I am telling you, this week cannot end fast enough...
Still making my way through Mockingjay, about 100 pages in as of this morning. I'll be honest, I'm finding this book a bit slower than the other two?
Kill them all!(1.13)
This is something that only a Spartacus fan would understand, but just as Stephen DeKnight doesn't do sex and nudity for sensation's sake, neither does he do violence just to be shocking. (Seriously, sometimes cutting someone's face off is totally an appropriate response.) But the kill them all! scene was huge and epic and told so many stories within the overall bloodbath. Spartacus and Batiatus, Crixus and Lucretia, Batiatus and Lucretia, Spartacus and Crixus, Oenomaus and Ashur, Agron and Duro, Aurelia and Numerius, Ilithyia fucking Capua over in one hot minute...And then there's the greater story, of what happens when you treat people like animals, and expect them to kill on command. And then there is the Leap up to the balcony, seen here. Epic of all epics.
This was a hard question- because I don't think there's really an absolute answer and I could have said the arena burning down in Libertus or a whole bunch of shippy scenes, or Spartacus fighting the prisoners dressed as Thracians (and killing the man he was) or Varro's death (which is devastating, but man, did it leave an impression) or just for good times, the contests in Monsters, but...the story really all started here, didn't it?
Day 1 - Favorite male character? (Spartacus)
Day 2 - Favorite female character (Naevia)
Day 3 - Favorite pairing? (Crixus & Naevia)
Day 4 - Favorite scene? (Kill them all! -- 1.13)
Day 5 - Who is the character that you hate the most?
Day 6 - Which unpopular character do you love?
Day 7 - If you could would you change anything about the show what would it be?
Day 8 - Who is the chatarcter that freaks you out the most?
Day 9 - What chatacter needs to get killed off the show?
Day 10 - What do you not like about the show?
Day11 -Who is the most handsome or beautiful person on the show?
Day 12 - What character death made you cry?
Day 13 - What character would you bring back if you could?
Day 14 - What was the most romantic character part on the show?
Day 15 - What's your favorite quote on the show ever?
Day16 - Do you like the fighting scenes on the show?
Day 17 - Best twist (shocker)
Day18 - Was there any part on the show that made you laugh?
Day 19 - Who would you pair up (two characters who have NOT been together in canon)?
Day 20 - Do you think that Spartacus is a brave man?
Day 21 - Which character (if any) might work in a crossover?
Day 22 - What is your favorite episode?
Day 23 - Which cast memeber would you want to meet?
Day 24 - Team Romans or Team Rebels?
Day 25 - Compare Liam and Andy (please be respectful)
Day 26 - What is your favorite season?
Day 27 - Do you think that the Gladiators had a hard life as slaves?
Day 28 - What would you rather be a Gladiator or a Body slave?
Day 29 - Who do you think Spartacus will kill next?
Day 30 - Ultimate canon wish?