Courtesy of PBS: Why The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances are perfect episodes...

May 01, 2007 22:22

...well, for me at any rate. These are epitome of Who for me because

1. Costume dramas are what Who does best and this one is excellent. Complete with creepy costume elements (and are there any costume dramas in Who that aren't creepy?) and disturbing child.

2. Optimism about the future. It doesn't last long, but there it is. It is great to see the Doctor cry with delight 'Everybody lives!' given what we know about his past. He deserves a break once in a while.

3. Companion (Rose) cutting through macho rubbish and saving the day. Yay for her not putting up with men squaring off against each other and also explaining the doctor to the new addition. I do love Rose in this episode, horrible t-shirt and all.

4. Addition of extra companion (Jack) which confuses matters a little bit more. Plus dancing. And struggle over phallic objects bananas.

5. Doctor caring about social justice and the NHS and more than just saving things. He wants a decent society too. And that's why he's someone who should survive. Because I think it's easier to be the hero who fights than the hero who cares about what should be there after the fight. (Should say the Doctor is not always good at this, but he does care about it. Most of the time.)

doctor who

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