dešimt; action/phone

May 30, 2011 23:19

1333 Benny Road; 4am {Closed to Olivier}

[Lithuania woke early out of habit even in times of peace. In a time like this, he was awake even earlier than usual, pacing the house restlessly but staying away from the windows. The fear had abated somewhat once he killed his target, but he had been worrying since this began--no hallucinations, at least, was better than nothing.

He wished vaguely for a sword--it was a bit ridiculous, given its lack of use compared to guns, but it was familiar, and the machete wasn't quite the same. Well, maybe he'd get one back. But a machine gun or something would probably be more useful.]

Phone; 6am (Closed to Estonia}
Hey, hey, Estija?

[His tone is--not exactly chirpy, but almost sing-song. A dull sort of sing-song, though.]

surprise attack, killfield, knight, liet the swordsman, snap, the quiet fighter, epic swordfight, event: population control

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