Well now, for weeks I've been very wary of the coming of this day. I saw the filming photos and went 'Nyyyuuhh...'; I saw the adverts and went 'Hmmm...' and I saw the new TARDIS and went 'Myeeeh...' Those, translated into something coherent, are noises of uncertainty and doubt. I was not going to start slagging off, or squeeing about what I hadn't
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I am glad you enjoyed it though, and i hope S5 brings you much joy. I'll be over here in my world of denial, pretending that the End of Time was the show's utter finale and that nothing comes after except my head canon. Except for where i'll be too bust watching Dexter and Ashes and Damages to really care about DW anymore. (Oh, that's blashphemy. But truly, this whole epic DAVID'S BETTER! NO MATT'S BETTER thing has left a very bitter taste in my mouth and i'm wondering whether it's not better to give up on anything Who all together.)
Also HAPPY EASTER! Chocolate ahoy. :D
Yeah, to be honest the David/Matt row seriously annoys me, because it's completely pathetic and there's really no point in fighting over it because nobody's going to back down. De gustibus non est disputandum :P *pretends to totally know Latin* Personally I have love for both of them and don't see the need to choose. I'm sad that you don't feel like you want to take part in the Who fandom any more but I can understand why.
Happy Easter to you too! Hope you have a good day :)
Oh, I know what you mean about the childishness of the David/Matt schism. I just don't get people who think they're able to start an argument when they don't know what they're talking about. I recognised that I didn't know much about Matt so I stayed out of the debate. Simple.
If you did watch S5 and end up liking it, I assure you I wouldn't be all TOLD YOU SO NYUUURGH! Can't speak on behalf of anyone else but I think most people would be the same. Ahh, I don't mind whether you do or don't watch it, it's obviously entirely up to you and I won't judge you if you decide you can't bear it quite yet, or even at all. Hell, it's only fandom! Not quite the life or death matter it gets turned into :P
Hee, mine will also involve the bunch of chocolate, plus a few excitable younger cousins and an egg hunt...
Yes, indeed! I'm trying to get my internet to connect properly so i can download the new episode. I loved Life on Mars and the first two series; i'm really looking forward to seeing where Series 3 goes.
I've been watching Whitechapel, it's awesome. :D Thanks for the mention though, i do like when people point out shiny new fandoms to me.
I'm halfway through Life on Mars at the moment. And also made the mistake of watching Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords in between eps. Needless to say, I was very confused by why the Master was a quiet cop and why Sam Tyler was being a loud psychopath.
Whitechapel's great isn't it? Final ep's next week. Can't wait to find out who it is.
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