Do you know how much genetically modified food you eat? No. You don't. Because there is no law in the United States requiring genetically modified foods to be labelled.
And that should terrify all of you. There's no way to control genetic modifications in plants from spreading. And no one really knows for sure what eating these foods might do to us
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Comments 9
There are ingredients in our foods from China that also have no screening process or labelling standards. That's how babies died from bad formula and all of a sudden there are roofies in toys.
I support your cause to have food labelled, but for the Love of god, please don't go organic. It's a scheme. You'll end up spending $8 on bananas that were packaged in California and shipped over here, which, is worse than buying non-organic local food that doesn't cost as much money. Besides, even though there are some standards for organic, they aren't universal because in some places you can claim something that is only 50% Organic as "Organic" and nobody's the wiser.
Basically the FDA just needs to get off of their asses and people need to stop being greedy guaton culiaos.
Besides, you can grow something organically from a genetically modified seed.
Is this gonna be your new cause? Right up there with the (adorable and fluffy) polar godless killing machines bears?
all i can say is, yeah, its genetically modified...but damn...its tasty.
it's easily countered...but simply put...i cannot be swayed. And if it kills me...or makes my children hardcore mutants hellbent on world domination...
well, come on...everyone expected that anyways.
It just scared the crap out of me, cause I know how much a single gene can fuck you up. It was really a terrifying movie.
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