The inevitable verdict!post

Apr 03, 2010 23:34

Well now, for weeks I've been very wary of the coming of this day. I saw the filming photos and went 'Nyyyuuhh...'; I saw the adverts and went 'Hmmm...' and I saw the new TARDIS and went 'Myeeeh...' Those, translated into something coherent, are noises of uncertainty and doubt. I was not going to start slagging off, or squeeing about what I hadn't ( Read more... )

matt smith, doctor who

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Comments 30

loves_glamour April 3 2010, 22:51:19 UTC
I'm sorry, but he is fabulous.

Don't apologize, you're fully well entitled to that opnion! OWN IT! I enjoyed the episode, it's going to be an interestng series this one. I'm not hopping on any bandwagons though lol

My favourite bit:

Eleven: *eats bread with butter* ... *BLEH!FACE* ... AND STAY OUT!

LMAO yeaaa he's alright lol

Not sure what to make of Amy who is she?? But that's still to come. NEXT WEEK WHERE ARE YOU?

Oh Happy Easter m'love!


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 00:40:29 UTC
I OWN THE OPINION! Lol... ahem. I will stop apologising :)

Hehe that was indeed a good part. Along with the duck pond part :D

Yeah I'm like 'Amy... hmmm...?' We shall see.

Happy Easter to you too!


shining_moment April 3 2010, 23:26:32 UTC
It didn't do anything for me but I hadn't expected that it would so I wasn't disappointed!

Glad you enjoyed it :)


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 00:42:55 UTC
Aw I'm sad to hear that. But each to his own, and I'm glad you watched it before judging rather than just dismissing it without watching. Will you watch the rest of the series?


shining_moment April 4 2010, 10:32:05 UTC
I don't know. I might give one more ep a try in case this was just me completely unable to get used to it in the first one but it's certainly not making me think 'yay, DW is back!".


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 21:44:13 UTC
Fairy snuffs. Out of curiosity, did you start watching at the beginning of the Eccleston era?


ebony_steinbach April 4 2010, 00:35:35 UTC
Just watched it on Youtube (thank heavens for Youtube!) and can't stop grinning! I'm so glad someone else agrees with me about Eleven and that it's okay to move on from Ten. I'll always love Ten (and Donna) but I also love Doctor Who because what else is on the telly that offers scares, humour, adventure and excitement, angst, engaging characters and great stories all in 10 minutes! And now we have timey-wimey added to the mix! I'm in heaven!

I thought Matt Smith was great. He looked like he was really having fun, and I look forward to seeing more of Eleven. Amy seems promising as well and I'm looking forward to her character arc. As to Eleven/Amy, I'm trying very hard not to ship it because I do NOT want to end up like a Ten/Rose fanatic. I can see a ship there and I'm trying my darndest to ignore it.


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 00:49:02 UTC
Precisely! Who is the best thing on TV, with or without Ten. We have enough love for both Doctors!

He definitely looked like he was enjoying himself, which is very Doctorish - Ten had gotten so melancholy by the end of his reign, and while that's no bad thing, I'd forgotten how much fun happy!Doctor was :) Ah, well when I said Eleven/Amy, I didn't necessarily mean in a shippy way... just the pairing as friends. Yes, those Ten/Rose fans are certainly very... dedicated :P I'm not a very shippy person, or at least not for obvious ships.


ebony_steinbach April 4 2010, 13:11:40 UTC
We have enough love for both Doctors!

Hear, hear.

Ah, well when I said Eleven/Amy, I didn't necessarily mean in a shippy way... just the pairing as friends

If we can get another partnership like Ten/Donna with more fun, like UatW, and less situational angst, like SitL/FotD, I'll be very happy. How I approach Eleven/Amy (as either a friendship or a romance) remains to be seen.


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 21:48:03 UTC
See, I like the fun AND the angst. I have no idea why I find angst irresistable but I do.

The main reason why I don't think I'll be shipping Eleven/Amy is that I'm not really keen on the idea of the Doctor being romantically attached to anyone. He's not exactly an asexual character to me, but I've never thought he was the type to want to get into relationships. Thousands of shippers would kill me for saying that :P


poshlil April 4 2010, 00:52:23 UTC
Skipped your spoilers, not that it matters since i won't be watching it. I rewatched Party Animals the other day, which i quite enjoyed the first time it aired, and i quite enjoyed again - except for Matt. He bores me to tears, so there's no way i'll be wasting my time watching a show i once loved headed by an actor i detest.

I am glad you enjoyed it though, and i hope S5 brings you much joy. I'll be over here in my world of denial, pretending that the End of Time was the show's utter finale and that nothing comes after except my head canon. Except for where i'll be too bust watching Dexter and Ashes and Damages to really care about DW anymore. (Oh, that's blashphemy. But truly, this whole epic DAVID'S BETTER! NO MATT'S BETTER thing has left a very bitter taste in my mouth and i'm wondering whether it's not better to give up on anything Who all together.)

Also HAPPY EASTER! Chocolate ahoy. :D


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 01:05:04 UTC
Fair enough, it's your choice :) Actors can be different in different shows, I guess, but if you really don't like him then life's too short to waste on watching stuff you'll hate. I'd still say watch just one episode... but I know there's no persuading you :P

Yeah, to be honest the David/Matt row seriously annoys me, because it's completely pathetic and there's really no point in fighting over it because nobody's going to back down. De gustibus non est disputandum :P *pretends to totally know Latin* Personally I have love for both of them and don't see the need to choose. I'm sad that you don't feel like you want to take part in the Who fandom any more but I can understand why.

Happy Easter to you too! Hope you have a good day :)


poshlil April 4 2010, 01:23:51 UTC
Yeah, i've seen him in more than PA and not really found him worth much in anything. I was just saying to Kim that i can sit here and say i don't like him in anything else untilt he cows come home, but until i watch him for more than the 30 seconds of EOT as the Doctor, i'm not entitled to pass judgement on that. And i may. I probably will, at some point, though i don't know if i can stand it so soon ( ... )


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 01:38:47 UTC
Me paenitet - 'I am sorry'? (Yay for Google) Lol, I got my random phrase off my Philosophy teacher and figured I'd throw it in cos it fitted and cos you're a Classics person :P

Oh, I know what you mean about the childishness of the David/Matt schism. I just don't get people who think they're able to start an argument when they don't know what they're talking about. I recognised that I didn't know much about Matt so I stayed out of the debate. Simple.

If you did watch S5 and end up liking it, I assure you I wouldn't be all TOLD YOU SO NYUUURGH! Can't speak on behalf of anyone else but I think most people would be the same. Ahh, I don't mind whether you do or don't watch it, it's obviously entirely up to you and I won't judge you if you decide you can't bear it quite yet, or even at all. Hell, it's only fandom! Not quite the life or death matter it gets turned into :P

Hee, mine will also involve the bunch of chocolate, plus a few excitable younger cousins and an egg hunt...


lifefailsme April 4 2010, 08:34:00 UTC
You have NO idea how happy this post has made me and I grinned all the way through, my face aches now. What? I'm northern English, we dont smile a lot, we complain and eat fried food...


lemon_pencil April 4 2010, 09:40:00 UTC
Lol! Well, I'm pleased to have made someone happy! Careful with the smiling though, you don't want to overdo it :)

Who was always going to win me round. I was just in denial :P


lifefailsme April 4 2010, 12:09:10 UTC
I think it makes it *much* easier to accept the Moffat era, cos like with all Who eras, it is so drastically different, yet has that same flavour we all love. You know what I mean?


hp_chloe April 4 2010, 13:46:51 UTC
Wow, you said it perfectly Jamie! I agree.


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