oh hell to the yeah! (i said that way before whitney crack ho fucked it up, just so you know). work is done. school is done. my final project kicked lotsa ass. now barcelona here i come. i mean barthelona.
i always thought that the bride fucking the best man was such a soap opera cliche. but it turns out i wont be having chicken or fish (or open bar, dammit fuck) next weekend after all. i say keep the open bar and lets celebrate - here's to not making the biggest mistake of your life. cheers!
intelligence is like a pocket watch - you only pull it out when you want to know the time, not to show that you have a pocket watch. or something to that effect. nothing grosses me out more than show offs.
you know..i havent updated in forever because with everything thats been happening in this world, my stupid rants are just so meaningless. no matter how difficult juggling school, work and taking a shit have been, and how much i despised the results of big brother 6 and how one of my best friends saw jenn the cunt at city walk last week and didnt
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ive got a fever. and the only prescription is more kaysar! even if you dont watch big brother, please please PLEASE go here and vote for kaysar to return. thank you and gnite, MUAH!
ive been so immersed in my school work that i cant even finish reading my issues of us weekly. so to take my mind off it all, im gonna rant about some nonsense insignificant bullshit. jennifer aniston. who fucking cares. im so sick of her and her fucking friends portraying her as a victim. im sorry, but im still not over that whole make-a-wish
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