These prompts are available for claiming for
lgbtfest. To claim a prompt, follow the instructions in the
prompt claiming post.
Prompts can be claimed twice, although we strongly encourage you to choose a prompt that hasn't already been claimed. Please don't request a prompt that has already been claimed twice.
Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order. RPF fandom prompts are listed under RPF (specific RPF fandom). Marvel and DC comics fandom prompts are listed under "DC Comics," "Marvel Comics," and "X-Men."
Prompts (Any fandom + Fandoms 0-E)
1. Any fandom: Show us a gay bar that's not just a place to get laid, but also important to a particular community in other ways. claimed by
nos4a2no9 2. Any fandom: A canon character begins living as another gender, and has to deal with people's reactions.
3. Any fandom: Show us a canon character being an active part of an LGBT community, and how that affects his/her relationships with the other canon characters. claimed by
sakru909 4. Any fandom: Characters are in a working gay relationship, but one or both of them is changed into a member of a different gender, and they have to negotiate the fall out.
5. Any fandom: Raising an intersex child. claimed by
eiviiaru 6. Any fandom: Polyamory/Triads as a working, stable relationship choice, which involves being out and open about the decision. claimed by
layangabi 7. Any fandom: Two characters begin a relationship. One has identified as queer for years and the other is only just coming to terms with his/her sexuality. What issues (political, social, et cetera) cause stumbling blocks for them, with their differing backgrounds? claimed by
jennifer, claimed by
silmerin 8. Any fandom: A character with a military parent and/or mentor is surprised to find they are open-minded about the character's sexual orientation.
9. Any fandom: Just because the boss is GLBT, and so is character X, it doesn't mean they get any favours, whatever the gossip says.
10. Any fandom: Two characters (both LGBT) disagree about an LGBT issue (examples might be same-sex marriage, biphobia within the gay/lesbian community, coming out, "outing" closeted LGBT people, etc.). Bonus points if both sides of the argument are treated respectfully. claimed by
thelastgoodname 11. Any fandom: "Stop trying to fix me up! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm attracted to everyone who shares my sexual organs." Or words to that effect. claimed by
colacancol 12. Any fandom: A parent never told his/her children about a youthful same-sex relationship -- it seemed irrelevant. But now the child has learned the truth, and feels like this changes things. claimed by
calliopepurple 13. Any fandom: A character who's felt comfortable in the gay community comes out as bi and experiences biphobia from people who felt like family. claimed by
pandore27 14. Any fandom: A character who's out as gay has difficulty accepting that s/he might be trans.
15. Any fandom: In a femslash pairing, one partner gets off on wearing a strap-on. The other accuses her of playacting heterosexuality. claimed by
kahvi 16. Any fandom. Show us a canon character dealing with bisexual invisibility and the surrounding issues. claimed by
leyenn 17. Any fandom: Character X doesn't identify as any particular orientation, this leads to conflict with their gay and/or straight friends. claimed by
inksplotched 18. Any fandom: Character X discovers that their long-term relationship and their orientation are not compatible. Their partner doesn't think it should matter.
19. Any fandom: Describe a self-destructive relationship in which one or both characters are unable to accept their own sexuality. claimed by
adbaculum, claimed by
pandore27 20. Any fandom: Character X is tired of being thought of as sexually repressed and socially conservative by their LGBT friends when the exact opposite is true. They don't want to drastically change their own behavior, but they're tired of being the sore thumb in their own community.
21. Any fandom: A recently outed character discovers that the LGBT community isn't living up to their ideals. claimed by
jjtaylor 22. Any fandom: LGBT parents worry that their life-style will affect their children socially as they approach adolescence and adulthood. claimed by
aingeal8c 23. Any fandom: A LGBT character struggles between allowing their own parents to see their grandchildren and protecting their children from their parents severe disapproval of their sexuality and lifestyle.
24. Any fandom: AU in which characters identify as dominant/submissive and don't discriminate on gender; gay/straight orientation is considered abnormal (in comparison to our society in which straight and neither dominant or submissive is considered normal and LGBT/dominant/submissive is considered irregular). Character X finds that they are only attracted to men or women, but not both. How does their orientation affect their relationships with other members of their society?
25. Any fandom: An LGBT character reacts strongly against LGBT slang and percieved homophobia. How do other LGBT and straight characters react to them?
26. Any fandom: A character wrestles with their desire to live freely as an LGBT person and their reluctance to "come out" to their own family, thinking that it isn't their business.
27. Any fandom: an older character realizes/admits for the first time that they're gay or bisexual.
28. Any fandom: Coming out as public figures in a same-sex relationship. claimed by
pocky_slash, claimed by
minisinoo 29. Any fandom: How a character reconciles their religion or faith and their sexuality or gender. claimed by
gemmi999, claimed by
inarticulate 30. Any fandom: An exploration of sexuality in the quintessential British boarding school, where it's expected to lust after younger boys, to publicly make lewd comments about them, where furtive homosexual encounters are commonplace, but where actually identifying as gay is strictly taboo.
31. Any fandom: A gay (by modern human standards, but does not use our concepts of sexuality) character from an alien culture/another time period is forced into a modern human setting.
32. Any fandom: A member of the clergy deals with feelings for the same sex.
33. Any fandom: Someone explaining to a GSA or similiar group that it is possible to be both gay/lesbian/bi and trans.
34. Any fandom: a same-sex couple raise a child together. claimed by
melayneseahawk 35. Any fandom: a parent struggles to accept their child's sexual and/or gender orientation. claimed by
lady_erin 36. Any fandom: 'So why are we (LGBT characters) always the bad guys in films?'
37. Any fandom: a past LGBT partner comes back into a character's life, and how he/she reconciles their past and present. claimed by
beedekka, claimed by
graiae 38. Any fandom: a character is accidentally discovered to be LGBT by someone close to them. How do they both deal with the situation? claimed by
bluflamingo 39. Any comics fandom: Any character. When you're an LGBT superhero, you'd think it would be great learning that someone you know is also active in your local LGBT community -- only it's a supervillain. claimed by
briar_cat 40. Any fandom you can set in the age of sail: Any male character(s). Sex between men at sea is pretty unproblematic so long as it's a case of "making do", but for at least one of the characters, it's much more than that. How he finds this out and does or doesn't come to terms with it. claimed by
pervyficgirl 41. 27 Dresses (movie): Casey/Jane Nichols. Jane's best friend isn't married herself-- because she has a terrible crush on Jane. She finally comes out with it-- not necessarily to Jane.
42. 300: Stelios/Astinos. While Sparta did not care what you did as long as you produced more warriors, Stelios worries that he is preventing Astinos from fulfilling his role in society.
43. After School Nightmare: Kureha Fujishima/Mashiro Ichijo. Kureha loves Mashiro, and he is a man, who just happens to have female genitals. By day, the illusion is perfect, she feels loved and safe. But can she still be sure she's straight after they slept together ?
44. Agatha Christie's Poirot: Hercule Poirot. A young gay man comes to Poirot with a case, because no one else will help him. Hastings is confused and annoyed by the fact that Poirot keeps him entirely in the dark regarding the details of the case, but Poirot is worried that the naive Hastings will not understand the importance of discretion.
45. Agatha Christie's Poirot: Hercule Poirot/Arthur Hastings. Judith Hastings is an intelligent woman, and a keen oberver. In her conversations with Poirot in Curtain: Poirot's Last Case, does she suggest to him that she knows he has greater interest in her father than he has ever let on to anyone?
46. Alice in Wonderland: any character. How is sexual orientation viewed in Wonderland? claimed by
justholdstill 47. Angel: Any characters. Two queer characters (not in a relationship with each other) discuss the differences that age, gender, nationality, class or race make in their experience of being queer.
48. Angel: Angel/Spike. Angel think's he's changed. Spike knows he hasn't.
49. Angel: Charles Gunn. Gunn is bi, and absolutely not out of the closet. Until something happens that forces him to open up, and now he has to deal with the consequences, and how it all changes his relationships with Angel and the others.
50. Angel: Charles Gunn/Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Fred Burkle. Fred doesn't get what's going on between Gunn and Wesley, and where she fits in all of this. (Can be threesome)
51. Angel: Connor. Connor's been fighting all his life. When his memories are wiped, he finds himself happy, well-adjusted, and gay. But when his memories return, he has to struggle with this identity all over again, and what it means to all his fathers.
52. Angel: Cordelia Chase/Fred Burkle. Cordelia had a "thing" with a girl in high school, but it didn't mean anything. Or did it? It's years later now, and Fred's getting to her head, and Cordelia really has some "coming to terms" to do.
53. Angel: Dennis. When Dennis was alive, there weren't words like "transgender." But Dennis always felt like a girl, and now maybe she can have a second chance. Living vicariously through Cordelia is one thing, but Dennis would love a body of her own.
54. Angel: Fred Burkle. After five years in hell, coming out to her parents doesn't seem so scary.
55. Angel: Illyria. As Illyria settles into Its new body, It struggles to understand what "female" means, to reconcile Fred's desires for men and women with Its desire for Wesley, and to discern what sexuality means in this new form.
56. Angel: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce. Being a "rogue demon hunter" doesn't get him much money or fame, but it's giving Wesley a chance to explore part of himself he's never had the nerve to face before.
57. Angel Sanctuary: Arachne. Arachne wonders how what was supposed to be a disguise turned out to be her true self.
58. Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter: Anita Blake. Anita is forced to deal with her homophobia. claimed by
witchqueen 59. Anthropomorfic: Slash. That stuck-up Meta is going around telling everyone that Slash is a lesbian, but she's not. She's not even sure she's even a girl, and she doesn't care what stupid F.W. and the other mean girls in high school say. claimed by
melannen 60. Assassin’s Creed: Abu’l Nuquod. How do Nuquod’s co-conspirators, many of them from strongly religious backgrounds, react to Nuquod being…different? Alternately, what is life in general like for a gay man in 12th century Damascus?
61. Aubrey/Maturin novels: Any character(s). A story about molly houses and other aspects of the era's gay subculture.
62. Aubrey/Maturin novels: Diana Villiers/Stephen Maturin. Diana knows her husband loves Jack Aubrey.
63. Aubrey/Maturin novels: Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin. Jack's a judge at a sodomy trial. How can he convict a man for a crime Jack himself commits?
64. Aubrey/Maturin novels: Stephen Maturin. Stephen the naturalist tries to find an explanation for his same-sex desires.
65. The Authority: Angela Spica. A brief experiment with lesbianism during college? Do tell. How did that go? How did her sexual identity fluctuate? What ended it?
66. The Authority: Jenny Quantum. When the tabloids pick up picture of Jenny Quantum on a date with a woman, Jenny realizes that the twenty-first century still hasn't gotten the memo about bisexuals. Uncomfortably, this includes at least one of her parents.
67. Avatar: the Last Airbender: any airbender. Canonically, we know that the Airbenders lived mostly in same-sex temples. How did that affect their relationships with each other and the children they raise? (I would love to see Aang's view on gender, being raised mostly by male monks, but anything exploring this would work.) claimed by
katharos_8 68. Avatar: The Last Airbender: Iroh. Iroh's past romantic/sexual exploits are one more reason why he is seen as being unfit to rule the Fire Nation. claimed by
mmoneurere, claimed by
furjurpreux 69. Avatar: the Last Airbender: Sokka, Katara, or any waterbender. I'd love to see someone work the concept of the two-spirit into a fic explaining why the Southern Water tribe didn't have a gender divide in its waterbenders as the Northern, since both Water Tribes' culture draws heavily from real-life Arctic peoples.
70. Babylon 5: Any character. Being lesbian or transgendered in the Centauri society. claimed by
andrastewhite 71. Babylon 5: Any character. When did gay marriage become legal? How widely accepted is it, really?
72. Babylon 5: Delenn. JMS originally planned that when Delenn went through her transformation at the end of S1, she wouldn't just change from minbari to human, but would also change her sex ( If this had happened (either male to female like in JMS's plan, or going AU after S1 and having her change from female to male), how would it have affected Delenn and his/her relationship with Sinclair/Sheridan?
73. Babylon 5: Stephen Franklin/Marcus Cole. Going undercover. Is one of them bi/gay and prepared for how to act/how they'll be treated as gay newlyweds? How do they educate the other? Or maybe neither of them are prepared. What kind of things do they learn on the trip?
74. Babylon 5: Talia Winters and/or Lyta Alexander. Psi Corps arranged marriages for the purposes of breeding: how does the character reconcile their lesbian/bisexual feelings with being forced to marry?
75. Baby-Sitters Club: Any character. A few years in the future, one of the former BSC charges thinks s/he is transgender and talks to one of his/her former baby-sitters about it.
76. Baby-Sitters Club: Kristy Thomas. Kristy's always been a tomboy, but does that make her a butch lesbian, a transboy, or something else?
77. Baby-Sitters Club: Mary Anne Spier. How does coming out as a lesbian change her relationship with her family?
78. Barrayar: Aral Vorkosigan and (By Vorrutyer and/or Dono Vorrutyer and/or Olivia). Post "A Civil Campaign": Trap them together in close quarters, under stress. Watch all the gender and sexuality issues bubble over.
79. Barrayar: By Vorrutyer and Bel Thorne. Trap them together in close quarters, under stress. Watch all the gender and sexuality issues bubble over. claimed by
melannen 80. Barrayar: Miles Vorkosigan/Bel Thorne. AU wherein Bel comes to Barrayar and Miles makes rounds of introductions at some official party or another. Bonus-points for involvement of Ivan Vorpatril, Alys Vorpatril or Gregor Vorbarra.
81. Bartimaeus Trilogy: Bartimaeus. When Bartimaeus traveled with Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
82. Bartimaeus Trilogy: Bartimaeus/Ptolemy. Bartimaeus can present himself in any form he chooses. But Ptolemy prefers him as a boy.
83. Bartimaeus Trilogy: Bartimaeus/Ptolemy. Kitty Jones puts the pieces together (or maybe reads something) and realizes that Bartimaeus was in love with Ptolemy. How does she react?
84. Bartimaeus Trilogy: Kitty Jones/Bartimaeus. Kitty meets a girl who strongly reminds her of Bartimaeus.
85. Bartimaeus Trilogy: Jane Farrar. Jane tried to seduce Nathaniel (John Mandrake), but her proclivities lie elsewhere in fact.
86. Battlestar Galactica: Galen Tyrol. Gemenese religion is the only Colonial religion that expressly forbids homosexual conduct. Galen Tyrol battles his devout upbringing as the son of an oracle and a priest, as well as his current religious beliefs, when adjusting to his friend's homosexuality. (The gay friend can be anyone you deem close to Tyrol, including an original character, but the story should focus on Tyrol.)
87. Battlestar Galactica: Kara Thrace: Kara sleeps with a lot of guys, and it's always a competition. With women, sometimes, it can be different -- if she's not too drunk.
88. Battlestar Galactica: Kara Thrace. How does the Galactica crew deal with homosexuality? Bonus points for involving Kat somehow.
89. Big Love: Any sister wives. Two of the sister wives fall in love -- how do they deal with it? What are the ramifications for their marriage?
90. Big Love: Alby Grant. The moment Alby realized he was gay.
91 Big Love: Heather Tuttle/Sarah Henrickson. Heather desperately tries to reconcile her beliefs and her attraction to Sarah.
92. Birds of Prey comic: Huntress/Oracle: Helena and Babs compete about everything, but Helena is having trouble hiding the fact that she is in love with Barbara.
93. Blackadder: Lieutenant The Honourable George Colthurst St. Bartleigh. George really enjoyed being Gorgeous Georgina, maybe a little more than he thinks he ought to have. Possibly George/Melchett.
94. Black Books: Bernard Black. Bernard said he once thought he was gay; why?
95. Black Books: Bernard Black, Manny Bianco. With the gay bookshop on their street closing, Manny thinks they should add an LGBT section to the shop. Bernard suspects this is a hint.
96. Black Jewels Trilogy: Any character. How do the realms view homosexuality and how does one come out with the views being what they are?
97. Black Jewels Trilogy: Any character. What is the LGBT community in the realms like and how would certain characters react to it?
98. Black Jewels Trilogy: Geoffrey. Geoffrey isn't much of a sexual person, but Saetan SaDiablo came along and turned his world upside down.
99. Black Jewels Trilogy: Jaenelle Angelline. Jaenelle was attracted not just to boys, but to girls as well. Her family thinks it's just another part of her sickness.
100. Black Jewels Trilogy: Karla. The intricacies of how a lesbian rules as a Queen and how she interacts with her Steward/"Consort"/First Escort males, her varied lovers, and just how much she lets her Territory know about her personal life. Also, we don't know how the Realms see homosexuality - are there terms to describe it, does it matter to how the castes are set up, do the landens see the idea of male/male or female/female differently than the Blood do?
101. Black Jewels Trilogy: Karla. It's hard being a Queen while you identify yourself as male rather than female.
102. Black Jewels Trilogy: Saetan SaDiablo/Andulvar Yaslana. What is it like not only coming out to your best friend, but telling him that you love him as something other then friends?
103. Black Jewels Trilogy: Surreal SaDiablo/Karla. Karla readily accepted her own sexuality, but Surreal isn't quite ready to come out to everyone just yet.
104. Black Jewels Trilogy: Lucivar Yaslana. During his days at the Eyrien Training Camps, Lucivar, starts to question his own sexuality.
105. Black Jewels Trilogy: Wilhelmina Benedict/Karla. After a childhood spent scared out of her wits in Terreille, Wilhelmina finds more than just one kind of freedom in Kaeleer - and she finds Karla, who makes no secret about the fact that her lovers are female. Love if someone could show either Daemon or Saetan as a supportive paternal figure for Wilhelmina to be protected and encouraged by, especially considering her views of males after Terreille. claimed by
bitterfig 106. Black Magician Trilogy: Dannyl. A look at the problems he had as a teenager because of his sexuality. What exactly happened with this 'older student' (Praise and love will be showered on anyone who manages to make said older student Akkarin).
107. Blakes 7: Any character(s). A Federation crackdown on "moral deviancy." claimed by
babel 108. Blakes 7: Any character(s). Same-sex desire breaking down (or reinforcing) class barriers.
109. Blakes 7: Any character(s). Suppressed gay history is passed on by rumor and legend. claimed by
kindkit 110. Blakes 7: any characters. Considering the evolution of gay rights in the present, why did the Federation resume an intolerant stance? claimed by
ultrapsychobrat 111. Blakes 7: Cally. On Auron, nobody cares who you have sex with. But it's different here.
112. Blakes 7: Cally. They do things differently on Auron, and when Avon and Vila separately proposition Cally shortly after she arrives on board, she has to explain just how to the crew--especially Jenna.
113. Blakes 7: Dorian. Was he gay or bi? Did he lure people to their doom in part because he'd been unable to come to terms with his own sexuality and so labeled it sinful and expiated his sins by murdering them in his stead?
114. Blakes 7: Keiller. He plays the jolly fat man but the reality is that it's harder to be accepted by fellow gays than straights when you're older and very much larger.
115. Blakes 7: Kerr Avon. There's a gay underground community at university, but Avon's not sure he wants to be part of a community.
116. Blakes 7: Pinder. His friends don't understand why he's chosen to leave Earth with a much older and seemingly very unattractive man.
117. Blakes 7: Pinder/Egrorian. Learning you're gay and a sub after meeting a prof. who was gay and a dom would be difficult for any young student, but throw in the fact that Pinder's a genius as well...
118. Blakes 7: Roj Blake. He'd assumed he was straight, but now his memories are coming back. claimed by
ultrapsychobrat 119. Blakes 7: Roj Blake. Gay rights and the revolution.
120. Blakes 7: Roj Blake. Getting past the idea that being a gay man means you're a pedophile-especially in light of the charges on which Blake was convicted.
121. Blakes 7: Roj Blake/Kerr Avon. How do you convince people of the rebellion that there needs to be freedom for gay people without those people thinking the reason is purely self-interest on the part of Blake and Avon?
122. Blakes 7: Thania. The top Federation lawyers work hard and play hard, but Thania plays on a different team from her colleagues.
123. Blakes 7: Tynus and Avon. It takes a lot of courage for Tynus to tell Avon how he feels.
124. Blakes 7: Toise/Krantor. It's not easy, even in an anything goes place like Freedom City, to find an employer/lover who not only allows cross-dressing & costume play, but encourages it.
125. Blakes 7: Vila Restal, or Olag Gan, or Vila/Gan. It's only happening because he's [they're] in prison. Maybe.
126. Bones: Angela Montenegro/Jack Hodgins. Angela has so many secrets, and Hodgins is just starting to figure out some of them. Until she drops another bombshell. He's not sure whether he should be scared or appalled or turned on. Turned on definitely seems like a good idea, but he's got this nagging fear... what if he's not enough?
127. Boston Legal: Alan Shore. Alan's known he's bi for a long time, he's just never thought it was worth the trouble to come out. But now he has to take a stand on principle - even if it means losing his best friendship.
128. Boston Legal: Denny Crane. Denny decides to see what all the fuss is about and starts dating a man. Who *isn't* Alan.
129. The Brady Bunch (TV or movies): Any characters. One of the kids, now at college, joins an LGBT group.
130. Brideshead Revisited (book or TV miniseries): Charles Ryder. After his failed marriage to Celia Mulcaster, Charles finally admits that he actually is gay, and that his love for Sebastian Flyte wasn't just a "passing phase." How does he reconnect with the gay community that he has rejected? This could be an AU fic, or you could incorporate his canon relationship with Julia Flyte.
131. Bring It On: Missy Pantone (or Missy Pantone/Torrance Shipman). Torrance knows there's no such think as a lesbian cheerleader. Missy proves otherwise.
132. Bring It On: Missy Pantone/Isis. Missy is out, because she can afford to be. Isis isn't, because she can't.
133. The Brittas Empire: Gordon Brittas, Tim Whistler/Gavin Featherly. Fed up with him constantly missing the point, Tim spells out his and Gavin's relationship to Mr Brittas.
134. Brothers and Sisters: Jason McAllister. His efforts to be true to both his calling and his sexuality.
135. Brothers and Sisters: Kevin Walker. Kevin dates someone who is FTM. claimed by
inlovewithnight 135A. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Any characters. Two queer characters (not in a relationship with each other) discuss the differences that age, gender, nationality, class or race make in their experience of being queer. claimed by
mylexie 136. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Any characters. Sunnydale High students begin to perceive the library as a safe place for lgbt kids.
137. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: any characters. A FTM slayer has to fight for recognition of his gifts. claimed by
resolute 138. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Any character (original or from extended canon). A Slayer (pre-Buffy) who is lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.
139. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season 8 Comics): Any character. The issues involved for a lesbian/bisexual Slayer living in the commune of Slayers in Scotland. Could be a specific Slayer (e.g. Satsu) or a character we haven't met.
140. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Season 8 Comics): Any character. Lesbian/bisexual/transgender Slayers forming a subgroup or support group within the larger Slayer community and the problems they encounter (e.g. about being open about their orientation/gender to the larger group and internal issues with some women wanting to be open and others wanting to keep it private). claimed by
stareyednight 141. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Andrew Wells: Andrew doesn't know if he's gay or not, but all the young slayers think he is.
142. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Andrew Wells/Xander Harris. Coming out to the other scoobies is the hardest thing they've ever done. Coming out to their parents, on the other hand, they find easy enough. (How coming out to people you care about is always harder than to people whose opinion doesn't matter, no matter what the outcome might or might not be)
143. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers/Faith. Now that Buffy's finally ready to start a relationship with Faith, she's run into a problem that she never expected: it turns out, Faith really was just playing around; she's not into women at all. Or at least, that's what she says. Buffy doesn't believe her.
144. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane. Buffy realizes that there may be more to how she feels about Faith than she thought. claimed by
erinya 145. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers/Faith. Slayers have some kind of freaky mystical connection, and Buffy thinks it might be sexual. Faith's freaked because she's queer and definitely in lust with Buffy, but she thinks Buffy is mistaking mystical weirdness for something else.
146. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane - a visit to Buffy's very first gay pride parade after the Hellmouth collapses.
147. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn Summers. Dawn's read all Willow's books and seen all Tara's movies, so she's sure she knows everything about being a lesbian. But when she falls in love with a woman, she learns that kissing by the book just won't cut it.
148. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn Summers. Post-Chosen, Dawn comes out as bisexual or lesbian, to someone other than Buffy or Willow. claimed by
scribbling_elf 149. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn Summers. Dawn got flak at school for having a gay couple as her guardians.
150. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Dawn Summers, Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane. Dawn Summers' POV as Buffy tries to understand her attraction to Faith, a younger person watching her guardian's journey.
151. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith Lehane. Faith and another character have an honest conversation about Faith's bisexuality and her attraction to Buffy. claimed by
spikespetslayer 152. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith Lehane. Faith confides in Angel her feelings about Buffy, finally acknowledging her bisexuality.
153. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith Lehane/female character: When a young slayer tracks her down to train with her, Faith realizes she is bi.
154. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Larry Blaisdell. Coming out obviously had a profound positive effect on Larry. How did the conversation with his parents go?
155. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (or Angel): Lily/Anne/Chanterelle. She's been through so many personae that she's hesitant to identify as bi -- she feels like she has to earn the right to label herself.
156. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles. Giles is outed while he's still the librarian at Sunnydale High. claimed by
lostgirlslair 157. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles. "In my day, anyone calling me 'queer' was asking for a fight." Bonus points if neither side of that argument comes across as being "stupid and wrong." claimed by
lostgirlslair 158. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles. Giles thought he'd left that part of himself behind when he went back to the Council, but obviously not. Now he can't just put it up to teenage rebellion, he actually has to deal with it.
159. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles. Going from being openly gay/bi in England to being very much closeted in a US high school.
160. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles. Giles has never been out at work, and he really doesn't think his bisexuality is something his Slayer needs to know about, so dating Jenny Calendar presents an interesting moral quandary. It would be so easy not to tell her.
161. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles/Daniel "Oz" Osbourne. Oz calls himself a fag and enjoys drag shows. Giles is appalled -- Oz seems to relish stereotypes that Giles tries to fight.
162. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles/Xander Harris. Xander's been in denial for a very long time: being attracted to girls meant it was easy to not pay any attention to that part of himself. But he's older now, and there's Giles, and it's all so very confusing. claimed by
mireille719 163. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike (William). William loved both men and women with equal passion. What was his first homosexual experience like, and how did he reconcile this with the ideal of a respectable Victorian gentleman?
164. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara McClay. Tara's first lesbian experience, or how she came to realize that she was attracted to women.
165. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg. Coming out to her family.
166. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg. Willow didn't turn gay overnight. Before she met Tara she had feelings towards other women. Maybe Amy, Buffy or Jenny Calendar?
167. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg. After things with Kennedy fizzle out, Willow starts a relationship with a man. She is frustrated and infuriated with Buffy and Xander who don't understand why she is 'suddenly not gay'.
168. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg and Faith Lehane. Willow and Faith discuss what it means to love a woman, set sometime during or after season 7. claimed by
scribbling_elf 169. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg/Daniel "Oz" Osbourne. They try to hook up again post-series, but something just doesn't click. How did they fall in love in high school when one (or both!) of them is gay?
170. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay. Willow and Tara are getting married. How do they combine Jewish and Wiccan traditions to create a ceremony that speaks to both women's hearts? And will their families attend?
171. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander Harris. Xander's thoughts on Willow's coming out. He's been her best friend for years. How did he not notice?
171A. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Xander Harris, Rupert Giles, Willow Rosenberg (Giles/Xander awesome, but not necessary). Xander begins to realize that his sexuality may not be as clear cut as he always thought. So, he goes to the two people he knows who might be able to help him. How does Willow's view of things differ from Giles'? [Uh, I consider Rupert Giles to be canonically bisexual, though I know not everybody does. Still, that's kinda what I'm looking for here.]
claimed by
cmk418 172. Burn Notice: Michael Westen. He confesses to Fiona that he didn't leave her strictly because of work. A coming out story. claimed by
lovetheboys 173. California Diaries: Ducky McCrae. Ducky's pretty sure he's gay, but now what? He never fit in with the jocks at school, but he's not fitting in with the gay community either. Is there *anywhere* he belongs?
174. California Diaries: Maggie Blume. When Maggie's father discovers she's bisexual, he turns livid.
175. Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo Daidouji (/OFC if you'd like). Tomoyo has gotten over Sakura, but she still has a preference for girls. Her first time with a real girlfriend or going to a gay bar.
176. Charmed: Chris Halliwell/Bianca Phoenix/male. [Fixed future.] For being destined witches, his family really had a thing about tradition. Which made it all that much harder to come to terms with being attracted to senior Bianca Phoenix and her college-aged boyfriend at the same time. Especially when his brother, like usual, had mastered the art of being clueless.
177. Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde: Troilus/Pandarus. I have, and shal, for trewe or fals report, / In wrong and right iloved the al my lyve. (I.593-4) Pandarus will do anything to make Troilus happy - even if it means forsaking any hope of happiness for himself.
178. Citizen Kane: Jedediah Leland/Charles Kane. Jed Leland never wanted to hide who and what he was and who he wanted. It's too bad that his lover was Charlie Kane, who had forgotten how to do anything else.
179. Clerks: Randal Graves/Dante Hicks. Randal comes out.
180. Clueless: Cher Horowiz and Tai. "Getting buzzed and kissing girls at parties is one thing, but being an actual dyke is *quite* another. Do you understand the distinction?"
181. Constantine (Movieverse): John Constantine/Chas Kramer. They get enough funny looks without anyone knowing what's really going on - good thing John isn't much for public displays of affection. Or any displays of affection, really.
181A. The Count of Monte Cristo: Eugenie Danglars/Louise d'Armilly. Tell us more about these rebellious artists and their unconventional relationship!
182. Coupling: Jane Christie. Jane really is bisexual, despite her friends thinking it's just a ruse to attract men. claimed by
stickyslash 183. Coupling: Jeff Murdock, Steve Taylor. Jeff has a boyfriend. Steve mistakenly assumes this is a result of yet another bucket-full-of-ears type situation that Jeff wants out of, and tries to help - after all, he'd know if his best friend liked blokes, wouldn't he?
184. Criminal Minds: Aaron Hotchner. He got married because that's what men in his position do, except he's not anymore and since he's never going to get promoted again, he has nothing to lose by coming out to his team.
185. Criminal Minds: Emily Prentiss. She's spent her entire life in the closet, and she's not sure what she'd do if anyone knew.
185A. Criminal Minds: Jason Gideon. Gideon never could love just one person at time.
186. Criminal Minds: Jennifer "J.J." Jareau. She'd always been the toe-the-line sort of girl. A small town, a soccer scholarship, media, and then the FBI. There wasn't any room in there for dating women, especially when she spent all day with people who'd deconstruct it to death.
187. Criminal Minds: Penelope Garcia. Garcia is privy to more information than regulations or HIPAA say she really should be. She finds out someone on the team's secret.
188. CSI (Any): Any character. A hate crime hits a little too close to home for a character and their reaction to it clues the team in to their personal preferences.
189. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Greg Sanders. Being Proud: He's never been one for labels, always tried to keep as far away from them as he could, but this one? He's proud of and doesn't mind wearing the colors proudly. (Bisexual Proud - Love Knows No Bounds)
190. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders. Greg likes Nick, Nick likes Greg, it should be simple, shouldn't it? Except that Nick has to make everything difficult, and Greg has no idea how to navigate all of Nick's issues. Help can come from unexpected places.
191. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders, Conrad Ecklie. Discrimination: They never advertised their relationship, preferring to let those they cherished as family and close friends be the only ones they freely explained things to. So when bricks start flying through their windows, slanderous and derogatory words begin to appear spray painted on the side of their house, their cars, and even their lawn, and a fateful encounter outside their favorite diner, they boys struggle to hold their lives and love together with help from the most unexpected places.
192. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Warrick Brown. Being black in the gay community and gay in the black community.
193. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Warrick Brown. He likes to go to church with his grandmother sometimes. But the homophobic sermons are getting to him.
194. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Warrick Brown. He's in his mid-thirties and finally coming out.
195. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Warrick Brown/Nick Stokes. Warrick's grandmother handles the news (that Warrick and Nick are a couple) well; Nick's parents, not so much.
196. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Warrick Brown/Nick Stokes. In their job, they often see victims of homophobic violence. That makes being out feel kind of scary.
197. CSI:NY: Adam Ross. Coming Out, Nonacceptance and Acceptance: He'd said that his father was a bully but Adam knows he was much more than that. When he'd come out to his parents the abuse only escalated until the night he woke up in the hospital with bandaged wrists and a Doctor that told him it was going to be okay. (Parallels between Nonacceptance from family and Acceptance from strangers)
198. CSI:NY: Adam Ross and Lindsay Monroe. Gay Pride Parade - Adam and Lindsay walk proudly down the streets of New York, hand in hand, as they celebrate their sexuality and march for the fight against AIDS. (Bisexual, Gay, or Lesbian)
199. CSI:NY: Danny Messer (Danny Messer/Mac Taylor or Danny Messer/Don Flack or Danny Messer/Mac Taylor/Don Flack). They'd talked behind his back about Tanglewood, and they'd certainly talked about the Minhas shooting. Now that his preferences were out, he certainly had a feeling he wouldn't be hearing the last of it.
200. CSI:NY: Mac Taylor (Mac Taylor/Danny Messer or Mac Taylor/Don Flack). He'd known since Beruit that there was a lot more to his relationship with one of the members of his battalion than just male comraderie, but he'd thought it washed away with Clare. But now, looking at him, he might as well be back in his army tent...
201. Dangerous Liaisons: The Marquis de Merteuil/Cecile Volanges. The Marquise searches for a way to incorporate her interest in Cecile into the way of life she has established for herself, and naive Cecile is sent off on further self discovery.
202. Dark Angel: Bling [no last name]. Bling likes and trusts Logan, but feels awkward about telling Logan that he's gay because of the frequent physical contact that their business relationship requires.
203. Dark Angel: Cynthia "Original Cindy" McEachin, Diamond. Out on parole, Diamond comes and finds Cindy at Cindy’s mama’s house, and Cindy has some explaining to do.
204. Dark Angel: Max Guevera/Cynthia 'Original Cindy' McEachin. Max has no idea how to deal with this aspect of her sexuality. She goes to Original Cindy for help, and gets more than she'd ever thought she would.
205. The Dark Is Rising: Will Stanton/Bran Davies. Do either ever tell their families of their relationship, and if so, what happens? (Post-series, both are adults.)
206. DC Comics: Any character. When you're (at least partly) in the closet and a superhero, it's hard keeping track of who's supposed to know which secrets. claimed by
pervyficgirl 207. DC Comics (Teen Titans, any era): Any character. A Titan comes out to their friends as LGBT. How do their teammates react?
208. DC Comics: Anissa Pierce (Thunder). Anissa comes out to someone important to her, be that her dad, her teammates, or even herself.
209. DC Comics (Outsiders): Grace Choi, Anissa Pierce (Thunder). Grace and/or Anissa actively participating in an LGBT community.
210. DC Comics: Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)/female character. Cass can tell when people are attracted to her. She wants to learn to return their affection. Can be with canon or original female character.
211. DC Comics (Green Lantern/Green Arrow): Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Oliver Queen (Green Arrow). At some point on their road trip, they ran into people who made the wrong assumption; and then the guys started to wonder if it was the wrong assumption.
212. DC Comics: Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy). Harley comes to terms with her bisexuality and the fact she is in an abusive relationship with the Joker, and goes to Ivy for support.
213. DC Comics: Jason Todd (Robin II) . Jason is genderswitched.
214. DC Comics: Koriand'r (Starfire). Kory's trying to understand the human concept of sexual orientation.
215. DC Comics: Koriand'r (Starfire). Kory doesn't understand the way the humans around her divide into homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual, and why they make such a big deal of it.
216. DC Comics: Renee Montoya. Dating closeted, rich, obnoxious Kate Kane.
217. DC Comics: Renee Montoya. Does she ever reconcile with her parents?
218. DC Comics: Renee Montoya/any female. "Well, we all have a face that we hide away forever." How is wearing a mask like being in the closet?
219. DC Comics: Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler/Robin IV). Steph has to choose between Cass and Tim. Or does she?
220. DC Comics (Batman): Tim Drake (Robin III), Stephanie Brown (The Spoiler/Robin IV): Tim knows he loves Steph, but he also knows he isn't attracted to her. How does Steph deal with Tim coming out? claimed by
isilweth 221. DC Comics (Birds of Prey): Barbara Gordon: Babs knows a lot of people still think Oracle is a man. How does this affect her perception of her own gender identity?
222. DC Comics: Katherine Kane (Batwoman): Give Kate some backstory apart from being Renee's (ex)girlfriend. When did she first realise she was attracted to women? She's still (mostly) closeted; who knows she's queer and how did they find out?
223. DC Comics (Wonder Woman): What is the Amazon's view on transgender issues? Are there any male-identified Amazons? MTF warriors accepted into Amazon culture?
224. Dead Like Me: Daisy Adair/George Lass. George finds herself confused by her growing attraction to her roommate, Daisy.
225. Deadwood: Martha Jane "Calamity Jane" Cannary/Joanie Stubbs. Joanie knows that Jane probably loved Wild Bill. Alone with her in the Chez Amis, Joanie tries to explain how she feels about Cy Tolliver.
226. Death Note: L/Light Yagami. Misa is right when she accuses L of being gay and of being interested in Light and he finally admits as much to Light.
227. Death Note: Misa Amane. Traumatized by her parents' death and influenced by what a woman is "supposed to be," Misa fell for Light, not realizing how forced those feelings became ...until encountering Sayu again.
228. The Devil Wears Prada: Andy Sachs. Andy's gay now, and Lily's not taking it very well.
229. The Devil Wears Prada: Andy Sachs/Miranda Priestly. Miranda thinks they're not gay, they just love each other. Andy is pretty sure they're gay.
230. The Devil Wears Prada: Andy Sachs/Miranda Priestly. Miranda isn't going to label herself, but the press doesn't understand that kind of nuance. And now Caroline and Cassidy are suffering from the fallout.
231. The Devil Wears Prada: Andy Sachs/Miranda Priestly. The twins want to know why Miranda and Andy aren't getting married, and the fact that it's not legal in New York is not a good enough reason.
232. The Devil Wears Prada: Andy Sachs/Miranda Priestly. The most unexpected consequence of their relationship? When Heritage of Pride invited Miranda to be the Grand Marshal of the New York Pride Parade. claimed by
thelastgoodname 233. The Devil Wears Prada: Doug. Doug isn't pretty enough to be gay, and he knows it. Sometimes, being a gay man in New York really sucks.
234. The Devil Wears Prada: Emily Charlton. There are no lesbians in fashion. But it's okay to be bisexual, even if everyone knows you're pretending.
235. The Devil Wears Prada: Emily Charlton. Worshiping Miranda does not mean Emily's gay. It doesn't.
236. The Devil Wears Prada: Emily Charlton/Lily. What happens when two completely different people run into each other at a marriage equality rally? (Like kd lang said, rallies are a great place to meet women.)
237. The Devil Wears Prada: Miranda Priestly. She arrived in New York just as Stonewall hit, and had a choice about a career: she could pursue her politics, or she could pursue her passion for clothes. She's still not sure if she made the right choice.
238. The Devil Wears Prada: Miranda Priestly. Miranda's husbands all needed beards; not only didn't they realize she knew that's why they married her, they also didn't realize she needed them in exactly the same way.
239. The Devil Wears Prada: Nigel Kipling. It's actually fairly difficult to be a gay man in fashion, no matter what it looks like to the outside.
240. The Devil Wears Prada: Nigel Kipling. Nigel has just hit the glass ceiling at Elias-Clarke, and for once, there's nothing Miranda Priestly can do about it.
241. The Devil Wears Prada: Nigel Kipling. It's Fashion Week: all those fabulous clothes. All those fabulous men. All that fabulous sex? More like all that fabulous backstabbing and catfighting, if you ask Nigel.
242. Dexter: Dexter Morgan. Dexter finds out that sexuality is a lot more fluid than he thinks. claimed by
colacancol 243. D.Gray-man: Mahoja/Anita. The butch/femme dynamic in the fictional 19th century China, or alternatively the struggle between Anita's feelings for Cross and her feelings for Mahoja.
244. Discworld: any character. The ongoing changes in dwarven views on gender and sexuality have any number of repercussions. How many young dwarves are "coming out" as the gender they weren't born as? Conversely, is all this openness actually eroding dwarven freedom to view themselves however, and marry whomever, they wish?
245. Discworld: any characters. In Thief of Time Terry Prachett mentions the *other* type of club for gentlemen who prefer the company of other gentlemen - what is these clubs' place in Ankh-Morpork society?
246. Discworld: any character. One (or more) of the characters from Monstrous Regiment chooses to remain living as a man after the events of the book.
247. Discworld (Equal Rites): Eskarina Smith/Simon. Witches are women, Wizards are men: post book Esk, the first woman Wizard, wonders if that has any other implications for her, especially in concern to her relationship with Simon.
248. Discworld: General (Mildred) Froc. They may all have started out as women, but General Froc thinks he's got as much right as anyone else in the Borogravian army by now to call himself a man.
249. Discworld: History Monks. What if the Abbott miscalculated and reincarnated in the body of a girl? How would the monastery react?
250. Discworld: Imp Y Celyn (aka Buddy). After the ending of Soul Music, Buddy disappears from the Discworld canon, right when it looked as if he and Susan were about to settle into a romance. Why? claimed by
minkhollow 251. Discworld: Polly Perks/Maladicta. Polly pretended to be male because she had to, but Maladicta genuinely thought she should have been born Maladict. Polly thinks she's straight, and is a little disappointed and confused to find that Mal is female. Same-sex relationships are definitely an abomination, but what isn't these days? Mal is still Mal either way, and Polly isn't about to throw away what they could have.
252. Discworld: Polly Perks/Maladicta. Lofty was Tonker's girl, and Tonker acted like her young man; that made a certain kind of sense to Polly. With Polly and Maladicta, Polly's not sure who's supposed to be the girl and who's supposed to be the boy, or if there's another way for this to work. claimed by
bwinter 253. Doctor Who: Any character. A companion is able, through contact with an alien (or future Earth) society, to explore his or her sexuality in a way that s/he wasn't able to, or didn't feel safe doing, "back home."
254. Doctor Who: any characters. Time Lords regenerate into different bodies and personalities. Do any ever regenerate into different genders? How is that viewed by Time Lord society? claimed by
netgirl_y2k 255. Doctor Who: any Companion. What couldn't they do/experience/be at home that they can somewhere/somewhen else?
256. Doctor Who: any Classic Series companion. In the course of traveling with the Doctor, a companion discovers their own sexuality is not what they thought it was.
257. Doctor Who: any Doctor/Companion. After a regeneration, the Doctor's sexual orientation no longer matches up with the gender of his partner.
258. Doctor Who: Ace McShane. Ace is young and coming to terms with the fact that she's bisexual. Unfortunately, the only person she has to talk to about it is the Doctor.... claimed by
ionlylurkhere 259. Doctor Who: Algy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances). What was it like for him being a gay man in the 1940s, especially after the war when everyone was getting married? How did his meeting Jack Harkness change this for good or bad?
260. Doctor Who: The Doctor. The Eighth Doctor finds himself in a body that's unusually pretty for a male. It prompts him to be curious about his feminine side and about being female.
261. Doctor Who: The Doctor. The Doctor (any incarnation) was at Stonewall in 1969. claimed by
biichan 262. Doctor Who: The Doctor (First). The Doctor learns a lot about humans, and himself, on his first trip to Earth.
263. Doctor Who: The Doctor (Fifth)/ Vislor Turlough. The Doctor has learned a lot about humanity over the years, but they never fail to surprise him, and make him rethink things.
264. Doctor Who: The Doctor (Ninth)/Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler. Rose has seen many things in her travels with the Doctor. But is she ready to see him in love - with a man? And does she want to be a part of it, or does this waken her to her own desires for women? Can be OT3 but would kind of like to see this from Rose's perspective pre-OT3. Also Rose/canon f or OC f would be good, whatever the author is inspired by.
265. Doctor Who: The Doctor/The Master. Time Lord society looks down upon sex as something animal and basic, below them, as they aren't dependent on sex for reproduction. How does this affect their view of homosexuality, or homosexual sex? An adult Time Lord discusses this with a young Theta or Koschei.
266. Doctor Who: The Doctor (Ninth)/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness. The Doctor has been in many relationships with both human genders (not to mention the aliens) in his nine hundred and some years - but this is the first time he's been with two people at the same time. claimed by
starletfallen 267. Doctor Who: Fitz Kreiner/Eighth Doctor (requited or unrequited). Are you still a poof if it's only the one bloke you fancy? And he's an alien?
268. Doctor Who: Francine Jones/OFC. After Martha's parents' broke up, she discovers that her Mum is bisexual. How does Martha, and her family, cope? claimed by
femme_slash_fan 269. Doctor Who: Frank (Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution Of The Daleks). The Doctor says to Frank that he can kiss him later. Does it show that Frank is gay? Does he kiss the Doctor or find someone else?
270. Doctor Who: Harriet Jones. Lesbian in politics. Closeted or not?
271. Doctor Who: Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler/(any female character). "You people and your quaint little categories."
272. Doctor Who: Jamie McCrimmon (Jamie/Second Doctor if you like). The Doctor says there's no such thing as sin. Jamie wishes he could believe him.
273. Doctor Who: Liz Shaw. Balancing her career (as a female scientist in the 70s) with her sexual orientation (lesbian or bisexual). Pairing her with another Classic Who female companion a bonus, but not a must. claimed by
atraphoenix 274. Doctor Who: Martha Jones/Rose Tyler. Either character realizing/discovering that she's bisexual.
275. Doctor Who: Mickey Smith. In the alternate universe, Mickey's reaction to assuming the identity of a gay or bisexual man (as canon implies that Rickey was)--and his realization that he and Rickey may have that in common.
276. Doctor Who: Mickey Smith. After establishing a relationship with Jake, Mickey agonizes over coming out to his alternate universe gran, only to find out that Ricky came out to her years ago. claimed by
doyle_sb4 277. Doctor Who: Mike Yates. Some time after leaving UNIT, Mike comes out to one of his former colleagues.
278. Doctor Who: Nyssa of Traken/Tegan Jovanka. Traveling in time and space can alter your perspective of right and wrong.
279. Doctor Who: Romana/Leela. Sex and sexuality among the Time Lords. claimed by
roadstergal 280. Doctor Who: Romana II/Leela. The human concept of 'sex' turns out to be far more complicated than Romana was expecting.
281. Doctor Who: Rose Tyler/Mickey Smith/Jake Simmonds. Jake is gay, Mickey is pretending to be an alternate version of himself and Rose is finding it hard to explain their relationship to anyone.
282. Doctor Who: Susan Foreman/Barbara Wright (unrequited or otherwise). Susan didn't realise, at first, that her feelings for Barbara were anything other than purely platonic. She didn't realise it was possible.
283. Doctor Who: Susan Foreman/Ping Cho. Susan comes to terms with being bisexual/lesbian, with a bit of help.
284. Doctor Who: Vislor Turlough. Turlough is baffled by late 20th century Earth attitudes to homosexuality, considering how much of it goes on at his school.
285. Doctor Who: Zoe Heriot. Scientific and systematic exploration of sexuality. claimed by
glinda_penguin 286. Doctor Who: Zoe Heriot, Jamie McCrimmon. Explaining her bisexuality to Jamie is more complicated than Zoe would have anticipated.
287. Doctor Who/Torchwood: Jack Harkness. 1930s New York City gay scene.
288. Dracula - Count Dracula - The Count as bisexual. How does he (and the world around him) handle this throughout all the centuries of his long life?
289. Dracula - Jonathan Harker - The ambiguous behavior of the Count toward him during his stay in his castle leaves Jonathan with much cause of doubt and self reflection. claimed by
lilfluffykitten 290. Dracula - Lucy Westenra/Mina Harker - The classic Victorian romantic friendship as a cover for something more.
291. Dragaera series: Cawti/Norathar. Cawti tells Vlad about what everybody else already knows.
292. Dresden Files (bookverse): Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith. Harry tries to deal with the fact that his brother the sex vampire also feed off men; Thomas tries to deal with Harry dealing.
293. Due South: Benton Fraser. Coping with the RCMP's history of anti-gay persecution.
294. Due South: Francesca Vecchio. Frannie realizes that the reason she's been chasing after an unattainable man is that she doesn't *really* want to catch him; it's just safer than having to admit that she doesn't really want to be with a *man* at all.
295. Due South: Ray Kowalski. A hate-crime investigation leads Ray to tell Fraser about when he was the victim of prejudice/violence. claimed by
shrift 296. Due South: Ray Vecchio. Ray comes out to his family as bisexual.
claimed by
aingeal8c 297. Earthbound: any character - As the world comes in contact with more and more nonhuman sapients, from Mr. Saturns to Tenda to the stranded remains of Giygas's forces, it becomes clearer and clearer that the traditional human heteronormative models of sexuality and gender are the exception, not the rule. What lessons does human society (and/or specific humans) draw from the example of their cosmic neighbors?
298. Earthbound: Brick Road - Brick Road has always been uncomfortable in his own body, and the Dungeon Man project is the sublimation of urges he doesn't want to admit even to himself.
299. Earthbound: Tony - After the defeat of Giygas, Tony decides that it's absurd not to be frank about his homosexuality, even if he wasn't exactly denying it before. Still, how does the revelation affect his life at Snow Wood Boarding School, and what happens when Jeff returns and Tony's finally honest about his attraction? Whether or not Jeff returns his feelings -- or is even capable of returning them -- things will never be the same. claimed by
eiviiaru 300. Earthsea: Jasper. He let them think he left Roke because of the Lady of O, but it wasn't the Lady who lured him out of their cloister...
301. Earthsea: Manan, Aihal, Ged, Tenar. All of Tenar's truest friends have been eunuchs.
302. Enchanted Forest Chronicles: Tokoz/Oraun. Queen of the Dragons is more than just a job title.
303. ER: Any character. There's a major incident of some sort at a LGBT-related place or event, and one of the ER staff is brought in with injuries. claimed by
mylexie 304. ER: Any character. After watching Kerry's coming-out process, another character questions their decision to keep silent.
305. Escaflowne: Celena Schezar. Post series, Celena tries to make sense of who 'she,' and who 'he,' is. claimed by
furjurpreux Prompts (Fandoms F-P) Prompts (Fandoms Q-Z + Crossovers)