Rejected - based on the ustream earlier

Aug 16, 2011 21:32

 "'You should kiss!'" Alex read from the many comments streaming down the side of the page. He looked at Jack hopefully; would he finally be willing to go public with their relationship? It had been six years, for Christ sake, and Jack kept pushing it back. Alex loved the other man endlessly, but he didn't like hiding just obvious things from their fans. It's not like the kids hadn't guessed, but Jack had point-black refused to let them in on it. Only the band, crew and their families knew.
Jack flashed Alex a quick smiled as his eyes darted down to the older boy's lips. He moved in a little closer and looked straight at Alex. It was finally going to happen-
"'Alex, can I knit you a hat?'" Jack read from the comments flooding down the page. Alex looked down, concealing his disappointment.
"Yeah, sure!" He laughed it off.
~~~~after the show~~~~~
Alex rushed off the stage as soon as Dear Maria was finished, content with idea of holing himself up in his bunk with his iPhone and a bottle of vodka. How could Jack do this again? It would've been the perfect opportunity. Besides, the fans might not have taken it to be anything more than fake-Jalex. It bugged Alex so much that Jack wouldn't even give it a shot.
He pulled his phone out of his front pocket and texted twitter;
'Sorry loves, can't go out tonight, bad stomach. Next time.'
When he saw Jack coming up behind him he fast walked to the bus and locked himself in the back lounge.
"Alex, come out of there. Come oooonnn, what's wrong? You played a great show! Don't be like this, we can talk." Jack pounded on the door relentlessly as he plead for Alex to let him in. Alex threw the door open.
"I just don't see why you can't be with me in public! It was just livestream, it was just our fans. I want to be with you, but I can't if you don't act like you want me."
"How could I not want you?" Jack pushed Alex up against the bunks. "Six years together and you think I don't want you?"
"Show me." Jack immediately pressed his lips to Alex, not waiting for permission to slide his tongue in to the elder's mouth. He pushed Alex down into the nearest bunk; Danny's, and continued kissing him with as much ferocity as he could manage. After a few minutes they drew back to breathe properly.
"Isn't that enough?" Jack asked. Alex shook his head. Jack thought for a minute. "Tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow. After Weightless. I promise."


A/N: This is my first fic, unbeta-ed. Go easy on me :)

pairing: jalex, standalone, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, author: letusbeheard

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