Title: The Way Down
Rating: this chapter, pg
Length: this chapter, 6.5K, 70K overall
Warnings: later, there is sex, but not much violence.
Characters: Harry/Draco, past Harry/Ginny
Epilogue: not epilogue compliant
Summary: Malfoy’s all, “Come out of there,” the way you say to a cat who is badly behaved. And Harry’s all like, “No, what, I’m a
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Comments 26
Draco understands Harry so well. This was an amazing snarky sum-up:
“Don’t I? Let me guess. You hied to your hermitage, and threw things around. Or unrooted tree stumps and held a little light show. Then your own penchant for drama wore you out; you cried a lot and put all the tree stumps back, and thought about how you were just too sad and savior-of-the-worldish too ever love anyone or touch anyone or need anyone or desire me. Something about how you’re special, and making a sacrifice, saving the world just by not screwing around, because heaven help you if you did screw around, there would be tree stumps everywhere. Am I warm?”
I loved this part, just lovely writing:
The slope rolled down like the shoulders of a giant, slumped and laid down like moving was too much effort. The grass across the giant’s back was very green, and stirred slightly in a light breeze. Other things were sleeping, but insects hummed in lazy heat. There ( ... )
I love how hard he is trying for Malfoy.
I really like it when characters have to *try* in order to make things work.
When I was writing this, I didn't mean for Draco to be in love with Harry from the beginning--but I do think he always had a fascination with him. It made sense for me for Draco to think that the only way he can really rectify his past starts with Harry.
I'm really glad you liked this, thank you so much for reading, and for letting me know.
Wonderful chapter!
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