Your Daleks are almost finished - just have to add some details, and then they will be on their way. Don't look too closely, I'm not that good at crocheting, but it's the thought, right? Plus they are really fun to make.
Best wishes and here's hoping you had a wonderful, slightly odd but still enjoyable and highly re-tellable birthday! We're waiting to hear all about it.
I wish I could embed the video for this; it's a promo for Seinfeld's new show, which starts this evening at 8pm CST. We get to see quite a bit of Joel, but he only says one word at approx. 1:27 which just kills me.
Good news for DmC fans: Justin TV is streaming Sapphire and Steel episodes! You'll have to cut and paste, since I can't get this link to work.
You can also find one classic Doctor Who feed ( and one new DW feed ( and Mystery Science Theater 3000 (
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