DEEP INSIDE - 30 days of D-BOYS meme [Day 3]

Jan 25, 2012 20:04

Day 1 - How did you become a fan?
Day 2 - Your first impression of each member.

Day 3 - You have a bias (past or present). Talk about him.

I do have a bias.....
and he is Araki Hirofumi!
I'm COMPLETELY biased of the whole group, if there is a D-BOY/former in something, i'll be there... if possible, of course xD
Buuuut, among the group, Araki is the one xD
I don't think it was like this at the beggining... i didn't like his Inui, but in DD-BOYS he was funny and with that funny faces and all the drama~ reading his blog was alwyas awesome, he is transparent with his feelings, and show a very simple side of him when he isn't in the mood of being idol-rashi. He doesn't mind showing up a bare face, he talks about family with such love, he has some quirks when he talks, when he is excited is like he is talking in an allien language, and when he is sad it would just broke my heart apart. I hate when people keep saying he is girly~girly~girly. Thus people don't know him. Because he is rally manly almost all the time xD. Lately I'm worried because he is always sleeping late, and the weather isn't good, and if you don't sleep well, you'll be sick. Seto is already sick and they are always together. Seto, you better not pass this influenza to Araki ù_u. He likes to talk about fashion and weather, he can cook, he cares about what people said, and he likes to be praised, he'll cry in every situation. he is emotional, but he is a direct man. He is the type that fight for love... and Loooots of others things ne xD I can talk about araki until my voice desappear... but here I'm typing so... I think i can do it infinitely xDDD

I don't think he is real. i've been an anime fan since I was born, so it was easy for me to fall for some fictional character.... Then when I start in this idol World, they were like fictional characters for me too... As i said in Tilmon's entry, and I often say it to Beccy, kao, Misa and Paffu... Until the day i see them with my own eyes, I'll keep saying they aren't real.

But' that's it.. when i realized I was in love with his guy... Sometimes i'm just angry he is so famous now xD He wasn't like that in the past! I'm happy, of course... I like him because of his work, and he deserves all this success~ But I don't think he read my letters/messages, or that someday he'll even use the gifts i sent~ but I'm fine with that~ Because, if he is happy, than I have to do my best to be happy too.
And I have to keep my promisse with him! though I don't think he ever read this promise, nee... still I have this in my heart and I'll do my best!


Day 1 - How did you become a fan?
Day 2 - Your first impression of each member.
Day 3 - You have a bias (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 4 - You also have a least favorite (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 5 - Talk about your favorite “behind the scenes” moment(s).
Day 6 - Talk about your favorite stageplay.
Day 7 - Do you watch their live performances/events? (Online or in real life)
Day 8 - Talk about your favorite choreography.
Day 9 - How well do you follow their individual work outside of the group?
Day 10 - Favorite picture of: Endo Yuya, Yanagi Kotaro, Adachi Osamu
Day 11 - Favorite picture of: Seto Koji, Yanagishita Tomo, Araki Hirofumi, Suzuki Hiroki
Day 12 - Favorite picture of: Igarashi Shunji, Wada Masato, Kaji Masaki, Horii Arata
Day 13 - Favorite picture of: Makita Tetsuya, Mikami Masashi, Usui Masahiro
Day 14 - Favorite picture of: Hashimoto Taito, Takahashi Ryuki, Yamada Yusuke
Day 15 - Your favorite picture of the group.
Day 16 - Only one member each: Hug. Cuddle. Kiss. Make out. Sex
Day 17 - Five of the D-BOYS are actually a sentai group. Pick their colors.
Day 18 - What animal represents each member?
Day 19 - What food represents each member?
Day 20 - You see them somewhere on the street. Now what?
Day 21 - You can only give them one present in your lifetime. What is it?
Day 22 - Post a picture of all the D-BOYS merchandise you have.
Day 23 - Cost aside, what is one D-BOYS thing you wished you owned?
Day 24 - Change one thing about each of the boys.
Day 25 - Which graduated member do you want to see come back?
Day 26 - How have D-BOYS changed you?
Day 27 - What would you like to see them do in the future?
Day 28 - One word that described D-BOYS.
Day 29 - Your thoughts on each member now.
Day 30 - Write a letter to the group.


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