Title: Sister Sammy
Author: Drayce
Characters: Sam/Gene
Rating: Brown Cortina
Warnings: PWALP. Plot detectable with aid of an electron microscope.
Word Count: 2991.
Notes: For
m31andy, who asked for the following: Well, we've had
"Annie in a nun's habit is more than Gene can stand" and
"Ray in a nun's habit is more than someone (NOT Chris) can stand"... but what I really want to see is Sam/Gene and Sam in the nun's habit. Pretty please? No plot really, just smutty mcsmutt.
Also for
Sytaxia who requested something I’d only mentioned as a joke - be careful what you ask for - and for
Duckyone who said I need some full contact fondle to be committed by someone soon. I assumed she meant in a story *whistles*
Sister Sammy .