plain ( Read more... )

genre: idk emotions are complicated guys, fic type: slash, character: tony crane, fic, character: gene, character: ray, character: phyllis, character: annie, character: test card girl, character: chris, rating: blue cortina, ficathon 2013, character: eve, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: au, genre: casefic, character: sam, pairing: sam/gene, genre: angst

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Comments 12

little_cello October 31 2013, 10:33:36 UTC

Jesus Christ, I just.... wow. To think you put this much thought into your fic, and that you still aren't done and that there's still more of this brilliant thing to come, I just. I can't with you. <3333333333333333333

First, let me tell you that the dialogues are ACE. I could literally hear it all in my head, perfectly in the actors' voices, it's just stunning. You've got the way they talk down so amazingly well, it's like reading the transcription of an actual episode! The banter, the jokes? 100% perfect.

Then, the plot. YOU ARE A GENIUS FOR THROWING TONY CRANE INTO THE MIX AND MAKING HIM A WEREWOLF TOO OK. And the way Gene has to hide in plain sight the way he does (because yes, it is obvious already eheheheheh), and the way Sam gets so protective over Gene and vice versa... HNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for writing such a marvellous fic for the ficathon, and I'm looking forward so so much to the next/second part!!!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


xysabridde November 4 2013, 20:32:26 UTC
Firstly, sorry for my tardiness. I think I might have dreamed I replied, so I forgot I hadn't? Yep, I'm thick xD

fegoyfhbedskufghjer thank youuuuuuuuuu <33333333333333333333333333333333 Thank you so much! I'm really, really glad you enjoyed it :DDDD You're so very welcome gfeysgfiw thank you!

And Tony Crane sort of emerged? I'm not sure xDD but I'm really glad that you enjoyed it, and I hope the next instalment won't disappoint. <333333333333333333333333


fern_tree October 31 2013, 15:49:50 UTC

THIS IS. SO. GOOD. WERE!GENE, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! This is gonna be jumbled and flaily, so be warned XD

I absolutely love how Gene's got this whole other world he's connected to - how he knows about this whole supernatural thing, and his lovely neighbour keeping an eye out for him..... And Gene's hiding it so welllllll! HNNGHHHHH GENEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

And Sammmmmmmmm, with how he's clearly attracted to Gene, so upset about the thought of anything happening to him and liking the close proximity.... <3333333 And trying to protect Gene by taking people off the case with the note and not telling Gene AGHHHH <3333333333333

Oh god, there are so many things I wanna squawk about..... SO MANY.

I love the way you've made this guy in the fur coat so mysterious too (even though we know who it is ;D) Is the fur on the coat a werewolf pelt, by any chance? :D

And ughh your writing style - it's perfect. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART HNNNNNNNNNGHHHHHHHHH <33333333333 Thank you for posting this, Xysssssssss <


xysabridde November 4 2013, 20:35:01 UTC
Sorry this reply is so late xD as I said to Cello, I dreamed I had replied, only... I hadn't! Sorry :D

I'm so very very glad you enjoyed it, I was really hoping you'd like Gene's, er, characterisation especially :DDDDD <3333333333333 Thank you so much, long flaily comments are wonderful, and thank you hugely hugely hugely for reading and commenting and being awesome <33333333333333333


rebelxxwaltz November 3 2013, 15:14:05 UTC
This. This is GREAT! <33333

I love what you've done with this prompt; the supernatural aspects of the story woven together with the more case-ficcy elements have really drawn me in!

There's a lot of skill involved with the way you're revealing bits of the mystery bit by bit through hints and small details for a reader to notice-- such as the descriptions of Tony Crane. I'm dying to know more about his involvement in all this!

As for Sam and Gene it's too perfect how they're both trying to protect the other in a certain way, and they're always with the push and pull but ultimately still manage to work together so well... these relationship dynamics are very well characterized here. And of course there was the end of the chapter-- UNF. Kissing and shirt-ripping and aggressive!Sam just not being able to resist Gene any longer. Yum!

Right. That seems to be a sufficient amount of babbling concerning how much I have enjoyed this so far. Will be eagerly awaiting the rest of the story! :D


xysabridde November 4 2013, 20:37:31 UTC
Haha, babbling is good! Babbling encourages Xys to stop writing random pron and focuss on this :D

Goddamnit I was hoping you guys wouldn't pick up on Crane xDDDDDD I clearly underestimated you all! Tony Crane will be expanded upon later, and that was not innuendo, so don't get your hopes up for a disturbing criminal/cop threesome. :)

I'm really, really glad you enjoyed it, and the rest will come eventually... (rather like our two favourite coppers! But that might be for another story :D) Thanks so much!


lacidiana November 3 2013, 19:03:01 UTC

....And then I promptly cried because I haven't finished mine yet and thus I have brought exponentially more shame upon the face of humanity, but, you know, baby steps. I was going to hold off on reading this until I finished my fic, but clearly I couldn't stop myself so... here I go anyway!

As soon as I caught on to the fact this was a Gene-is-a-werewolf fic, I was like KEKEKEKEKE because c'mon, that shit is awesome! (And I looove stuff where characters get turned into Other Things, as the prompt, like, made way too obvious, shhhh.) I'm really curious to see how that happened and what Tony Crane has to do with all of it, especially since Gene seems keen on keeping his secret not just from his buds but from us too blast it! I think what stood out to me the most in this fic are the intro scene, (where I was like "oooo, that's a really interesting way of interpreting the prompt"), and also all the ( ... )


xysabridde November 4 2013, 20:42:30 UTC
YOU'RE THE ONE WHO GOT THE CRAZY 12+ FIC XYS KEPT TALKING ABOUT IN CHAT. And you're so very welcome <3 It's been a pleasure writing for you!

I'm glad that aspect of the fic's working for you, I hoped it would! TCG was a hopeful bid to take the fic closer to canon, so I'm glad she was alright as well. Thanks so very, very much for your comment, it is very gladly appreciated- and I hope part 2 will be as well received as this one seems to have been. <3


anonyma73 November 8 2013, 18:45:27 UTC
Oh, I love this!!! It's brilliant!

I love that Gene knows everything about his...other side, and even his neighbour!! There seem to be a number of were!people about, is it a regular thing, considered "normal"? But naah, he's still in hiding...

And Sam - he's some detective, isn't he? ;)

So that's Tony Crane with that coat?? And who was it who attacked them in the car??

Can't wait for the next part! You've got me hooked!


xysabridde November 8 2013, 21:27:12 UTC
Thank you!!! Thank you so much!

The next part should be along soonish (she says, fingers firmly crossed ;) ). And yes, Crane might be involved... Thanks hugely for your comment, and I'll try to get the next bit up quickly :D


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