Komihn Vre-Katra

Feb 26, 2011 23:11

Title: Komihn Vre-Katra
Chapter: Prologue
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Warnings: Death, eventual child abuse, eventual swearing and sexing, violent actions and eventual slash.
Status: Work In Progress
Summary: Jim is special. He knows he is special, and has been right from birth. In fact, he doesn’t even know why. But sometimes, visions of a red planet pass through his dreams. On that planet there is sand and heat and he feels homesick. Filled for the st xi kink meme prompt found here.

Stardate 2233.04, Federation-Klingon border, USS Kelvin.

Ambassador Kuval sighed wearily. His body was failing him and only the strength of his mental training kept his organs functioning. Seven days ago he’d been on a Vulcan science vessel studying a quasar when he’d calculated that his lifespan was quickly coming to an end. Unfortunately the vessel, deep in investigation had been unable to return to Vulcan. Thus, Kuval had been transferred to the USS Kelvin for transportation to Vulcan.

As such, he was now restricted to bed rest and constant surveillance in the Medical Bay. While it was usually quiet, Kuval found his surroundings disturbing to his meditation. In his old age, his concentration could be easily broken by the beeping of monitors or the groans of pain from unlucky engineers. It was unfortunate, but he had learned to adjust.

Kuval sat resting against pillows and he relaxed into meditation. He regulated his breathing and worked to clear his mind of all thoughts. Assessing his bodily functions, he calculated how long he could continue to control them. He felt a sense of trepidation when he realised he would die within the hour. The USS Kelvin’s estimated time of arrival to Vulcan was still in another four point three days.

Kuval needed council. His return to Vulcan is of the utmost importance, as he carries a unique and irreplaceable item. He carries this item because he is a respected elder in the Vulcan community. His vast knowledge and strong devotion to the ways of Surak were well known. In fact, he’d been part of the Syrrannite movement in his youth, which had helped form the current government on Vulcan.

As such, he currently housed the katra of Surak. Surak, the father of modern Vulcan civilisation. No matter what, he had to make sure Surak’s katra was returned to Vulcan. And so, as he meditated he sought council from the great philosopher.

Surak, what would you have me do? Kuval sent his question to the silent entity in his mind.

Though he received no definite reply, a solution to his dilemma drifted softly through his mind. He suddenly knew he must transfer Surak’s katra to a willing recipient on board the Kelvin. He needed to find someone who would understand the task and be able to meet with the Vulcan High Council. Kuval’s thoughts raced with images of the crew members. He assessed each and every one for a possible carrier.

Logic led him to the conclusion that he should choose either the Captain or First Officer of the Kelvin. Both were high ranking enough that they could meet with the High Council and were definitely smart enough to understand the importance of the situation.

Kuval slowly came back to reality and glanced around the room, letting his eyes adjust to the bright lights of the Medical Bay. He noticed almost immediately that the patient in the bed next to him was awake and staring at him intently. She smiled and gave a little wave, to which he replied with a nod.

The patient was Winona Kirk who had been ordered into bed rest in the Medical Bay long before he’d beamed aboard the Kelvin. She had told Kuval that she’d been having difficulties with her pregnancy and after a near miscarriage had been confined to rest under medical care. Unlike himself, she was habitually restless and he’d often engaged her in conversation and games of chess.

“Ambassador, how are you today?” she asked politely while she absentmindedly caressed her stomach.

“My health is…” Kuval hesitated. Lying would be illogical, and yet he found he did not want the young woman to worry about him. So he continued, “Adequate.”

She smiled brightly, “That’s wonderful. I woke up while you were meditating. The baby’s been kicking so hard I can barely sleep!”

“I see.” Kuval replied. Kuval often let Winona control their conversations. She was more than happy to speak endlessly for hours and he found it interesting to be around someone so open.

“I bet she’s going to be a terror. If she’s like this now, imagine what she’s going to be like when she can actually walk!” Winona may have spoken negatively, but her tone of voice and body language showed that she was immensely happy.

“The child is a female?” Kuval asked, interested.

Winona blushed, “Well actually, I wanted it to be a surprise. But when I had my boy Sam he was so calm and hardly ever kicked. I guess I just assumed this one would be a girl.”

Kuval nodded his head, “An interesting method of deduction.”

“Well,” Winona interjected, “I’d rather call it a mother’s intuition.”

Kuval raised a brow, “A natural bond between mother and child which is illustrated by fierce protective instincts. I did not realise human women experienced the same occurrence.”

Winona giggled, “Well yes. But it’s really inexplicable unless you’re a mother yourself.”

Kuval nodded his head, “That is a most logical conclusion.”

Winona opened her mouth again to speak, but she was interrupted. The ship lurched suddenly, objects hit the floor and Kuval and Winona were almost thrown from their beds. Kuval turned to Winona and helped her back into a sitting position. She was half hanging off her bed and only saved from falling by her strong grip on the bedside table.

Red lights began flashing and an automated alert echoed through the ship. Kuval settled into his spot and tried not to focus on the suddenly active populace of the Medical Bay.

“Are you well?” He addressed Winona who had clasped her hands to her stomach.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I can handle a little rough and tumble. I wonder what’s happening…”

Kuval was also silently questioning the reason for the sudden distress of the Kelvin. He watched the activity around them increase as injured crew members started entering the Medical Bay. As he noticed more and more wounded enter, he gave up his bed for an ensign who was unable to stand unassisted.

Winona patted the sheets beside her in welcome and Kuval moved slowly to sit at the end of her bed. He could feel his muscles bunching up and his heart rate increased by point three percent. He glanced around the Medical Bay and realised he was going to die in an emergency on the Kelvin. He may never even get to pass the katra of Surak to either the Captain or First Officer.

Kuval was concerned. It was imperative that Surak’s katra not be lost. He noted that his control over his body was deteriorating at a rapid rate. He turned to the woman next to him who was frowning at the injured around them. He had a sudden moment of realisation.

Winona Kirk. The wife of First Officer George Kirk. If he could explain the situation to her, surely she would be able to convince her husband to acquire communication with the Vulcan High Council.

The Kelvin lurched again and several alarms sounded throughout the Medical Bay. Kuval held tightly to the bed and the stress of the situation caused his heart rate to increase further. He would last only moments.

He turned quickly towards Winona and panted, trying to breathe before he spoke. It was difficult. Winona saw his struggle and gently moved to pat his back. Usually the contact would be unwelcome, but he revelled in the last of touches he would receive from another being.

“Forgive me.” Kuval choked out.

He raised his arm sluggishly and pressed his finger tips to the meld points on Winona’s face. He felt the touch of her mind, heavy with confusion, shock and worry. The rush of emotions was difficult to sift through and he found his mental shields fail. His last conscious thought was of a farewell to Surak’s katra, which had been passed unto Winona Kirk.


Winona kept her eyes on Ambassador Kuval’s form as he gasped shallow breaths. Ignoring common Vulcan etiquette, she shuffled down her bed and gently patted his back, trying to help ease his breathing and stop the shudders that ran across his shoulders. She worried silently for the kind and gentle Vulcan seated on her bed.

He abruptly turned towards her, his face filled with sadness. He choked out an apology and reached for her face. Winona smothered her gasp as searing hot fingers grasped at her face. Her world went dark and her mind was inundated with unfamiliar thoughts and feelings.

She was surrounded by raw and harsh emotions. Colours seemingly swirled around her as she tried to resist the desperate mind meld which had been forced upon her. Her mind felt as if it was swimming aimlessly in the chaotic feelings and thoughts of another. Then suddenly, she was drowning.

The heated hand was removed from her face and yet, she had the sensation that she was being pushed under water. She felt like she would burst. Her body felt too small to hold her and she started scratching at her arms, frantically trying to release herself from her prison.

“I have to get out!” she screamed and thrashed.

Then someone restrained her hands. It only served to further her trapped, claustrophobic feeling. Sharp pains shot from her stomach up to her spine and she screeched. She had to get rid of it; she had to remove the presence that was pushing at her very soul.

So Winona focussed on the unknown essence that was taking residence in her body and she pushed. She turned frantic, it didn’t want to leave.

‘You have to go…’ she pleaded in her mind, ‘Go… Go. Go! GO!’

Tears streamed down her face as she pushed with all her might.

“Get out, please.” She whimpered.

It disappeared.

She sighed with relief as she felt whole once again - like she could fit in her own body. Winona opened her eyes.

“What!? What’s going o-OW!” She leant forward over her stomach, where an intense pain shot down into the area of her pelvis.

“It’s okay Winnie, you’re okay.” Murmured a deep, calm voice from her left.

Doctor Avaris was pushing her bed hurriedly. She sucked in a breath as she realised she was on the move, being pushed through the hallways of the Kelvin with a myriad of nurses and patients following behind her.

“You’ve been hallucinating and it’s triggered an early labour. We’re heading to the emergency escape pods to evacuate the Kelvin.” Doctor Avaris stated.

Only one thing seemed to stick in Winona’s mind.

“I’m in labour?” she asked surprised. “But it’s too early!”

“The baby’s perfectly healthy.”

Before she could respond, Winona screamed as another barrage of labour pains hit her stomach. She held tightly to the Doctor’s hand and focussed on keeping her breathing steady. As the pains abated, she thought of her husband.

“Where’s George? He should be here.”

Doctor Avaris narrowed her eyes, “Acting-Captain Kirk is most likely on the bridge.”

Winona widened her eyes in shock, “Acting-Captain?”

The Doctor nodded her head. They reached the escape pods and piled in, leaving enough room for Winona to lie on a makeshift bed. Doctor Avaris held a scanner over her and frowned at the readings.

“Winona, we’re going to need you to push at your next contraction.”

Winona widened her eyes, “What? But I can’t give birth without-” She clenched her teeth in pain.

“Push Winona! Push!”

Winona closed her eyes and conceded to the Doctor’s request. The next few moments passed in a blur of pain, blood and screams. She pushed time and again, hoping for relief. The Doctor’s encouraging words helped her and she wheezed, “Contact George. Please! I need him!”

With a final push, she brought life into the world. Winona was exhausted as a squirming, red baby was placed in her arms. She gasped in surprise.

Her baby was a boy.

“Winona, we’re patched through to the bridge.” Someone in the escape pod stated.

“George!” She exclaimed in the direction of the speakers.

“Sweetheart, you’re okay!” Her husband’s voice was gentle and loving.

“I… I had the baby George.” She smiled through her tears. How could her day have changed so quickly? She’d been talking happily with Ambassador Kuval and now she was a mother of two!

“Oh… so what is it?” Her husband seemed relieved and Winona was brought back from her thoughts

“It’s a boy.”

George laughed, “It’s a boy? Yeah? Tell me… tell me about him - please.”

Winona sniffed, “He’s… He’s beautiful, he looks like you. George, you should be here.”

“I know,” he avoided the subject, “So what should we call him, huh?”

Winona looked to her beautiful child, and smiled. She had a precious gift. But what to name him?

“We could name him after your father?” she suggested.

“Tiberius?” Her husband chuckled, “Are you kidding me? No, that’s the worst. We’ll name him after your dad. Let’s call him Jim.”

Winona studied her newborn son, “Jim… Jim it is.”

“Sweetheart?” Winona tensed, her husband sounded worried, anxious even. “Sweetheart? I love you. Can you hear me?”

“Yes, yes I hear you!” she replied quickly.

“I love you. I love y-”

His voice was cut off by static and the crew members on board emergency escape pod 17A watched in horror as the USS Kelvin exploded upon contact with a large foreign space ship. The Kelvin was sucked away in a vacuum of space as the larger ship escaped the scene.

Winona cried.

Next Chapter

wip, kirk/spock, star trek, fic

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