Life's Not a Song (4/6) (Glee/Buffy Crossover)

Apr 08, 2011 17:35

Title: Life's Not a Song (4/6)
Author: lennoxave 
Pairing,Character(s): BtVS: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Giles; Glee: Kurt, Tina, cameos from Mercedes and Karofsky
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,162
Spoilers: Glee: Through 2.06, "Never Been Kissed"; BtVS: The whole series, and very vague ones for the set-up of the Season 8 comics, but they're vague because I've only ( Read more... )

multi-part: life's not a song, kurt, gleefic, crossover, buffyfic, tina

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Comments 11

nightfire_kvala April 9 2011, 01:58:04 UTC
Oh Xander . . you totally just jinxed yourself. *and, crazy random happenstance, I was just watching Phases (when Larry comes out) today... weird
Am eagerly awaiting where this goes :)


lennoxave April 10 2011, 00:44:34 UTC
Yay! I re-watched Phases before I wrote that part, and I originally was just going to watch the scenes with Larry in them, but I ended up pretty much watching the whole episode anyway. Oops. :D It's a good episode, though, and it made me remember how much I miss Oz. (I'm a hardcore Willow/Tara shipper, but that doesn't make Oz not awesome.)


nightfire_kvala April 12 2011, 02:51:44 UTC
I know, me too. Oz is the awesome-est character, and I keep forgetting that until I watch an episode with him in it. (also a hardcore Willow/Tara shipper - stupid Kennedy ;D)


rotynd April 9 2011, 15:54:49 UTC
This continues to be absolutely amazing; your handle on the characters' voices is beautiful. Also, Xander's talk with Karofsky? I legit almost cried. “You don't have to be a hero,” Xander said. “Just don't be the bad guy.” This was so. perfect. I can't. I just, I love everything about this - how funny it stays, but how it handles the seriousness of the weird way in which the glee kids have it worse than Buffy and Co. did in high school, despite the lack of murderous ex boyfriends and snake demons.

Also, I am a realllly hardcore atheist too, so I totally get what you said last time about feeling bad about having to "convert" Kurt, but yeah - basically, being an atheist is about dealing with the world as it is, and if the world as it is includes magical floating pencils, it's time to re-evaluate your hypothesis, as it were, so. Just, I wasn't offended in the least and I thought you did it really well.


lennoxave April 10 2011, 00:56:20 UTC
D'awwwwww, thank you so much for the kind words!

One of the things that intrigued me about writing this, and it's not so much the focus as it something working in the background, was the idea that the Scoobies are twenty-somethings a fair distance out of high school interacting with these high school kids again. And *we* know what their lives were like in high school, and that they had struggles similar to (although, as you noted, weirdly less serious than) what the Glee kids are going through, but the Glee kids don't. So there's a certain amount of the Scoobies getting to reflect on their past experiences and trying to pass that wisdom on, which I think is really interesting. :)


sweetiepebbles April 9 2011, 18:37:07 UTC
This just gets better and better :D
I love that you had the Dave/Larry comparison in here, I've always said that Karofsky reminds me of Larry.
Can't wait for more!


lennoxave April 10 2011, 01:01:19 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, the Karofsky/Larry parallel was too good to pass up. And I'd like to think that part of what makes Dave so insecure and self-loathing is that he doesn't realize that he can be gay and still be the jock/manly man guy he is, and that hearing about someone else who is (er . . . was, sorry, Larry) like him would maybe alleviate some of that. Because, for all the ways Kurt has it worse than Karofsky, at least Kurt has some famous gay role-models to look up to. Karofsky doesn't, really.


ileliberte April 9 2011, 20:35:38 UTC
I saw this a while back and even though the premise seemed really interesting, I wasn't sure how much of a resolution could be reached in just 4 parts, but I'm really enjoying the pacing especially in the last two chapters and I'm glad you extended it to 6 parts :) I like all of the characterizations, and even though I honestly can't stand Karofsky, I was really pleased about the way you handled the scene between him and Xander, especially since Larry did come to mind as somewhat similar to Karofsky. I loved the dialogue there because, yes, it's not some extreme choice between either coming out to the world or giving out death threats. As always, the banter between Buffy, Willow and Xander was lovely. I'm looking forward to the rest :)


lennoxave April 10 2011, 01:20:43 UTC
Heh, thank you! This is really my first multi-part fic (the other one I wrote is more a series of self-contained stories that link together), so I had on idea how the pacing was going to work. I sort of looked at my four-bullet-point outline of the story and was like, "So . . . four parts, then?", but this is going to work out better. :)

Oh, Karofsky. I totally get why other people can't stand him, but he's just so immensely fucked up, I can't help but feel sorry for him. It seems like, if he had grown up anywhere with any semblance of tolerance (or god, I don't know, a functional school system), he wouldn't be nearly the jerk that he is. I don't like him, exactly, but the second he realizes that he doesn't have to be a douche and apologizes for said douchery, I am willing to forgive him. (If the show goes anywhere near Kurt/Karofsky, though, I will freak the hell out because THAT IS NOT OKAY.)


quboworm April 14 2011, 19:59:51 UTC
Very intereresting reading. thx


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