Player Information
Name: Mel
Personal LJ:
maiiauAge: 22
Contact Info: aim: ninthbluestar; plurk: maiiau
Other Characters Played: America [OU]
Character Information
Character Name: Lithuania (The Republic of Poland-Lithuania; Poland-Lithuania)
Character Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character Age: ~2000, appears 19
Character Gender: male
Alternate Universe
Canon Point: 2011; he's from AU1
Background Link:
actual history AU Background: Things go exactly according to current history up until a point where Sweden makes a game-changing decision: she was fighting an alliannce of Russia and Poland-Lithuania-Saxony, and she had just beaten Russia. In normal history, she takes Latvia from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (they'd taken Latvia back from Sweden while she was distracted). In this history, she chaSES down Russia and totally decimate her, at cost of losing Latvia but gaining more security for Estonia, occupying and influencing Russia for a great deal of time.
It goes without saying Russia's lack of influence changed history a great deal, especially for the Commonwealth. Without Russia to infiltrate and evenntually play a key role in their partitioning, Poland and Lithuania were able to introduce a Constitution reforming the shaky Commonwealth and putting it back on its feet. That they had managed to come out of the aforementioned fight having gained territory helped, too. Reformations were based on the American and British system; commoners had power in the country, and unification was strengthened. There were a few arguments--for the first time in a long time Lithuania could back up his side with political power. Eventually the nation would become Poland-Lithuania, with two official languages (they kept the dual capital system, though, because really they could never settle that).
During the war of Austrian Succession, the Commonwealth and Sweden both attempted to work together to take land from Prussia. While this failed, it began a common pattern of the Commonwealth agreeing to work with Sweden (which was just good sense, as Sweden had a great deal of control in the area). In the Seven Years War, things went better, and Prussia's land was partitioned over the years (Prussia himself is with his Polish-controlled lands, and Lithuania tries to ignore this fact because oh my god why is Prussia living with them go away Prussia).
From there the Commonwealth slowly ceased to be a Commonwealth and started to be just one nation, Poland-Lithuania. Their population is large, both due to their large amount of territory and the fact that they have a great deal of tolerance for religious views and cultures. And without Russia, they recover their influence and regain the status of a major European power.
There was no World War I as it was in our world, but there was a World War II from the German and Austrian area that happened in roughly the same time period as the actual one. Poland-Lithuania, being next door and often fighting with Austria anyway, went to war against them and this time, while suffering heavy casualties, did manage to stay in one piece and help drive them off (incidentally, America was far more involved in the Pacific this time; the bombs were still dropped).
Because of Russia's lack in power, it was China in which communism took root and a Cold War of sorts between China and America took place. Poland-Lithuania was never part of this, and remained a capitalist republic.
Modern times bring many of the same innovations to Poland-Lithuania that exist in our world. The League of Nations succeeded the first time around, and so it is that Poland-Lithuania are members of. Things are relatively peaceful for Lithuania; Poland-Lithuania is still a major power in Europe (though America rose much the same way and is his usual self). Terrorism is an issue as it is now; Russia is not an issue (as far as Poland-Lithuania is concerned). Relations with neighbors are good (though Latvia gets sent as a go-between for Estonia and Lithuania just out of original cool relations that turned into habit and convenience).
Personality: Probably the first impression of Lithuania most people get is "pushover". He's mild-mannered and will go a long way to make peaceful compromises. It's obvious between Poland and Lithuania, loud and bossy Poland dominates. Lithuania's skill at cooking and cleaning (goodness knows Poland won't do it and someone has to) sometimes make him seem more like a housewife than anything.
Interacting with Lithuania on anything serious reveals a different side of him, however. He's confident in a quiet sort of way; when it comes to his spheres of influence, he expects to be listened to and sees no reason he should have to make annoying demands or raise his voice. This isn't to say he's incapable of obvious anger, simply he doesn't feel he needs to use it often in his regular interactions.
In battle, Lithuania gains what has been called a "battle aura". He is a powerful leader in a fight, good at raising morale amongst his troops and willing to lead the charge alongside them. He fights seriously whenever he fights, doing what it takes to win for his people. Deception is to be expected, and only fools follow all the rules. He is not needlessly cruel, but he could be called ruthless when it counts. He's a bit scary to fight in a battle.
Lithuania is also very protective of those within his country--his people, of course, but also the regions with in it, in particular Latvia. He considers the regions his responsibility, and doesn't take kindly to others bullying them (he's the only one allowed to tease Latvia except for when she goes to Estonia's sometimes, okay). He's protective of Poland as well, but not in the same way; they're equal partners, and Lithuania usually trusts Poland to take care of things. Just... Sometimes Poland is Poland.
Overall, though, Lithuania is gentle. He doesn't wish to go into war, though he will if he has to, but he's never really eliminated his farming state roots, meaning he's quite at home in the gardens at home happily growing things or taking care of animals. He's calmed down quite a bit compared to his childhood of looting and territory grabbing.
Abilities: Lithuania is a nation; while this usually means no injuries will stick unless it's an attack on the nation itself, in Animus it will just mean he's harder to kill and is a bit stronger, faster, etc. than a human. Lithuania himself has a ridiculously strong pain tolerance.
Sample Entry:
dear mun conversation!