(Caveat: I'm not one of the professionals around here; if they come up with something more official, then you should go with what they suggest. I'm just posting this because no one else has (that I've seen), and because I'd hate for this energy to go to waste.)
There's been a lot of good discussion about how to break into the mainstream media in
this post. The ads we're taking out are definitely an awesome start, but I know we all want to do more.
So here's a space for task-force assembly.
First of all, a lot of people were suggesting some big real life demonstration--a flashmob, or a mock sword fight, or simply a bunch of people with a megaphone and homemade signs and flyers. These are all great ideas. They'll garner at least some public attention and, if we're lucky, might merit some media notice as well.
The places I saw mentioned were New York and D.C. which are, obviously, fantastic places to have Seeker riots. If y'all want to start location threads, where you can arrange dates/plans with other people in your area, that would be fantastic. I'll start the New York and D.C. ones, but don't be afraid to add your own!
(A note on proceedings for New York--if you guys decide to hit up Times Square, be careful to be peaceful. Considering the bomb incident, I doubt a mock sword fight would go down well, no matter how playful it is.)
Next, several people have suggested that we get a celebrity on our side. Specifically, Ellen and Rachel Maddow have been mentioned. I think these are great people to target, since they both have a vested interest in awesome ladies, and Seeker is certainly not lacking in that area.
It couldn't hurt to send both of them emails, advocating, say, Bridget as a guest on their show, and talking up Legend of the Seeker in general. I'm suggesting Bridget as the guest because, 1) she is an awesome lady, and 2) she's given more interviews than Tab has, which makes me think she's more available for interviews in general.
rhyfeddu is taking charge of Operation: Seeking Ellen and has a post up
here. Go there if you want to join this movement!
When contacting these two, it's important to remember to:
+ be polite. Don't make demands. More likely than not, they know nothing about LotS, and having a bunch of fans telling them to promote the show OR ELSE!!1 won't engender any fond feelings.
+ proof read! I'm not saying that any note you send has to be a literary masterpiece, but please make sure you're not confusing your and you're or its and it's, that you've got capitals in all the right places, and that you don't use more than two exclamation points in a row. These may be nitpicky details, but they will make your note that much more credible.
+ talk about the fact that LotS, unlike so many other fantasy shows--or, hell, television shows in general--gives women something to do other than be pretty and available for romantic entanglements with the male lead. Kahlan and Cara pass the
Bechdel Test every episode, are individually and collectively more badass than Richard (remember that time when Kahlan saved herself from prison using a goddamn plate and sheer willpower? or when she and Cara took down an entire D'Haran legion without breaking a sweat? or when Cara did anything ever?), and are given their own character arcs to knock out of the park. (And this is without mentioning the ridiculous chemistry they have, or the fact that Cara is canon bisexual like it ain't no thang.) And, as if awesome main lady leads weren't enough, there are all the other fantastic recurring ladies! There's Denna, Shota, the Sisters of the Light/Dark, the leader of the Minders and Du' Chaillu, and the Creator, to name a few.
This is an important point to stress because it gives Ellen/Rachel a reason to be interested. Without the ladies, we've got a wonderful fantasy show--but why should they care? There are lots of good shows out there. There are relatively few, however, who have so many female characters who are allowed to be influential in their own right.
Long story short, LotS may be a typical silly fantasy show, but it's already ahead of the curve because it isn't afraid to let the ladies have the spotlight for a change.
(Sorry, Richard, I love you dearly, but I've already heard about your Hero's Journey several times over. Kahlan and Cara have new tales to tell, and LotS is giving them the opportunity to do so.)
A sample letter might go something like:
Dear (Ellen/Rachel/other celebrity TBD),
I very much admire your show. (Insert specific examples/flattery to taste. Having at least one is encouraged.)
But I'm not writing just to tell you how great your show is. I wanted to bring the show Legend of the Seeker (
http://dadt.com/lots/) to your attention. It's currently in its second, and possibly last, season. Due to inconsistent and inconvenient scheduling, it's failed to garner the necessary ratings to secure a third season despite its ever-growing online fanbase. We the fans are devastated by this possibility: despite it being, on the face of it, a stereotypical cheesy fantasy show, it's better written and acted than many other shows out there. (Insert examples/comparisons to taste--without bashing the other shows if you can help it.)
One part of what makes Legend of the Seeker special is its attention to female characters. The two female leads (who make up half of the main cast) are fully realized characters given distinct character arcs, and are strongly implied--if not outright stated--to be more effectual, even, than the main male lead. They're given opportunities to grow without being relegated solely to The Romantic Interest, though they both have romantic relationships. And in every episode, they get to interact with each other without needing the catalyst of the male character to bring them together. (Again, insert examples to taste--but be careful not to go on overlong. You could talk about the whole of season two if you'd a mind to, but that would be way too much information.)
And aside from the main cast, there are several secondary, recurring female characters who fall along nearly every point of the spectrum, from villain to ally. Most of them are powerful in their own right, be they the leader of a group or an all-knowing witch, and none of them are treated as worth inherently less due to their gender. (You know the drill! Examples, to taste, etc.)
Sadly, the fact is that this gender neutrality is still a rare thing on television, and with the threat to Legend of the Seeker, it may become even rarer. If you could spare a minute or two to mention Seeker on your show, or if you could invite Bridget Regan on as a guest, it could really help our cause. For more information, go to www.saveourseeker.com.
marlusrahl pointed out that Ellen would be interested in Bridget's current project, Camp Wanatachi, which has the tagline "Spirit-soaked and hormone-charged, two 13-year-old girls fall in love at Christian summer camp." Website is:
http://www.campwanatachi.com/. So in the event that you address your letter to Ellen, you could give Bridget her own paragraph. Like so:)
If Legend of the Seeker isn't relevant enough on its own to merit a mention, would you still consider having Bridget Regan, who plays Kahlan Amnell, on your show as a guest? Currently, she's producing a musical called Camp Wanatachi (
http://www.campwanatachi.com/), whose tagline is "Spirit-soaked and hormone-charged, two 13-year-old girls fall in love at Christian summer camp."
Thank you so much for your time.
fiendlikethee --
Contact information:
+ Email Ellen
+ Tweet at Ellen
+ Email MSNBC using
this form. (Be sure to select The Rachel Maddow Show" in the subject section.)
ADDENDUM TO GETTING CELEBRITIES ON OUR SIDE: a couple people have pointed out that AfterEllen.com would be the perfect place to get attention for LotS, since Cara's bi. I've looked around a little bit, and I think
Trish Bendix, who does Morning Brew in addition to some other things and has already run a
story on it, would be a good person to approach. You have to be a member to send her a message, but joining is pretty easy. (Being queer is not a prerequisite, by the way, so don't worry about whether Gay for Kahlan counts or not.)
Danielle Riendeau, of Weekly Geek, might be another possibility.
If any of y'all who know the site better want to suggest more people to contact, please do so!
Same rules of conduct apply for these guys as for Ellen and Rachel Maddow, but you needn't be quite so formal. In fact, it would probably be weird if you were. So just flail a little bit about our show and our favorite bisexual kinda-reformed sociopath, perhaps mention the Gay for Kahlan movement, and grovel a little.
ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO! Mike Ausiello, the one who broke the news that LotS would not be renewed in the first place, has agreed to write about our efforts to save the show--if we donate $50 to a charity working to save birds (and other wildlife) affected by the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
source, and
I'm just putting this out there--I know a couple people, at least, have already gone the donation route, and that might be enough to get him to blog about us, and it is a bigger chunk of money than the $5/$10 ones we've been working with so far. So, basically, don't feel like a bad fan if you don't go this route, but it is an option if you've got money to burn and are itching for things to do.
crystalkei found that there may be a way for college students to actually improve the ratings, albeit in a small way. Apparently Nielsen (the company that measures ratings) is always ready to put college students to work.
Your participation can begin at any time. We sign up college students all year round, mostly at the beginning of semesters but some people join in the middle of the semester or later.
source. Click "TV Panel Families FAQ" for more information, and click "Contact" to, well, contact them.)
There doesn't seem to be a sponsor we could rush like the Chuck fans did with Subway, but
here is a list of sponsors. What do you guys think?
And here's another possibility--a fan montage, either of us off-the-cuff promoting LotS or going off a script. Is there anyone who'd be willing to write up a script/edit the resulting videos together?
(This is a fantastic idea; YouTube is a really good platform for getting things noticed.)
Finally, don't forget about the
petition! And if you've got more suggestions, make them here! In all caps and bold if necessary. I'll update this as need be.