WIP Meme

Dec 31, 2012 19:41

Stolen directly from akashathekitty, and indirectly from withdrawnred, bunney, mihnn, and kansol_encore!
Post the first sentence (or three) from every WIP you're currently working on, even if it's very short. Then invite people to ask questions about your WIPs. With any luck, the motivation to take that WIP one step closer to completion will appear as if by magic!

If we take WIP as all that I’ve ( Read more... )

meme, wip

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Comments 37

mihnn April 26 2012, 10:10:20 UTC
Gasp! Cheater!

LOL. 3, 4, 6 & 8 seem very intriguing. And they also have a great sense of humour. What is #1? Is that a title??? Do you have a story-line outlined?

Also, what is this fandom you're planning on joining? :)


leopion April 26 2012, 10:41:00 UTC

Funny thing is, #4 is actually supposed to be serious, but I can see how it sounds differently without the next sentences, which have yet to be written :)

And, eh, can you tell who is 'she' in #8? Just want to see if I got the voice right somewhat.

Yes, #1 is a title. Indeed, it's the chapter that will follow That I Shall Love and Think Again over at the remix. And yes, I have the plot planned out for that one.

It is a manga fandom, so you may not have heard of it. It's called Flame of Recca. There's a pair in that manga that I'm madly in love with (also sort of star-crossed lovers, fighting on two sides of the battle). I don't normally join new fandoms bc once I've given in to the temptation, dozens of bunnies will follow. But the number of fics about this pair is way too small for my liking :(


mihnn April 26 2012, 10:51:05 UTC
Are you serious??? I LOVE Flame of Recca!!! I used to wake up at 4 a.m. every day when I was a kid so I could watch it followed by Gensomaden Saiyuki and Samurai X. Wow! I haven't watched it in years. Have you watched all the episodes? And which two characters have caught your fancy?

#4 - I can see it serious. Sounds interesting. What did he do? If it's serious I really want to know.

#8 - I'm going to guess... Pansy?

(P.S. - I can't believe you like Flame of Recca. Still shocked about that)


leopion April 26 2012, 11:13:23 UTC
*SQUEE* Omg, I can't believe you're a fan as well. I used to wake up at night readin the manga under my blanket as well!!!

But actually, I've never watched the anime. I'm more of a manga person than an anime person. You should really try reading the manga. Through my snooping around, I've gathered that the anime ends after the Ura Butou Satsujin Arc, but there's still so much more in the manga.

My OTP for FoR is Raiha/Fuuko. I heard that Raiha's quite different in the anime, but he is so freaking adorable in the manga (still with a dark edge of course). *fans self* He and Joker are my favourites.

#4 Eh, what's he done will be too big a spoiler, but I can hint that the person who said this is Snape, Snape, Severus Snape :)

#8 Very spot on XD


dormiensa April 26 2012, 13:31:38 UTC
does #5 have anything to do with a certain detention storyline with a certain snarky slytherin?

#6: LOL! what did she do to the room?! she's in the middle of studying for NEWTs, isn't she?

#9: she's been standing there awfully long.

#10: i wanna read more of THAT!


leopion April 26 2012, 22:35:48 UTC

#6 The last word of the first line is the key, my dear. You see what I mean? ;)

#9 well, that is rather the point.

#10 You just did actually! Some fics are quoted more than once :) But yes, there's this scene that I'm only paragraphs away from finishing. Now I am motivated to finish it and send to you soon ^^


ningloreth April 26 2012, 16:48:21 UTC
Is the first one a title?

The second one sounds like the first line of a drabble... On the other hand, it's begging to be contradicted, and that may take more than 100 words. (Of course, I'm assuming it's Hermione and Draco, and it may not be).

The third one is intriguing -- 'expedition' is a very romantic word, making me think of the Amazon, and a Lost World... But why has her funding been cut and who has cut it? Draco? AND, most interesting of all, why was it necessary to send her a howler.

The sixth one has me wondering what else is in the room? An audience?

The ninth one is particularly intriguing. What is Hermione doing at Malfoy Manor? Will the gates admit her?

And the last one has me wondering what the 'scene' is -- is it that Draco shouldn't be in England? Is he on the run? Has she walked in on him doing something x-rated? Or has he turned up in her flat/office after having left her three years earlier?


leopion April 26 2012, 23:00:19 UTC
Yes, the first one is a title in the art project (I've been remixing Dramione and The Little Mermaid!)

The second one is, in fact, for a fandom I'm not entirely sure of joining (mostly bc I'm afraid of taking more than I can chew). And it'll be a rather long fic in that case. If in the end I decide not to join, then I'm hoping of incorporating it into some Dramione, though, and probably a short one :)

For the third, my intended destination is close enough. It is Angel Falls in Venezuela. And yes, he indirectly caused it :) I guess I'll have to blame the senility of Hermione's boss for the howler ( ... )


kansol_encore April 26 2012, 16:55:18 UTC
Good morning ( ... )


leopion April 27 2012, 00:55:36 UTC
Coincidentally, I am reading this in my morning now. Loved how you came back and responded to them all *huggles*

Ha, yes, characterisation is very hard even in a fandom you've been in for ages, let alone a new one. I'm still in the lurking stage (not even reviewing yet), so you've got a head start, bb ( ... )


kansol_encore April 27 2012, 04:44:16 UTC
1. I'ont (that's I don't in slang) kno (that's know). What if we trying branching out/thinking about the song?? It's about belonging, wanting to belong, becoming familiar, desire for intimacy, and to an extent about exploring and gaining mastery over a situation that intrigues us. Usually when I'm stuck, I think of the theme and then try to parse something out. I like "To Belong" or something along the lines of "knowing a stranger ( ... )


leopion April 27 2012, 06:41:42 UTC
1. Wow, I am learning slang as well as completing fics. Awesome! *ponders some more* And I really need to start drawing this to really get the feeeel :)

2. now where is it? You are responsible for it, my dear. Write it! Write it! (and send me a box of tissue after you're done, will you?)

3. *sighs* I suppose I should cut out all the niceties next time, you devious Slytherin!

6> I expect it. Otherwise, I'LL KICK YOUR ASS! We're back in the arse-kicking business now, aren't we?

8. She accepted! She accepted. YAY!

My favourite meme as well. LOVE!


justthedreams April 26 2012, 21:31:00 UTC
1. Reminds me of "The Little Mermaid." OH! Remix continuation?? Please say yes!

2. I'm sensing revenge. My question: does she ever go through with it, or does she chicken out? Will she regret it?

3. Expedition. For some reason, I'm seeing the Arctic. Or Antarctic. Who is she traveling with?

4. I assume he cannot give her a good reason, or at least not one that wouldn't make her want to curse him again. Hehe. Does Hermione ever go to Malfoy Manor in this fic?

5. Is this an "Eighth Year" fic? Is she taking any 'specialized' classes, or doing something like an internship?

6. Will this be a one-shot or a chaptered fic?

7. Will Hermione be injured in this fic?

8. And what about the shoes?? :D

9. Will she encounter Lucius there? How will she react?

10. Oh, tempting! How do they reconnect?


leopion April 27 2012, 01:14:32 UTC
1. YES! :D

2. Not exactly revenge, though she does set out to hunt him down and there will be retribution for his running away in the first place. This is more of 'I'm getting you back because I'm not some helpless girl to be left heart-broken' type of thing. He does have his reasons for going away though.

3. It's actually a tropical setting (Angel Falls in Venezuela). In this scene, she's going with some random colleagues, but she will come back with Draco.

4. I'm definitely using this in a humorous setting now. And since it was born only moments ago, I'm not sure if Hermione will go to the Manor with this bunny. Anyway, the original plan was for Severus to say this in solemn tone (I think I'll keep this as well :D)

5. It's actually an AU to DH, sequel to my exchange fic last year (shameless self-advertising abound :P Detention with Destiny). That being said, she does have a 'specialised' project to care about, and so does Draco ( ... )


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