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Comments 13

aerynvala June 4 2008, 07:02:23 UTC
I'm not sure I have words for just what that is. Part of me is laughing hysterically though.


angiepen June 4 2008, 07:06:17 UTC
Oh, man. Disney is absolutely draconian about copyright. :/

Although I'm not surprised the Fanlib founders are selling out -- that's probably what the whole point was all along, to build up something they could unload at a profit. So much for being "real fans" and wanting to build something for the fan community, out of love and dedication. [eyeroll]



kazaera June 4 2008, 08:14:03 UTC
Wait. WHAT?


astridv June 4 2008, 09:22:19 UTC
That would be the company who threatened to sue a daycare center that had a few Disney cartoon murals painted on their walls? Huh. Disney. Getting in bed with fanfic. The beginning of a wonderful friendship.

I just hope the Fanlib founders didn't make a good profit when they unloaded the thing. *is petty*


havocthecat June 4 2008, 10:46:22 UTC
Oh, well that's just lovely. If Disney gets into the 'business' of fanfic, you can almost guarantee the C&D orders will come flying fast and furious no matter where in fandom you hide out. It almost makes me want to go back to the days of zines where it's harder for them to find you.


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