Revelations and Recollections Chapter Twelve

Oct 03, 2010 23:48

  Jessica had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. A feeling of
dread that something was going to go wrong. With that she felt the
sense of panic rise.

"I will record this from Myfanwy station " Toshiko said as she had backed
away. It had not done anything to ease Jessica's wish to run away from
what was about to happen. Owen , starting to switch on the monitors
attached to Gwen noticed.

"Whoa breath." He had told her. "Deep breaths."

Jessica took a shaky breath and had to resist the urge to throw
herself off the table. Maybe it would knock her out.

"Problem?" Jack asked as he put down a box next to where Gwen remained
unconscious. Bound, gagged, blindfolded and unconscious. Owen had
started checking Jessica's pulse.

"Jeez" He muttered.

"I really want to not do this, please no" Jessica begged as she
clutched at her chest. Owen noticed her trembling. He put his hand on
her head. Sweating. Which might have been a result of earlier
activities or an indication of what was happening now.

"Panic attack. This is not surprising. Not exactly been restful.
this is not what she needed after having an operation. Someone find me a
paper bag." He said to the team before he turned his attention back to

"Paper bag?" Jack asked as, ever efficient, Ianto walked out of the Hub.
He returned a few moments later with a brown paper bag. It was one
they used in the tourist information centre. He handed it
to Owen.

"Breath into this." Owen said as he helped her put the bag in place.

Jack walked over to Jessica. "All you have to do is sit exactly where
you are and tells us what she says. That is all. We will take care of
everything else, absolutely nothing to worry about."

"Liar." Jessica gasped as she struggled for breath.

" Not this time. Nobody is going to get hurt , it will be
over in a few minutes " He gave her his best trust me I know what I am
doing smile. Jessica had looked back with a look that said I don't
believe you.

She was right not to.

Owen placed the monitor Gwen was attached to in a spot he could see
it. He sat up next to Jessica as she removed the bag. A coughing fit
later and she handed Owen the bag.


"Scared shitless. You ever experienced one of these?"

"No." Owen replied honestly.

"Have any of you?"

"I have." Ianto said. "And Jack says his done them before."

"I have." Jack confirmed.

"How did that go?" Jessica asked sounding sceptical.

"Fine." Jack responded

"Man code!" Jessica mumbled to Owen as Gwen woke up.

Immediately that unwelcome pain was back. Owen took hold of Jessica
who tried to bite back a scream.

"She predictably says to let her go," Jessica said.

"Not going to happen, let Gwen go," Jack commanded.

He turned to Jessica. The pain grew stronger.

"Gwen's gone. Paraphrasing. And to answer the question where to a better place. "

"A better place?" Owen asked.

"Um, an image,"

"Try and describe it." Jack said, a note of authority in his voice now.

"Red castle , a tower, she's in the tower with a, a giant rat. I hate
rats. The rat is dressed a little like the cowboy from the village
people. "

"Village people? Really." Jack said.

This time Jessica screamed. "Don't mock her. You will, I can't even say
that word. Its like clicking. "
Jack made a clicking sound.
"That's it." Jessica said . "She's not saying anything else.." She
clutched her head.

Jack set to work quickly sprinkling the liquid over Gwen and muttering
words in a language no one could understand. It sounded like a series
of clicks but judging by Jessica's reaction it was having some sort of
impact. Then she was saying plenty and even if Jessica wanted to filter
it out she could not.

"Toshiko, you could not even face me could you? Oh It's okay I would
not want to face me either. You are the real soul of this place and so
I had no cause to harm you. You barely registered on Gwen's radar.
But Gwen is wrong, you should register as you have that combination.
Brains and beauty. If only someone would appreciate you.
And Ianto the boy who tries so hard to blend into the background. The
one who feels disgust about his actions and guilt. Able to cope with
what his co-workers throw at him because he is punishing himself twice
as bad. The real heart of this place, you brave boy. You went through
so much and still fighting. Just wow. I am so sorry for what has to
happen next.

And Owen, the medic who hides that compassion and hurt under a real
attitude problem. But trying to self elude. You want to believe so
hard that it was not Gwen last night. That it was down to me. Sorry
buddy that was all her doing, she put up a week attempt and I let her
have her fun. She comes across as so caring but that lady is twisted,
we would call her a , well what she does is a crime in Myfanwy land. Comes
across as so innocent but she knows what she is doing. She thinks she
is always right and will get her way and fuck the consequences as long
as she does not get hurt. That's why she is in the tower with, what you
would call the judge. She would have went through with it all the way
if it was not for me retaining control. Maybe she would like to answer
to that now."

Then even through the gag Gwen made the most blood curdling scream ever.

"Gwen's Gwen again." Jessica sobbed. "Its trying to get in me."
Jack looked down at Gwen as Owen checked the monitor.
"Heart rate increasing, hormone levels going back to Gwen's norm. "
Owen confirmed even as he tried to restrain Jessica who was thrashing
Then suddenly she was not as her posture and expression changed.
"That's better, Gwen's head was petty. And distasteful. All full if
cosy with Rhys and Really kinky thoughts of Owen but longing for Jack.
Sex, sex , sex, , how dull. This one has much more interesting memories" Jessica
said in a voice that was not her own.

This was when the plan fell apart. Or perhaps it was the point that
Ianto’s gun floated up to aim at his head and a scalpel at Gwen's neck.

"This one is putting up a fight. I like that. Will make things more interesting."

No when things went wrong was the point that everyone discovered they
could not move. Or speak.

"I have a question " She said addressing Jack as she untied Gwen. "Oh
you may speak." She said with a swish of her hand. Jessica's hand.
Nobody was entirely certain anymore.

"What's the question?" Jack asked.

"Oh that's easy. This ones fighting, she might even win. She wins I
die. See I don't know so why not even the odds. If she loses one of
these two die. That's your punishment for the past. Which one?"

Her features changed again. "She's sent me out to explain something.
And this is really freaky. This is not her doing, she was sent to do a
job, she says that Jack will understand what I mean. God next time
someone says nothing to worry about I am bloody running" She
said even as she took faltering steps over to Ianto. She grabbed the
gun even as she changed again.

"Will it be this one? Who is he to you Jack?" The scalpel went flying
away from Gwen and landed in Jacks leg. "Ah Cleaver girl. Do you think
she will have the guts to do it?"

"Do what?" Jack asked.

"The gun, this one means something to her. She also apparently knows
something I don't know. But I think you do."

"What's that?" Jack asked.

" Ianto, just tell her Ianto. Oh Wows. Think you lied Jack. Nobody
will get hurt. This fucking hurts." She removed the gun from Ianto’s

"Jessica, use it. The pain, got to be pissing you off a bit."

"Oh Nice try. This is fun is it not. But seriously which one , which
one do you choose. " She said and Ianto found he could move.

"Go." Jack said. Ianto hesitated momentarily before he moved. Not out
of the door but towards the weapons range. Everyone else remained
unable to move still.

"Well that changes the odds a bit. Oh I will let him have the freedom
of movement. For now. So we are still waiting for a decision."

"What if I choose neither? " Jack asked defiantly.

"Oh Jack it does not work that way . You don't pick one they both die. So pick."

" I can't"

"Oh Bloody hell. I never thought I would have to use this training.
And never ever again. So you can't pick, fine, I even tell you which
one to pick. Someday someone is going to actually start listening. "

"Jack, I really think you should pick me." Ianto said as he approached
back armed with a gun. "I think I know what she's doing."

Jack looked torn. The charmer captain was gone, replaced with a broken
man. Meanwhile Gwen now found herself able to move as Ianto handed
her a gun. They both pointed them as Jessica as they started to circle
around her.

"Well this is an interesting turn out for the books. Okay lets change
the question. Which one do you have pull the trigger?"

"Both of them. "

"Wrong answer" She said as she pointed the gun at Gwen. Ianto stopped
pacing and pointed his gun at Jessica.

"Okay, I pick Ianto." Jack replied.

" Oh, her friend. Intest” She broke off mid sentence. “Thanks Jack , Come on mate, do it. "

Ianto pulled the trigger and hit her in her shoulder. Her injured
shoulder. With that Jessica screamed in pain before running for the door. Everyone found they could move again. They chased after her and caught her at the end of
the walkway.

"I think she's won. But Did I forget to mention I die she dies to."

"So she dies to." Jack said. "What's one more to the total?"

"Fine. Oh Blood is sticky. And she worked it out. The bitch worked it
out. That may have been a mistake on my part. Oh She was lucky."

"How so?" Ianto asked.

"You and her have a history. She knows your little secrets and you know hers."

"A shot by one she loves may just save her. One she has no connection
to will kill her." Jack recalled. " Your a Granto. Your a Granto and
yet she still managed to hide that from you?"

"What's a Granto?" Gwen asked.

"The thing you have been hosting the last few days." Toshiko responded dully.

"I admit she did. Till now. And oh what glorious little secrets you
two share. One last gambit for my entertainment and to save her life
for definite. My time runs short as it is. She's keeping a secret about
one of you. The young man who she is willing to die for. Did die for. What is the
secret hum?"

Ianto remained silent as his hands balled into fists.

"God death after this would be welcome, don't do it." Jessica, the real one whispered.

"What you blocking?" Ianto asked. He seemed determined even as Owen
made his way forward.
" Stay back. Trust me just stay back.”

Owen paused, stood next to Ianto. He could hear Ianto’s sharp intakes
of breath even as he remained outwardly composed.

" Seriously mate, I don't think she's going to keep her word on this, I'm a dead girl walking. Spare yourself"

"Is she?" Jack asked. "A dead girl walking."

"What did she mean ?" Gwen asked.

Jessica sank to her knees. "Depends on your boyo there. A secret for
her life. And a secret of mine" The Granto was back in control.

Conflicted, Ianto's face started to betray emotion.

"Must be good. I mean she let me into some terrifically fun memories.
Well fun for me. Much torture and chains and pain. And time lived
out of sequence. None linear, oh this planet has got a lot to look
forward to. Her heads a great place, shame I cannot stay really. "

"Let her go and I will tell."

The look said go ahead before Jessica broke free again.

"Please Ianto, no. "

"What you blocking? Tell me. "

" What do you think I am blocking? Not so sweet Sixteen. Shit, I am so so sorry." She said in a small voice.

Listening behind Gwen let out a small sob. Jack wrapped an arm around her.

"Well what is it going to be? A secret for a life."

"Fine. A secret." With that Ianto sighed, "you like the ones with pain right?"

"pain will set her free." The Granto replied in a sing song voice.

" My dad was not what you would call a happy drunk. When he was sober,
he was great. It was great. Unfortunately it was not often he was
sober. On Myfanwy sixteenth birthday we marked it by taking Myfanwy mother to
the hospital where he had beaten her. He hit her so hard she was left
with brain damage. "

He paused to gather his thoughts as Jessica let the tears fall down
her face. Owen moved forward , stood level with Ianto again. The
second he could either give medical assistance or get a shot at the
alien he was going to do it.

"She was took to Providence Park, her mind was too broken to cope ,
she never left, won't ever leave. Dad got off with it, he always got
off with it, him and Rhiannon lied about it, said someone had broke
in. Staged it and the police brought it. Got away with a lot though,
and I let him. " Ianto's voice was cracking.

"Like what?"

"Started with a broken leg, said I should have held on tighter, ended
with me having to shoplift to eat. The day I stood up to him
finally was the day he had to go have a fatal heart attack. Enough

"Okay. Enough yes. " The voice was a mixture of both the alien and
Jessica. The next thing anyone knew Jessica was in the water and
sinking fast.

"Jessica!" Ianto yelled even as he ran and dived into the water.
She came up gasping for air. "Its got me." She said before she went
under. She bobbed back up. "She's done something to the computer" she
managed to relay as she came bobbing up and down for air. "It caused the lockdown." She
finished her message. This time she did not resurface.

"She cannot swim. " Ianto said before he dove under the water. Owen
without thinking dived in to help.

Under the water the pair had realised what had happened. The alien had
left her but was trying to drown her as it laughed. Golden light
attached to her ankles like an anchor dragging her down.
Ianto was forced to come up for air and Owen shot at it. Ianto went back under as Owen
came up for air. Toshiko had retrieved the rescue ring and had threw
it in as Jack dealt with a now screaming Gwen. The aliens grip on
Jessica loosened as Owen grabbed the ring. He took it under with him
as Ianto came up for air. Between the two of them they dragged her now
unconscious form to the surface as Toshiko pulled the ring and the
three back in. Ianto was coughing as spluttering as Jack helped the
three out. To Owens relief Jessica started breathing as soon as she
reached the surface and soon regained consciousness. Jack without
hesitating yelled to find out just what had been done to the computer

He could hear Toshiko race in to start work. They could hear Gwen
shouting at Jack in the background. They were too tired to bother to
make out what was being said.

Owen did not even mind when Ianto leant on him this time. They watched
as the corpse of the alien float to the surface before it exploded all
over the three of them. Exhausted the three of them simply flopped
back as they tried to catch their breath again.

In the background they could hear Jack taking Gwen inside.

"We got to get inside before we freeze." Owen said as he
struggled wearily into a sitting position. Ianto equally slowly
followed his lead. Eventually with Jacks help stumbled to the lift which they
descended in an exhausted heap.

Owen suspected that Jessica was barely keeping herself pulled
together. He also was harbouring doubts about Ianto’s mental state. Not
like his own was much better but after what had just happened his
mental state was the last of his concerns. And then off course there
was Gwen to deal with to. It looked like his day was not getting any
shorter any time soon. For once , he thought, a day chasing Weevils
would be brilliant. At least he knew what to expect with them.

What had happened had not been anyone's finest hour. Sure they had
worst days but they had a hell of a lot better.

He was still trying to process it as her checked her shoulder for the
bullet Ianto had put in it. It was easy to remove and bandage as
Jessica sat like a statue. That accomplished he sighed. There was
still no reaction of any kind from Jessica even though he had pinched
her, talked to her and cut off her soaked clothes. . Jack had warned them
she could be like that for a while but all the same it was slightly disconcerting.

Gwen, the real Gwen was upstairs with Jack. Allegedly they were
actually doing a briefing and debriefing session on the day and the
Massy. Jack was insisting she still had to meet them. Owen pondered this as Jacks yell echoed around the Hub.

"That's the second time you have taken Retcon from the Hub. It is
unacceptable. Your actions where unacceptable. Next time it happens
you will be fired." He said. Owen suspected Jack knew more about the
Granto than he was letting on. Which give Owen another pain to deal
with. Just how much control did Gwen have over the past few days? Was it the Granto or Gwen in control when she was at his flat? He
pushed that trail of thought to one side as he concentrated on what
needed to be done now. Jessica did not even react when Owen give her
an antibiotic injection.

Gwen attempted to do her puppy dog impression to get out of trouble as
she followed a pissed off Jack out of the office. Owen supposed she
had not learned from her experience at all.

Gwen cooper was back to normal then and on that scale mission accomplished.

After handing over his silent companion over to Toshiko he walked into
the communal shower. Switching the water on he let the heat
sooth over tense muscles. He sighed as he started to feel warmer. The
water in the bay was not exactly a comfortable temperature. And his
clothing choices that day were not appropriate for swimming. Not that he was expecting to
be fishing Jessica out of the bay were she had attempted to drown
herself. Correction, the alien that possessed her had attempted to
drown her.

At least that had been dispatched and clean up was easy. Shame the result was so messy.
In the next cubical Ianto rested his head and palms against the wall
with a soft groan. Owen knew that he would not spend too much time in
the shower, Ianto never did. At least not at work. Just enough to clean off.
His arm protested as he reached for the shampoo as Ianto switched off
his shower exiting the other cubical Ianto passed his instead. Owen did not
mention Ianto’s tears mingling with the water dripping from his wet hair as he
wordlessly took the bottle from him. That alien's goo did have a bit of
a sting to it. Owen was thankful that there was hot water left to.
Small mercies on a day like today.

Owen finally dragged himself out and dried and dressed quickly. Old
jeans and comfy jumper while not the smartest of clothing was functional. And more
importantly at that moment both warm and dry. Warmer than wet clothes
and then surgical scrubs.

As Owen approached the couch, Jessica attempted to dry her eyes. Not quick
enough though as both Owen and Jack had caught her crying silently. Jack
was now sat down next to her , an arm around her as she tried to quell
the flow of tears.

"How's Gwen?" Owen asked as he sat down on the couch, effectively
trapping Jessica between the two men.
" Upset and confused. Memories a bit of a blank she says. She will remember some bits in time but not others. She will be okay though. "

"Lucky for some." Owen said wishing he could forget.

"Yeah. She's not going to be of much help today. I want you to check
her over before she goes home though"

"Right, where she at?" Owen said. He thought it best to get it out the way.

"Getting some air apparently. Chocolate was mentioned. Toshiko is with
her. It will wait." Jack said.

"Oh god." Jessica whispered. Which was a start as it was the first
words she had said since the alien had been defeated. She drew her
knees up to her chest and hugged herself. Jack looked at the abandoned
comb and then looked at her hair. Somewhere along the line she had
platted it . Or Owen suspected Toshiko had platted it. Now it was out
of her face it made her look younger.

"Hey you back with us?" Jack asked softly.

"reluctantly." She replied softly as she shivered slightly. Owen wrapped the blanket
around her as she laid down resting against him. "Hurts less like
this." She explained. “Warmer to.”

"Ah." Owen said as he tried to remember how long it was since she last
had pain killers. Not that long ago he reflected as he checked his
thankfully waterproof watch. It felt like a lifetime. "How you

"Rubbish," she said even as her head dropped down.

"Jessica, I know it's hard to concentrate now but I need to ask you a
few questions. "

"Can this not wait jack?" Owen asked.

" I am afraid not. I will be really quick okay."

"K." Jessica mumbled.

"Can you remember what happened?"

A small nod of the head was her answer as her functioning arm wrapped
around Owen. "You cannot forget that, it's gone but its not, never goes. "

"Did it tell you what it had done to the computer?" Jack asked.

Jessica's eyes fluttered shut. "Instructions. It used Gwen's, just Gwen's." She said with a yawn. "A task. Didn't say what."

"Okay that's good." Jack said as he stood up. "Should be easy to sort
out. Toshiko might even find it interesting." He said with a sigh.
"And finally, and I promise I won't get mad at the answer. When Ianto
was talking why could we not hear the real words he was speaking?"

"What?" Jessica asked looking confused.

"He looked really unhappy for someone relaying instructions on how to
make cheesecake. "

"Cheesecake? " Owen said even as her eyes drifted shut.

"Oh. I um, the Granto said it was just a need to her people, that it needed
to get info on human behaviour or something. That’s how its society functioned, on the pain of others, but to cause pain to make people heel. To confront things they had been avoiding. Never really explained why but they didn‘t want to cause difficulty more than they had to. I guess it might have something to do with that. Said its superiors needed to know about…. No that’s not right. I could feel it poking around but it was like it was scared, like it was being controlled to. I don't think it was happy doing what it did. "

"Okay" Jack said. Before he could form his next question Jessica spoke again.

"Before you ask no not telling what it was he said. " she mumbled,
exhaustion clearly taking over.

Jack seemed unhappy at that as he looked at Owen. "Was it a childhood
memory?" He asked Owen.

"Yeah, you could say that." Owen said.

"That's all I need to know." Jack said as he ran a hand through his hair.

The alarm sounded signifying the return of Gwen and Toshiko. As
he walked off he started relaying the information back to Toshiko. He
crossed Ianto on his way whom was carrying three mugs and the teddy

"Yours is on your desk sir." He said without stopping.

"Thanks Ianto." Jack said not breaking his stride either.

As he reached the couch Owen removed his legs from the table to allow
Ianto to set the tray down. Ianto wordlessly sat down and sipped at
his tea. He held the bear out to a disturbingly quiet Jessica. Without looking she took it.
She dropped it on the floor and Owen watched as it floated up and

"Overload, its calming" She offered in way of explanation before she caught it.

"Oh." Owen said as she clutched hold of it like a child.

The three of them drank there drinks in silence, Owen having to help
Jessica as her hands trembled. Fright, Owen having checked for hypothermia already. They sat, none of them certain what to say. They watched Toshiko typing away silently on
Gwen's computer, a slight frown of concentration on her face.

Owen having finished his tea set the cup down.

"You know I really want Cheesecake now his said that" Jessica mumbled voice as she lay back down on Owen.

"What do you mean?" Ianto asked.

"Back then, before, the others did not hear what you said. They got a
recipe for cheesecake." Owen explained. "And I won't say anything to
them about what you did say." Owen said sincerely. He looked at Ianto concerned. “If you want to talk.” He said leaving his offer open ended.

"Thanks." Ianto said with a sigh.

"No problem. I best get that physical out the way." Owen said as he
looked over at Gwen.

"Go deal with her before she starts trying to get someone to open up. Because I swear that would be the last straw." Jessica sighed. Her sigh turned into a yawn.

"Noted." Ianto said. "Come on then, up you come before you fall asleep on him." He said as he gently helped her to sit up. She gave a slight murmur of protest as Owen stood up.

It took Owen five long minutes to establish that no alien was now possessing her. She was also physically unharmed, at least at that moment in time. He had conducted it in his usual no frills style as jack watched.

"She's human, everything is how and where it should be and no longer a
danger to the world at large. "Owen announced as he removed his
gloves. He left them where they landed on the floor as he stretched
trying to work out the tension he felt. "In short she's fit for duty
boss." He said as he put away the scanner. .

Jack nodded. "Gwen go home." Jack said his tone kind but leaving no room for argument. Gwen was about to say something, obviously thought better of it and went to

"Ianto procedure Twenty one ." He shouted.

Ianto mealy nodded as he laid the blanket over Jessica. He moved to
get his coat and keys as Gwen inevitably asked "What's procedure 21 again? I keep getting them muddled"

"Home search. You have been there during all this" Jessica said.


"Its just procedure to check that while you where not yourself that nothing got took home or said something you shouldn’t or contaminated. Rules and Regulations" Jack commented.

"Oh" Gwen said as she accepted that easily. With that she linked arms
with Ianto and the two of them left together.

Yep, Owen reflected. Everything was back for what passed as normal.

What happened before
The final part :( 
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