Flail, PicSpam, Tumblr, & Recs

Mar 06, 2011 22:32

Sorry to all my readers for not updating my WIP recently. Unfortunately I have 2 jobs and work 6 days a week so my one day off is usually spent doing errands and laundry and cleaning.  Also, since I'm so new to writing FF I'm having a hard time creating interesting arcs for each chapter. I'm so linear with my writing. I think the next one I take ( Read more... )

picspam, tumblr, recs, inception, flail

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Comments 4

epistolic March 7 2011, 11:11:26 UTC
Honey! Just to let you know - it's whiskyrunner, not whiskeyrunner. I always get the two mixed up as well, but the second one isn't actually her journal. ♥


lezzerlee March 7 2011, 17:22:06 UTC
Thanks so much! Fixing now.


twilightthief March 7 2011, 12:57:29 UTC
I do totally need to update them but my mind has not been cooperating with me!

Thanks so much for the motivation though :)


lezzerlee March 7 2011, 17:23:51 UTC
Totally understand. Same boat for me. I think I was also trying to encourage myself.


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