Revelations and Recollections Chapter Six

Oct 03, 2010 23:30

 Hour six.
"This would be easier if the lights were on," Jack announced, "why isn't the lighting working?"

"I am trying to get them back on. But there is no obvious power. It would be easier if I could see what was wrong, " Toshiko replied.

"Well if the alarm is going off then there is some sort of power, " Ianto concluded.

"It would be easier if she would stop her wailing," Owen added, " I'm trying to concentrate."
Well he shouted over the sound of the alarm from the med bay. He found himself there with Jessica. This is becoming a bad habit, he thought.

"I shot her. I could have killed her Jack, " was Gwen's contribution to the discussion.
It was all she had said for the past ten minutes. In various ways and volumes. It was grating on every one's nerves.

"How's your shoulder?" Owen asked Jessica as he felt round it gently.

"Fine apart from the bullet in it. Your dino has licked it clean though. Really hope it was the dino anyway."

"Its a Pterodactyl" Ianto informed her. "Flying reptile not a dinosaur. Dinosaurs could not fly."

"Oh Joy, it's a Pterodactyl with all them prehistoric germs," Owen complained, "And guess who will have to treat that."

"I put a bullet through her," Gwen wailed.

"If she does not shut up I will put a bullet through her," Owen said.

"Chances of please getting the alarm off?" Jessica asked.

"Jack would not let you shoot me," Gwen said in a shaky voice.

"Technically I am the only one allowed to shoot the staff, " Jack announced out loud. "Their is always exceptions though." He muttered under his breath.

"Working on it, " Toshiko said in response to Jessica's question.
"Are you sure it's a Pterodactyl? Looked more like a pteranodon to me, " Jessica announced, "Oh never mind. My mistake, same thing. Probably. Oh sweet!"

"What?" Owen asked.

"She's grooming, " Jessica announced.

"Yes she does that." Ianto confirmed.

"Oh Joy!" Owen sighed sarcastically.

"Shine the light there, " Toshiko instructed Jack.

"I could have killed her," Gwen said, "It would be my fault she's dead."

"But you didn't Gwen, " Jack said his patience wearing thin.

"I don't normally sleep walk. At least I don't think I normally sleep walk." Gwen pondered.

"Hey Guys. Looks like there's light up there, " Jessica said.

Myfanwy give her access hatch an experimental shove. It opened. Myfanwy let out a happy squawk as she flew out of the Hub.

"Do you guys have a way down from the roof? Because there's a way out if so," Jessica added as she watched Myfanwy exit.

Jack could think of a way down. He did not suggest it aloud though. He figured his staff did not need to know about his previous suicide attempts.

"Afraid not, " Ianto said.

"Oh well worth a try, " Jessica said as she winced in pain. "Ouch."

"Nearly done, "Owen said as he used the antiseptic to clean the wound.

"Oh shit." Jessica whispered as she looked up at the hatch again. "Shit shit shit shit fuckity shit." She whispered And for good measure, she added "Pissing bollocky hell."

"Cybermen can't fly. Please do not be able to fly," Jessica groaned aloud.

"Why is that?" Owen asked as he over heard her mumblings.

"Because UNIT have done a really bad job of detaining them, " She announced, "They're trying to get in. I don't even want to know how it got onto the roof. "

"This is a bad time to be joking," Jack announced as at last the lighting came on. He could see her face now. He could see the fear in her face. He looked up to where she was looking and confirmed it for

"I. Am. Not. Joking. " Jessica replied through gritted teeth.

"We have power back but I did not do anything," Toshiko confirmed.

"Could they have been controlling the Hubs power ?" Owen asked. He voiced what everyone else thought.

"How?" Gwen asked. She had pulled herself back together.

Toshiko was checking the CCTV feed. "I think they may have discovered the lift" She gasped.

Jack looked at the footage and confirmed it for himself. Ianto was reaching for the guns and was handing them out.

"Right troops I need everyone to listen to me on this now. " Jack announced. " We cannot let it infiltrate this base. We cannot let them build up their numbers if possible. This is a fight to the death.
Preferably, there's. Got It? " Jack announced.

Everyone got it. Everyone was handed a weapon.

"How the hell does this work?" Jessica muttered as she looked at hers. She looked at it like she had never seen one before. This was not that far from the truth.

"Your kidding me right?" Owen said.

"Never shot a gun before in my life. Knife throwing, bomb making, fire, making things go boom I can do. Guns, not so much. We didn't have that training in the research dept. We had guards for that, " She squeaked out, "plus" She indicated to the bullet still in her shoulder.

"One is attempting to breach the tourist information office" Toshiko announced.

"Point aim and fire" Jack said as he handed Jessica a different weapon.

"It's a Cybergun" Jessica said.

"Kills them instantly as long as you hit them " Owen said softly.

"I can do that." Jessica said. She did not sound convinced. "Got an idea, send them back through the Rift?"

"We never open the Rift, " Jack said, "ever."

"So what do we do?" Gwen asked.

"Toshiko, Ianto, Jessica, " Jack said, pointing at the lift. "You two with me." He added to Owen and Gwen. He pressed a few buttons on his wrist strap and the lift stopped. Once that happened he opened the door and Jack, Gwen and Owen clamoured out. Jack give a brief nod as he pressed more buttons on his strap.

"Do what we do, " Toshiko said as she put Jessica in a safe position .Well as safe as it got. "If you get a shot at it do it."

"What if one of you two are in the way?" Jessica asked.

"Do it anyway. As Jack said it cannot get access to the Hub." Toshiko replied.

Jessica gulped at that and swallowed down the bile in her throat. She looked at Ianto and attempted to copy his stance. She half managed it. Toshiko looked at her PDA.

"Jack yours is about to get in the tourist information centre, the doors holding it back" Toshiko reported.

Jessica could not hear Jacks response. Ianto replied with "Yes Sir" though.

Two minutes later, she heard the bangs of bullets. An alarm went off signifying the lift decent had restarted and stood there was the Cyber man in question.

"This will be most suitable. You will be upgraded." It said.

Toshiko reacted first sending a hail of bullets at it. Ianto soon followed. Jessica attempted to but her arm would not respond. It descended downwards still. Jessica could feel herself panicking as her
shot missed. Instinct took over as a computer chair went flying towards it. The Cyberman simply shot it away.

Some one's gun hit the target and it paused.

"You will be deleted." It announced.

Ianto took aim.

The lift continued downwards.

Jessica could have screamed in relief when she saw the other three Torchwood three members appear dragging their Cyberman in. Almost in unison, the five of them aimed and fired. Jessica was moments after. She froze momentarily then remembered she had a gun. She aimed it , closed her eyes and heard a bang. She opened her eyes again to see it fall on the floor. She looked at it, looked at her gun and looked back at it. Its head descended downwards still. She fired at it, missed but someone else had not. It fell to the floor. The head exploded with a mechanical hiss.

Around her Jessica heard noise but it faded away. She was not aware that someone had took the gun off her. Someone lifted her to her feet. Around her, she could make out activity. Toshiko was typing away , Jack reached for his phone to find out what was happening. Ianto, she saw wheeling over a trolley saying about disposing of them, Gwen talking.

Gwen should not be glowing. Jessica was pretty certain that Torchwood did not hire aliens. Gwen was talking but Jessica could not comprehend what she was saying. Something was definitely wrong. If only she could, focus but it hurt too much.

She had not realised she had been carried over to the medical bay again. Owen was methodically in preparing his tools. Jessica watched him but only registered anything when he touched her forehead.

"It's cold." Jessica said.

"You're going into shock." Owen said as he took her pulse.

"Arm wouldn't work, " She mumbled. "Hurts."

"That would be because you have a bullet in it still. "

"A bullet. Oh. Oh yeah, " She said, "Take it out? My heeeeeeeeaaoooooooowwww" Why cannot I say it? Jessica woozily thought. Whatever that was wrong, it became clear that Jessica would have to deal with it on her own. Or think of a way around it and that was really frightening.

" First we are going to keep you from going further into shock. Don't worry, I may be a twat but I am a bloody fine doctor. You're going to be just fine." Owen said.

"Okay." She murmured. "Not a twat." She added.

She found herself wrapped in a blanket She closed her eyes as she saw the needles and was mostly cooperative when an oxygen mask was placed over her nose and mouth. She removed it a second. " O negative. I'm O negative," She whispered." File was wrong, " she said.

Owen acknowledged that with a nod as put a drip in her uninjured arm. Jessica put the mask back on and sighed as pain hit.

"Okay lets get this out of you," Owen said. He explained what he was doing while he did it. Jessica smiled back in response really not comprehending what was happening.

"You beauty," he confirmed as he fished the offending bullet out. Then he examined it. "Shit," It appeared that was going to be the word of the day.

Jack stopped his pacing when he heard that.

"Problem?" He asked.

"Gwen has shot her with this, " Owen showed Jack the bullet.

Jack raised an eyebrow and nodded.

"What?" Jessica said as she glanced up and saw the offending item. Her already pale skin went even paler as she recognised what it was. "Oh crap."

""You know what this does then?" Jack asked.

"Yeah I was a test subject for it one of them at one, the money was not worth it. It sucked and was the worst fortnight ever! Oh and turns out sunlight not a good idea. And did I mention everything else that it's so bad that you beg for death? And apparently they hit me with the mild one, which that is not," Jessica whimpered.

"Treat her here it is then," Owen said.

He looked at Jack who tried to think of a why it would not be feasible. "You're only one Doctor Owen," Jack said, "You cannot keep an eye on her all the time."

"I will stay at the Hub, there's sleeping quarters."

Ianto who was dragging the second Cyberman to the vaults piped up, "personnel used to live here. It was encouraged at one point."

Jack knew that better than anyone else. He also knew how bad an idea it was.

"Hospital cannot ensure any sunlight" Owen countered. "Plus it's not a human virus. "

"Weathers too bad for the boat and certain arrangements need to be made " Ianto added, "we can check for any adverse effects here. The hospital will only call Owen out and we would be a man down." That was a fairly convincing argument Ianto thought.

Jack knew when he had been outvoted on this. "Okay but she will be your responsibility the pair of you," Jack said. He got hold of someone at UNIT on the phone at last, he wandered off shouting about the Hub being invaded.

"I will prepare a room for her," Ianto said, "and sort out supplies."

Owen turned back to Jessica. He sighed. "Tosh, " he yelled.

Toshiko came over and leaned on the railing.

"I need her medical history"

"No problem" She replied.

"And to know about this." He added as he passed the alien bullet to her. She peered at it.

"Ah." She said. "Will get on it right away. Totally illegal of course," She smiled, "but I can get the information still."

"Owen" Jessica gasped.

He turned to face his new and unexpected patient.

"Yes Jessica?" he saw the problem straight away, "Gwen put that gun down!"

Previous part of this fic is here
Next part of this fic is here 

fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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