Mar 02, 2005 16:10
If anyone has seen my pictures on .. or any other rating site.. just so you know, its NOT me...
it was Kacey Hubbard, faking my pics! .. yes, she made a fake account, and pretended to be me, and a few other people. Some people just have way too much free time..
Feb 13, 2005 00:48
Me: I have a sunburn, and its itching.. i need some Bengay
Nikki: Isn't that for hair growth?
No thats Rolaids
Feb 03, 2005 22:52
If you read this, even if i don't speak to you often, post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad just so long as it happened. Then, post this to your journal. See what people remember about you.
Jan 26, 2005 23:13
i want someone to walk up to me and pick me up and hug me & spin me around *
i want a spinny hug!!
Nov 30, 2004 20:00
I am so upset at the moment
My hero, Ken Jennings just lost jepordy... what is this world coming to?
well.. thats my last time watching the show.. i no longer have a will to watch it.. =\
I'LL MISS YOU KEN!!!!!!! hahahh =)
Nov 24, 2004 22:28
I have to ride in the Christmas parade next friday for the pageant, except I dont have anything to ride in. I went to Morgan Mcclure today, but they didn't have anything convertable or T-top
Does anyone have a convertable they would like to let me use to ride in ? lol