Ficathon 2013: Zombies Marching Through The Mist Makes Me Think Of Being Kissed, for lacidiana

Oct 30, 2013 19:07

Title: Zombies Marching Through The Mist Makes Me Think Of Being Kissed (it will make sense, eventually). This is Part One because I couldn't finish the piece in time. It became a bit of a monster in itself...
Word Count: 12,241
Rating: Blue Cortina (it will rise)
Notes: For lacidiana's prompts 'Gene wakes up different, inhuman, hiding in plain sight'. The third one may not be as obvious yet, sorry. I hope it lives up to expectations, Cidi!
Summary: Sam receives a threat against someone he dearly needs; meanwhile, Gene's life is somewhat different.

Fic posted to AO3 here:

genre: idk emotions are complicated guys, fic type: slash, character: tony crane, fic, character: gene, character: ray, character: phyllis, character: annie, character: test card girl, character: chris, rating: blue cortina, ficathon 2013, character: eve, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: au, genre: casefic, character: sam, pairing: sam/gene, genre: angst

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