Well, today is my anniversary, so I only have a moment to make this entry and then I have to get my butt in the shower. We're going to the zoo together. :) I can't believe I've been married for three years! Mark gave me this GORGEOUS Waterford Crystal frame with one of our wedding photos in it. It's sooo pretty. I'm having kind of a bitch of a
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Comments 7
Also, we're wondering if you've seen the show Firefly yet? Please reply and let me know! :)
Thanks on the gratz. :)
What're you doing August 20/21 weekend? We're planning to attend Renfest one of those days (leaning toward Saturday at the moment). Will you be around? :)
I know what you mean about spending most waking hours in BFE, too... :(
I think we will be around that weekend... No plans yet, that I remember, anyway, I will have to double check and let you know. (there is a wedding shower whose date I need to confirm, don't think it's that weekend) If all is clear as I believe, though, I will make a note of you guys. :)
And yeah, you have the same problem I do... le sigh... Ah well. Hopefully we can get moved back closer to "civilization", and I can get my horses moved where they aren't in danger of injury from morons and unsafe stalls/pastures. :p
Civilization is good... so is shorter commuting so we're not working so much just to support the gasoline economy [wry grin/sigh?]
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