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Comments 62

untappdtreasure November 28 2013, 05:17:17 UTC
awesome. lol. i have a community on lj for carol & daryl as well. it's not very active. i try, but people suck. lol. so you can find it here at everybitasgood :) I'll be back to read and partake. But right now, i'm heading to the bed.


leigh57 November 28 2013, 05:19:59 UTC
Argh, I should be heading to bed, too! But this is about the only silence I've had all day, so I'lm going to enjoy it fora few more minutes before I pass out. And yeah, I so realize that not many people LJ anymore, but I figured what the hell. If nobody talks about it, fine! But at least it's a place where I can delete bullshitty comments the instant they show up, which is a truly nice thing.

YOU HAVE A COMM. I assumed there was no twd fandom here because even the main one I found is super dead. Sleep well!


untappdtreasure November 29 2013, 15:38:01 UTC
lol. i'll definitely be back. i have some things to say. lol. and yep. a comm. i want to make it awesome. but like you said, no one ljs anymore.


leigh57 November 29 2013, 19:45:40 UTC
Isn't it such a bummer how almost nobody LJs anymore? I have such fond and vivid memories of 24 post-ep flail sessions when I was in so many journals that I didn't even know what was happening. Le sigh.


yes! anonymous November 28 2013, 05:29:44 UTC
I have no specific thoughts right now (I'm half asleep) but I wanted to say thanks for doing this! It's so thoughtful of you two to provide a safe space.

Lilly/a to izzard


Re: yes! leigh57 November 28 2013, 05:33:07 UTC
I have to give all the credit to Kay, no doubt. But it just seemed like a cool idea.

So come back when you have thinky thoughts, and I will think back at them! Or pretend to at least. With big words;) You're the best.


And I can start, I mean sort of, since this is the fourth comment;) leigh57 November 28 2013, 05:31:19 UTC
My brain is without question divided about this ep. There is what I WANT to happen, oh lord.

This includes:

Daryl flipping his shit in a major and harcore way when he finds out what Rick did to Carol (that .gifset somebody put up today with the "maybe" thing almost did me in)

Hershel not dying (I so think he's going to die, and I hate it so hard

Rick not winding up the hero of this story (I just don'l like him is the thing. But I respect you if you do.)

Michonne being the one to kill the Governor.

The Governor actually GETTING KILLED. (Wow, I am so worried that he won't and that the unbelievably boring nightmare that is his storyline will just continue until the end of time.)

And I almost want to add Carol showing up at some point to this list, but my fear is that if she did? It would only make her more vulnerable. So in a strange way, I might be okay with her sitting this one out. I'm on the fence.

What do you guys think?


Re: And I can start, I mean sort of, since this is the fourth comment;) maggiesheridan November 28 2013, 20:04:46 UTC
That gif set killed me too! Wanted to go find Farmer Rick myself and kick him upside the head with a strong roundhouse to the face ( ... )


Re: And I can start, I mean sort of, since this is the fourth comment;) leigh57 November 29 2013, 00:26:57 UTC
Wow, I just wrote an entire comment and LJ ate it. UGH, sometimes I get so angry with this site even though I love it. I'm on my iPad, but I'll try to save this time before I post. Meh ( ... )


Re: And I can start, I mean sort of, since this is the fourth comment;) maggiesheridan December 1 2013, 04:56:00 UTC
I started a reply to YOUR comment yesterday and LJ ate THAT and then I couldn't be arsed to recreate it as I was trying to type the damn thing on my phone!

In any case I just want to get it over with. Isn't that sad? Viewing your fave programme should be a delight and I just am dreading it. I want to get it over with so we can all dissect the hell out of it and then we can get on with Christmas. Which could be cancelled if Hershel dies :(

I have a close friend in the film industry and I swear to God if I ever (because of her) end up at a party with Scott Gimple (and it could happen as I have had dinner with the dude who directed the first ep of Season 4 - and his lovely wife who is 20 years older than him but I digress) I am just going to go up to him and punch him right in the throat.

Gale Ann Hurd - yeah I want to get in the ring with her too. What the fuck is the matter with her? Can't she see that what has happened to Carol is a feminist issue? I don't get it.


corbyinoz November 28 2013, 07:11:13 UTC
I love TWD but can't download it, so have only seen to the end of S3, but I am here to say that Carol and Daryl are one of the very, very few het pairs I've shipped hard for many years. I don't know what's happening and I dread to think, but I just hope those two crazy kids make it through. (Yeah, I know. I'm delusional and naive, aka Aussie cricket fan).


leigh57 November 29 2013, 00:29:34 UTC
Aw, your icon makes me so happy! I should catch up on that show at some point:)

Wow, if you're not watching S4, definitely don't read this thread! I'm sure there are spoilers galore everywhere, and more to come. But suffice it to say that for me, this season has been nothing but a huge boot up my ass. Sigh. I absolutely adored the first three, even though I did get angry at the feminist fail. I thought they were doing better about that, but this just goes to show what a naive person I am;)


corbyinoz November 29 2013, 09:40:06 UTC
Well, January is The Return of Justified Tim and Raylan and Art and Boyd and Ava and Rachel Watching!! *Love* the show.

But you make me afeared for S4 of TWD - aiyee! Righto, shall avoid this thread, but just wanted my Dazz and Cazz love registered. (Whimper).


leigh57 November 29 2013, 19:46:43 UTC
Argh, just prepare yourself for a bumpy ride, for sure . . .

I haven't even seen all of S4 Justified, but I need to remedy that over Christmas break if I can work it out. Then I'll be caught up!


megan_peta November 28 2013, 08:52:25 UTC
OMG! I miss LJ so much! I was strong in the Spuffy fandom years ago and then when I stopped writing, I kind of stopped journalling as well. We had some really great comms that would transfer well here--we'd spuffy up every single episode of every season, even from season one before Spike was officially there in Sunnydale. I thnk it would be awesome to get Caryl writers active and do something like this. Also, I am part owner of Elysian Fields: A Spuffy Fanfiction archive (one of the few still active bigger archives for Spuffy still in existence) and we have room to set up a Caryl exclusive Fanfiction archive. I've been wanting to get it started most of the year since I found the show but am yet to settle on a graphics artist who could do a kick arse banner for the archive. Suggestions and pimping would be very welcome and awesome ( ... )


maggiesheridan November 28 2013, 20:15:06 UTC
Gimple's brain stabling operation obviously went awry in a major way ( ... )


leigh57 November 29 2013, 02:35:22 UTC
Her banishment won't be resolved because unless she comes back on the top of the tank a la Andrea comic style there is just nowhere to PUT her in this episode coming up.Yeah, that's more or less the conclusion I've come to also, although I have to admit that they could surprise me this season, LOL ( ... )


They could have taken the Governor someplace interesting subversivegrrl November 29 2013, 23:33:49 UTC
After the 1st of the two Governor episodes, I ran down my reactions as:
1) Please tell me they're not going to spend an entire hour on the governor
2) Please tell me they're not going to spend an entire hour REHABILITATING the governor
3) Holy crap, he's taking his little family to the prison
4) Whoa. That could actually be pretty cool.

Rather than having him hook back up with Martinez and re-forming another mini-army, don't you think it would have been FASCINATING to have him show up at the prison as "Brian", with Lily, Meghan, and Tara in tow, and ask for sanctuary? No way they would have just shot him down in cold blood while in the company of a child... I just thought the possibilities that could be spun out of that act of faith were much, much more interesting than him getting about a five-minute reprieve from being The Big Bad and then going right back to his former nutso ways.

But alas, that moment is lost, methinks.


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