
Oct 30, 2021 00:15

In the vein of "of course, you idiot", when I plan out meals then we eat better. Duh. Tonight was melting potatoes, sautéed green beans, and some ham steak. Made the melting potatoes in a new 9x13 cast iron baking dish the husband got me for my birthday (I am a big fan of cast iron), and they were To Die For. Definitely a fantastic inaugural use of that dish, and most definitely husband approved. On the sautéed green beans, I tweaked the recipe a little (from ATK's Vegetables cookbook), in terms of ignoring the recipe's 'suggested' times, and just paying attention to what the food was doing, and they turned out much better this time. Yum all around.

(if the link to the melting potatoes doesn't work and you want the recipe, drop me a note and I'll email it to you)

Talked the husband into starting Midnight Mass on Netflix, and it was a shame that we started it so late, because after three episodes we're hooked, but the bed call and I've learned not to ignore that.

Minor win at work this afternoon. We have this automated document approval system, that's supposed to be used to document the review process for things, moving the document from one reviewer to the next in order, and showing when they signed off. I'm on a team along with several other lawyers and staff in our agency head's main office who get certain documents for review as a group before they go in for formal concurrence, so a group of roughly 8 people get these certain documents at the same time using a group email alias. Lately the program offices have been "assigning" these document to this group in the system with two days to review, or sometimes a single day, which would be fine except the system then emails you ever day reminding you that you have a task that's "overdue", meaning all of us are getting these annoying reminder emails daily. When we got one mid-afternoon today with a due date of Sunday the 31st, I decided I'd had enough. Poked around the system and discovered we could "reassign" the task back to the originator without clearing or approving it, so I did that, with clear instructions to bounce it back to us with a due date at least a week out. I plan on doing that every time some moron "assigns" me something with an unreasonable due date. Best part, since it's now reassigned back to them it doesn't show up as being with us at all, and they get any 'past due' reminders (though I set their due date for Tuesday because I'm not that vindictive. Yet).

husband, potatoes, food, melting potatoes, cooking, work

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