君となら... 30 days of D-BOYS meme

Jan 24, 2012 15:47

Since not everybody uses tumblr... and o prefer LJ, I'll use both =x

Particularly, I don’t remember xD

It was during Tenimyu days~ but by that time they were just… the tenimyu boys, not D-BOYS. But because I have amazing senpais in this fandom, they taught me about the group, then I started to follow them outside Tenimyu too~

But when it turned into a obsession… I can’t say! When I realized, I was made for this boys xD And now I am, 6 years and a bit more, following these guys, even with all the barriers. If you want to be a fan, if you really want to be called a fan, you can’t see what’s between you and your idol. You just keep following…


endo yuuya - "Baby!Ryoma what can you do?" - Because I first saw him in DL1st. Aaaaaaafter, when I learned he was the leader of D-BOYS, I.. thought my life was miserable xDDDDD Because he was so young and leader of an acting group! But he is an amazing actor, a good person... but he is like your annoying cousin xDDD

yanagi kotaro - "He talks funny" - At first, I didn't pay attention to Yanagi, just when he returned to that 'double ryoma' myu, I was in love with him. I really like his humour sense, or should I say... non-sense? I think his friendship with Yuuyan is amazing, and the way all the boys treat him is also very good. Because they don't see Yanako as different person... I this it's awesome.

igarashi shunji - "TAICHOU!" - Since Shunchan wasn't in Tenimyu team, I first saw him in DD-BOYS, and... they called hím Taichou xD He was so cool, and he had a face of someone mature and.... by that time i really believed he was older than the others xDDDD Gomen Shunchan!!!! But I do love you MANLY face, and you father sense *hugs*

wada masato - "Weird Sengoku..." - I first saw Maakun in Tenimyu, but I was never a Yamabuki fan, so I didn't pay attention in him xD After, watching DD-BOYS, was strange to think that he was Sengoku xD and obviously, I didn't believe he was the oldest o.o I really love this Ossan! He just don't think before talking xD

kaji masaki - "....Fat!Momo I LOVE YOU!" - Momo is my favorite char in Tenipuri, so i'm kinda biased for all the momos xDD Kaji is a fatty boy, but he was so momo, and I had an Ikemen image of him...! in or out char, he really makes me laugh xD He is kinda annoying too [specially because he is always with Zukki ¬¬] In DD-BOYS he was SO FUNNY~!!! Kaji, Zukki and Maakun together kills everybody <3 Best trio ever.

suzuki hiroki - "Ant boy!" - Really, that Oishi hair was just.... ant-ish xD Zukki isn't the prettiest, but he is just so sweet it's kinda impossible not fallen for him xD. He is the favorite of one of my best friends, and somehow... I'm more jealous over him than over Araki xD and... His back is really beautiful =x

araki hirofumi - "I really hate this Inui" - Srsly, Araki's Inui is everythng but an Inui xDDDD Thinking about the char, i shouldn't be angry because Inui is indifferent for me, but at first I was mad he was such a creepy Inui xDD But then at the backstages he was such a dork! In DD-BOYS i found the real drama queen he is, and when I realized, I was COMPLETLY biased for this boy <3

seto koji - "Ramen Boy becomes a cute Eiji" - I think most of this 30 days meme are from people after Seto Kojo era xD But I was already there when he joined the group. In DD-BOYS he was a boy lost in a big lamen, then hugging a bucket in the car. Soon he became the Cuttiest Eiji ever! He is really good at dancing, singing and acting~ I admire him very much! Sometiems I get annoyed of his face everywhere, but this is just me lying to myself xD I adre this guy <3

yaagishita tomo - "Baby Kaidoh" - He has big cheeks. At first he was n't sexy.... but in the end This boy.... *I'll let you complete*. Not in DD-BOYS =/ I really think WE should make another DD-BOYS. It was awesome and all the good stuff xD Tomocchi is very talented~ He cries like no other.

makita tetsuya - "Momoshiro nos tempos da Brilhantina!" - He is like a John Travolta Momo xDD as I said Momo = bias xD Still wonder HOW his pants are so tight.... He has a funny voice, and he is good at facial expressions xD and he is ... Like the womanizer, but with the guys xD

usui masahiro - "own.... ♥♥♥" - He wasn't in DD-BOYS, he wasn't in Tenimyu. Thanks God when Usui joined the group I was already living for their sake. xD He is tall, and he is already 20! Can't believe the world xD

mikami masashi - "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MAN IN THE WORLD" - He is. Again, he wasn't in tenimyu, he wasn't in DD-boys, he was debuted before D-BOYS.... Sometimes I wonder why he was at D-Audition.... But i'm glad he did. He is really taleted and is a man like no other <3 Should marry someone like him xD

adachi osamu - "So skinny!!!!" - He should be at the begginig of this list, but since he left the group once to focus on study, and I'm following the order of the site, he is here. Firstsaw him in Tenimyu~ His Eiji wasn't good because Dachin sin't acrobatic AT ALL and he was so skinny, and a cry baby and lots f stuff... Really by that time i didn't like him... But after DD-BOYS I started to like him more~ because he is a hard worker <3

takahashi ryuki and Hashimoto Taito - "Why are you in the group?" - I didn't get why thus 2 joned the group... I mean.. they were at D-Audition [Taito was... Ryuki... i can't remember xD but he was Junon Super boy o.o], but didn't make it... At first I was mad.. specially when some time before Masayan left the group... It was ridiculous but I really hated thus 2 by that time xDDDD ut now i LOVE THEM SO MUCH xDDD Ryun is like my oldest son, and Taito is just... one of the most 'real boys' i've ever seen in this business. Both are really talented and I want to see more of them from now on.

yamada yusuke - "8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this smile is just......................" - I don't remember at all.... But I always loves Yammy's smile. He smokes and that's no secret xDD but even a little sallow, his smile is just pretty. sadly we don't see many things with him, but he is amazing. Sometimes I just feel as if we were friends xD he is simple, and manly, and loves fish and his cats, and talks nonsense... and I don't know why i'm here talking this much xD

horii arata - "baby daffy duck <3" - I like Arata. He is simply, has a pretty smile... The last baby to enter the group. It was yesterday, so I was automatic in love. And he joined for the music unit i wasn't very worried about someone leaving the group.

Minakawa Yuma - "MinaGAWA" - sadly he left the group sooo early! I really loved him in DD-BOYS. I wish I had the chance to see more works of him.

Shirota Yu - "THE PERFECTION" - and an someone who wants to be an Actress, I really admire Shirota for the complete artist he is. It was hard to find someone who doesn't think he is pretty, so at first I was really in love for his pretty face, but after all that talent he has, I couldn't stop following him. I cred for a week when he graduated... That day my tached sent me home because I was really bad @_@

Kumai Kohei - He was a shy boy with a pig nose xD. In the group I really thought he was the least beautful xD He was kinda boring, but I was happy when I saw him in Kiva... Still don't know what happened for him to leave the group, but he seems pretty fine lately.

Nakamura Masaya - "TALL!~" Masayan is just so sweet. I also tought he was.... a bit old to join the group xD But in the end he was just like the others and when I realized I was in love with him. The first of my boys to marry i------------i

Nakagawa Shingo - "Gorgeous!" - He was really girly in DD-BOYS xD. and he was always using english words... that was really a completely WRONG image of him xD. He is totaly the oposite xD I like when he and Yuuyan hang out together xD

Nakamura Yuichi - "GAY GAY GAY GAY/The world is really unfair" - In DD-BOYS he was really girly and sahudhas poor guy xD Everytime I looked at him he had that "the world is unfair" look in his face xD. I miss him.... So much I don't want to talk about him.


Day 1 - How did you become a fan?
Day 2 - Your first impression of each member.
Day 3 - You have a bias (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 4 - You also have a least favorite (past or present). Talk about him.
Day 5 - Talk about your favorite “behind the scenes” moment(s).
Day 6 - Talk about your favorite stageplay.
Day 7 - Do you watch their live performances/events? (Online or in real life)
Day 8 - Talk about your favorite choreography.
Day 9 - How well do you follow their individual work outside of the group?
Day 10 - Favorite picture of: Endo Yuya, Yanagi Kotaro, Adachi Osamu
Day 11 - Favorite picture of: Seto Koji, Yanagishita Tomo, Araki Hirofumi, Suzuki Hiroki
Day 12 - Favorite picture of: Igarashi Shunji, Wada Masato, Kaji Masaki, Horii Arata
Day 13 - Favorite picture of: Makita Tetsuya, Mikami Masashi, Usui Masahiro
Day 14 - Favorite picture of: Hashimoto Taito, Takahashi Ryuki, Yamada Yusuke
Day 15 - Your favorite picture of the group.
Day 16 - Only one member each: Hug. Cuddle. Kiss. Make out. Sex
Day 17 - Five of the D-BOYS are actually a sentai group. Pick their colors.
Day 18 - What animal represents each member?
Day 19 - What food represents each member?
Day 20 - You see them somewhere on the street. Now what?
Day 21 - You can only give them one present in your lifetime. What is it?
Day 22 - Post a picture of all the D-BOYS merchandise you have.
Day 23 - Cost aside, what is one D-BOYS thing you wished you owned?
Day 24 - Change one thing about each of the boys.
Day 25 - Which graduated member do you want to see come back?
Day 26 - How have D-BOYS changed you?
Day 27 - What would you like to see them do in the future?
Day 28 - One word that described D-BOYS.
Day 29 - Your thoughts on each member now.
Day 30 - Write a letter to the group.


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