dešimt; action/phone

May 30, 2011 23:19

1333 Benny Road; 4am {Closed to Olivier}

[Lithuania woke early out of habit even in times of peace. In a time like this, he was awake even earlier than usual, pacing the house restlessly but staying away from the windows. The fear had abated somewhat once he killed his target, but he had been worrying since this began--no hallucinations, at least ( Read more... )

surprise attack, killfield, knight, liet the swordsman, snap, the quiet fighter, epic swordfight, event: population control

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Comments 51

wristsniper May 31 2011, 03:50:20 UTC
[Far earlier than she would usually venture out, Olivier is dressed and armed and headed for a target. After the kerfuffle killing Dist, and the fallout of some of the things she as seen happen, she's interested in more than just killing.

Information, a truce, anything to postpone a repeat of that nastiness is just fine. It's fortunate, too, that she recalls Liet's address.

Quietly, dressed in dark colors and with her hair tied back, she's making an armed reconnaissance run to 1333 Benny.]


letunityblossom May 31 2011, 03:56:57 UTC
[It's unfortunate--or fortunate--that Lithuania happens to be watching the area at the time. He thinks he spots movement, but while caution is a blessing excess paranoia can be a curse. Instead he waits. They might not be approaching his house at all, and he doesn't need to get into unnecessary fights. He's silent in the house, waiting to see what the possible figure does.]


SORRY I AM A MORON /fixes tense wristsniper May 31 2011, 05:10:16 UTC
[Olivier first headed past the house, crossing on the opposite side of the street, giving it a general look-over. Then, doubling back about fifteen minutes later, she stopped in front of the neighbor's house. Lithuania's home didn't seem excessively guarded or battened down. It seemed like every other house, cookie cutter and "perfect" in every way.

What's more, she didn't see any signs of wakefulness, which indicated to her that he didn't seem wary. Unless he was hiding in the interior, stock still and silent, like a frightened, paranoid animal, she reasoned that she had nothing to fear.

Boldly--perhaps too boldly--she scaled the front steps, pausing to pull a letter from her jacket.]


letunityblossom May 31 2011, 05:26:11 UTC
[His alarm had increased as the figure walked across the street and stared at his house--were they staring, it looked like it--but then they left. Still, no reason to believe they wouldn't be back. He hardly moved from his spot, watching the road, and then indeed they did return from a different angle.

And then walked up to his house.

Eyes narrowed, he slipped over to the door, waiting. Maybe she--definitely female, he vaguely thought he recognized her, but he couldn't tell in the gloom--would go away. Instead, it looked like she was pulling something out of her jacket, and he only had the machete on him, the guns an agonizing walk across the house away.

Instead he flung the door open and grabbed for where a gun would normally be holstered in the same motion.

That in his haste the gun went off wasn't exactly intended.]


webfreedomftw June 2 2011, 04:01:38 UTC
[It actually takes a few rings for Estonia to get to the phone. When he does, he sounds tired, too tired to try to puzzle over what Lithuania's tone means before he replies.]

Yes, Leedu?


letunityblossom June 2 2011, 04:08:31 UTC
Oh, good, you okay, I thought you might not be and that would have been bad, I mean at any point really and not just this point, but especially now because--um. Wait.

[Right usually he puts together the sentences in his head before talking, instead of stream-of-consciousness ranmbling. He'll try that this time.]

Okay, so I think I did something bad. Like, really bad. Really really really--well not two really's, more like two really's, but still, bad. It was an accident kind of and I'm not sure how I could have no done it but it was still bad. Did you know bullets could be poisoned? Oh, I guess that's not relevant...


webfreedomftw June 2 2011, 04:14:19 UTC
[There is a very long silence from Estonia. Well, it's less a silence and more the tap being turned on so he can pour a glass of water and drink half of it down while he listens and then tries to process. This... is not typical Lithuania behaviour. Unless he's seriously been missing out on things.]

Are you trying to tell me you accidentally shot someone with a poisoned bullet? Or did I just mishear all of that?


letunityblossom June 2 2011, 04:18:12 UTC
Yes! [he seems a bit happier than is reasonable that Estonia understood that bit.] Yes, yes. The swordfight part wasn't accidental though but I guess that part didn't matter. Or the putting the body in the lake or the scrubbing it's really hard to scrub blood out of concrete and I had to check the grass a few times but she shouldn't have shown up at four in the morning.


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