Breaking news: terrorist plot thwarted in Britain

Aug 10, 2006 12:11

'Airlines terror plot' disrupted.

A plot to blow up planes in flight from the UK to the US and commit "mass murder on an unimaginable scale" has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said ( Read more... )

breaking news, terrorism, media:wp, uk

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Comments 18

patrickdean August 10 2006, 16:18:32 UTC
Is it wrong that my first thought when I heard this news is that I found it fishy that it happened the day after the poll saying 60% of Americans don't approve of the war was released and Tony Snow basically saying the Democrats want another 9/11?


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 16:21:50 UTC
No, that was basically my feeling too. Like, "we must be getting uppity again and Bush is unpopular, they're raising the terror level." Althouugh I didn't know Tony Snow said that. What a troll.

It's not like they haven't trained us to view their warnings with skepticism. Like those Miami dudes who were no more in contact with Al Qaeda than I am with Martians.


patrickdean August 10 2006, 18:34:37 UTC
Damn, the Huffington Post had a link to it, and now it's no where to be seen...

Ha ha ha, this happened;


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 18:54:02 UTC
Too bad Republicans can't read a calendar, they'll say that was Clinton. ;-p


xiaomi August 10 2006, 16:35:43 UTC
This is pretty scary stuff, and it's insanely frustrating too; I've got a series of cross-country flights coming up in a week, and they're not going to be enjoyable at all. Pretty soon they're just going to handcuff us all to the seats or something.

I mean, I don't fault DHS, I get why they're doing it, but we're really basically being held hostage here. I hope that they figure out a better way to handle this screening nonsense, and quickly.


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 16:44:34 UTC
Well, at least you're not in Britain - they're making people leave their water bottles behind, making mothers taste their bottled milk/formula. But yeah, this is gonna be a bitch of a time to fly.


xiaomi August 10 2006, 16:57:52 UTC
Nope, I'm in Boston, and they're doing it here too. I've got a long haul flight to LA in a couple of weeks, and that's the one that worries me... I have to take meds every four hours and this is a 14-hour experience (9 hours in the air, another 5 hours waiting at Logan and changing planes in Atlanta). I'm already anticipating having to mail my prescription eyedrops to LA, if I check them they'll explode because the cargo hold isn't as pressurized as the cabin is.


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 17:07:53 UTC
That sounds awful... I wonder what insulin-dependent diabetics are supposed to do, just not fly? Doctors' notes? Do they turn their insulin over to the flight crew?

I hope it all works out ok...


_morning_glow August 10 2006, 16:38:03 UTC
Countdown until Cheney blames those damn dirty liberals in Connecticut? Oh wait, he already did.

(Obviously I voted for Lamont because I love terrorists. Makes perfect sense.)

::goes back to lurking::


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 16:48:56 UTC
ARGH!! Such bullshit. At least the NT Times gets that it's spin, but the rest...?

Before you go, thanks for voting Lamont. :)


asaresquares August 10 2006, 17:09:09 UTC
Tony Blair aside : Go Britain!

Great, now I have to watch the world's ugliest chimpanzee the Shrub everytime I switch the tele on. Fun fun fun.


thisficklemob August 10 2006, 17:11:48 UTC
Go Britain! We very much appreciate you not letting them blow our airlines up.

*pat* *pat* Feel your pain. Hey, the Daily Show reruns at 2pm. ;-)


asaresquares August 10 2006, 18:03:31 UTC
I thank the universe daily for Jon Stewart.


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