Welcome to the 2010 Leverage Gift Exchange

Apr 05, 2010 17:37

On behalf of dea_liberty , I am pleased to announce the opening of the 2010 Leverage Gift Exchange.

Won't the time until the season premiere on 20 June just fly if you're working on a fic/art/vid gift? :) Whether you're a writer, an artist, a graphics artist or a vidder, you're free to join in the fun and celebrate the show. The more participants, the better the exchange will be.

Sign-ups will run between now and Friday 16 April, when sign ups will close. Assignments will be emailed to you as soon as possible after that. My goal is to have them out by Monday, 19 April.

You will then have until 12 June to create your gift! But I'm getting ahead of myself, first, let's go over the rules...

The Rules

1. Let's have fun.

2. To support Rule 1, this is an exchange: you receive something and, in turn, you give something. Please only sign up if you are sure you can take on this responsibility.

3. You can drop out at any time, and frankly, sooner is better so that I can assign a pinch hitter or redistribute assignments as needed.

4. Posting to the community is now moderated. You can post your gift any time that it is finished, but it will not appear on the community until the story reveal day on Sunday, 20 June. Please post your gift directly to the community (i.e. not as a link to something on your LJ). After the story reveal day, you are, of course, welcome to cross-post the story wherever you please.

5. The deadline for all gifts is 11pm Pacific time on Saturday, 12 June.  I understand that life happens sometimes, but please see Rules 1 and 2. The exchange is only fun for everyone if everyone gets something in exchange. I hate to be an inflexible meanie, but I will have to activate Plan M for overdue gifts. (No, Hardison does not die in this Plan M...see Rule 6.)

6. After the deadline passes, I will assign pinch hitters for any gifts left unfulfilled. (Speaking of which, I'm compiling a list of willing pinch hitters now.)

7. Please stick as close to your giftee's wishlist as humanly possible. Depending on the number of participants, it's possible that you won't be able to write exactly what they want, but please try.

8. Spoilers! Although all of this season's episodes have already aired, there may be several people playing catch up. If your question is specific to an important plot point (for example, how the con is carried out in the end) that might ruin the ending of the episode for someone, please white-line it. [white-line: use code: * SPOILERS HERE *]

9. Please keep your identity secret from your giftee. Half the fun is in the reveal at the end!
 Please direct any other questions to fleurlb (at) gmail (dot) com.

So, if you're ready, go sign up. And please promote this exchange to your friends and in leverage-related communities. :)

*mod post, *information, *rules

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