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May 08, 2018 18:03

Re: The real history behind the TEMPLARS, Sharan Newman

"Many of pseudohistories are very well written and sound authoritative. So how can the reader tell if the book can be trusted? Here goes."

Многие "истории" красиво написаны и читаются с упоением. Но, для мыслящего создания, хотелось бы узнать, а стоит ли доверять этому материалу?

Пять пунктов, которые стоит проверить.

1. "Is the book published by a university press? If yes, then it's been checked by other historians and , while there may still be errors, it's likely to be as accurate as possible.

If no, then***"

История опубликована в университетских анналах? Тогда, да. Можно доверять многим, живущим этим предметом многие годы.

Если нет, тогда сами решайте.

Конечно, есть сарказм в том, что историки тоже одна банда. Но, это вам решать.

2. "Do most of the footnotes list primary sources that any scholar can find? If yes, then you may be okay, and, if you doubt something, you can go look it up.

One mark of pseudohistory is that most of the footnotes list other pseudo histories or "secret" books (see number 4)..."

Проверь, если есть ссылки на источники, в таком случае можешь разрешить свои вопросы в них.

Если нет, ну тогда решай сам.

Фиктивные истории типично ссылаются на такие же источники, как псевдоистории.

3. "Does the author use phrases like, "Everybody knows" and "historians agree"? If yes, then don't bother reading further. There is nothing that, "everybody" knows. That's just a quick way of saying, "I haven't done my research and want to make you feel too ignorant to call me on it."

Historians do agree on things like, "There was a Battle of Hastings and William of Normandy won," or "Machu Picchu is an amazing feat of engineering." Beyond that, everyone has a different way of evaluating the available data. One other thing historians agree on is that a persons who presents work that's not based on information that others can check isn't going to last long in the rough-and-tumble academic world."

Если автор использует подобные фразы - "Это очевидно", "Каждый знает" - не затрудняйтесь продолжать это чтиво.

Автор дискредитировал себя тем, что не потрудился проработать материал, и "выдал желаемое, за действительное". А также, поставил читателя в неловкую ситуацию, что задав вопрос, он будете выглядеть уж слишком неотесанным.

4. "Does the author insist that the theory can't be proved with available data because there was an immense cover-up or that the knowledge is guarded by a select secret society? If yes, then how did the author find the information? How was it authenticated?"

Быть может автор настаивает, что история не может быть доказана или опровергнута по той причине, что знание об этой истории принадлежит обществу избранных.

Если это так, то, как сам автор получил эту информацию?

5. "Does the author pile one supposition upon another, assuming they are all true?

For instance, a book may begin with a known fact, such as "The Templars had their headquarters at the al-Aqsa mosque," and then continue with something like, "as is well known, the area in front of the mosque is large enough to land a helicopter in."  Then the author might continue by wondering why the space was there before helicopters had been invented. Perhaps he has found, by chance, a manuscript illustration that resembles a helicopter about to land."

The author of that trait of pseudo history "won't have bothered to find out  that the Templars filled in the courtyard with buildings, including a large church, and that it was only when Saladin took the city of Jerusalem and cleared them out that there was room to land a helicopter."

Одно предположение накладывается на другое предположение, и, получается "достоверная история".

Конец ---

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