Patron Saint of Outsiders

Dec 29, 2008 04:33

Title: Patron Saint of Outsiders
Author: Keenir
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own Leverage - TNT has more claim to them than I do.
Pairings: mild Nate/Parker
Word Count:
Summary: Parker gets a present

Parker arrived at her office at a reasonable hour, and found a necklace on her desk, right next to her plant’s pot. It wasn’t an ornate or gaudy or even a thick necklace.

On the end that Parker was pretty sure went over her heart and breasts, was a little flange, a nearly-flat piece of gold that in color matched the rest of the necklace.

This is the morning after they’d brought that last case to a close, making sure that Nate’s priest friend got to keep his church. Parish. Flock.

Parker’s stomach growled. “No mutton,” she hissed at her gut.

On one side of it, there was an image she recognized from that church - St. Nicholas. To help, the name Nicholas was inscribed under his feet.

On the other side, another person’s image. Under his feet was the name Kaijin.

And Parker knew exactly who had gotten this for her: the only person who would both know and care who the patron saints of outsiders are. “Nate!” she said with a smile.
The End
Google results for Kaijin, Patron Saints of Foreigners.

fanfiction, st. nicholas, parker, fic, nate

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