[As the comm turns on, Rfena's voice comes on, sounding tired and annoyed.]
I'm looking for a crewmember to give my frog. If any of you are listening, want to answer a question?
[Her tone brightens a bit, but is still serious as she continues speaking.]
For the rest of us passengers:
Got any information on the ship or its crew you'd like to share? Or
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Comments 128
['Crappy' is hardly a polite term.]
A little worse for wear?
[Rfena lets out a little exhale.]
I'm just very...[She's searching for a good word.] frustrated. I learned some new things about the ship, and I... don't like it. I don't like the whole thing, and I'm tired of feeling powerless about my situation.
[She listens quietly, sighing a little. She sounds a little like herself when she arrived.]
I know. It's a very frustrating position and situation, one we can do little about. There was a mutiny attempt a while back, but I...
[Saying 'I slept through it' sounds really, really dumb.]
Well. It didn't end to well. The Captain mimics a God, and seems to have the powers as well. Mind if I inquire what you have learned, so far?
And yes, you may. [Have another little sigh.] There's one woman - one woman - whose responsible for our course, people coming back when they die, and the repairs on the ship.
This may not even be a ship, either. It could be an illusion hiding something else. Add on top of people randomly appearing and randomly disappearing, and the possibility that our homes are gone...
Its pretty common where I'm from. But it is very fun.
[She recognizes the slang. But she's not going to use it.]
What I wouldn' give ta just fly 'round in space.
I think where I'm from may be considered a sort of future for you, so...
There are people who just 'fly around in space', but I'm not one. Its a one person supply ship, so I get to repair it if it gets damaged or whatnot. And I'm delivering supplies... and stuff.
[locked//50% hackable]
I've got a bit of information. What do you want to know?
[[Locked//40% Hackable]]
Anything you'd be willing to share. If its about the woman in Carnival, though, Shilo's told me.
[locked//50% hackable]
I only learned of that from her.
Anything weighing heavily on your mind?
[[Locked//40% Hackable]]
[Her tone is more serious] One woman - I don't remember her name - indicated that the ship may be some sort of illusion, or cloak, hiding the real thing. Along with the woman in Carnival. And this talk of worlds being gone.
I feel... powerless. I'm used to being able to find the answers.
For Lordaeron and then the Dark Lady.
You okay?
Yeah...yeah, I'm totally fine.
[She doesn't really believe you, Mikaela, but she won't push it much more.] If you say so, but if you need to talk about anything...
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