Welcome to the Get It Done-athon! What is this all about?

Jul 01, 2012 22:10

An idea was born in July 2012... That Jossverse fandom is still out there, but that it needs a little motivation to create, to post and to share. The idea is to offer people who want to make something fannish a goal to aim at. That goal is to get it done within five months, by the start of December.

The original challenge is to write a fic of 2000 words or more and post it here on or before 5 December 2012. The fic should include some character or theme from a Jossverse series (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series, Fray, Dollhouse, Firefly). Crossovers within or beyond the Jossverse are welcome. WIPs being completed are welcome. WIPs getting started that aren't finished by the time the ficathon ends are also welcome. Any pairing, any rating. Comics or no comics. AU or AH. Whatever.

There will be a couple of check in points, in August to suggest you have your basic idea sorted, and October for a complete first draft. These are mainly about the mini bang challenges (see below) but also general motivational nudging.

This comm is about getting it done, though, and commenters suggested there was space for more motivation, and more variety in the Jossverse fandoms. So if the main challenge doesn't work for you, feel free to join up for another challenge:
  • More Than Words Get It Done: sign up and commit to creating a piece of Jossverse artwork, a vid, a fanmix, a vast gifspam by the deadline
  • Get It Done My Way: sign up committing to a different word count for your Jossverse fic. If you want to stretch yourself, commit to a minimum 5000 words. If you're unsure you can write 2000 words but still want some motivation, set your own lower goal or simply commit to writing *something*.
  • Get It Done Mini Bang Fic: want to work with an artist? Get your topic sorted in August and a draft done by October, and we'll try to match you with someone who wants to provide art.
  • Get It Done Mini Bang Art: want to work with a writer? Sign up now expressing an interest and we'll contact you when fic ideas come in to see about getting you a writer to collaborate with.
General Rules
Full posting guidelines to follow, but please use the comm tags, especially for rating, series and crossover. Please warn for AO3 main warnings (major character death/rape or non-con/underage/graphic violence). You can choose not to warn for these if you really want to, but please make that very clear.

All types of fanwork are welcome, provided they have a genuine connection to the Jossverse. Crossovers are also welcome.

Flaming and trolls are not welcome and culprits will be warned or banned outright for egregious offences. Character bashing is mildly frowned on. Let's enjoy fandom, okay?

Posting deadline is 5 December. Any time you get done before this, feel free to post early.

At present, this comm is labelled as Adult Concepts. If you want to post something more hardcore, that's okay, but please label and tag it accordingly, and let me know so I can switch up the comm's rating.

!modpost: challenges, !modpost: deadline, !modpost:rules

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